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Posts posted by lmkzbcb

  1. Darla - how did you know which books to read to your kids? I want to do this, but am rather cautious for several reasons. One of which is dh's position on this. Don't want to undermine him, but otoh this is a journey that the kids should be a part of since it will impact their lives. They are ages 2-14. Which books would be gentle, on their level, and effective?

  2. However, let me say the learning curve is huge as it appears you have already guessed. Don't try to learn everything before you jump in. That is contrary to our Protestant understanding, but not the way Orthodoxy rolls. It is more than intellectual spirituality, or even emotional spirituality......it is experience driven, living, breathing, relationship with Christ.

    Recently a priest described it to me like this. Christ is like a huge deep lake. RC want to walk around it, measure it, inspect it's molecules, devise a mathematical equation for it's existence, test it against other properites. OC jump in, swim in it, roll around in it, dive into it, play in it, and are asking those on the shore "What? Are you crazy, just come in and experience it. It is great. Who cares what or how, it is meant to be enjoyed and lived in."

  3. Welcome Deanna!! glad you are here....books? I don't know what to tell you. My recommendations change as I am reading different ones and in a different place mentally.

    A month ago I would have said "The Orthodox Church" by Ware

    In fact, for where you are right now, I would still say that. When I am back on my computer I will also post some links to some great inquirer's websites.


    I guess you already know about ancient faith radio?

  4. I've been doing some more thinking since I posted this earlier. It isn't that our searching is only about "truth"; it's about fulfillment too. The void that echos through my soul is suffocating. A void that many-o-church have said they can fill, but to no avail.


    I am looking forward to the move; only because of my last and best hope in Orthodoxy. Please God let this be the beginning of the end.

  5. Dh and I are at the point of "it's just not worth going to church anymore". We are also to the point of feeling defeated like there simply isn't anything out there that is "Truth". It is as if all of our emotional and intellectual energy that is used to discover a "church" is either completely or nearly depleted, and neither one of us has the unction to go visit another place.


    However, this book struck a nerve. The writer experienced many of ths same things, and it is giving me hope that maybe "Truth" is to be found. Just having that glimmer is enough to motivate. As soon as dh gets back, I am giving him this book.


    Hope others will find it as poignant as I am.

  6. I can't remember who it is that has made comments like they or their spouses are ready to quit "church" altogther. I know there are some on this group, sorry I can't remember who said it.


    Anyways, I am reading the best book about this. I am pretty sure PJ has mentioned it several times over. It is "Thirsting for God in a Land of Shallow Wells". If you are struggling with "church", this is an excellent book. I am only on the 3rd chapter, but so far he has described nearly everything dh and I have been thinking.


    If you are ready for O, but your spouse is not b/c of disillusionment. This would be a good book for spouses as well. The writing flows well, is concise, and intellectually stimulating.

  7. hmmm, maybe he would listen to his sister better than others?? I know my bro and I are tight, and usually if something needs to be said; I'm the one to do it. No one else in the family can deal with him (rather hot headed). Do you have that kind of relationship w/ your bro.? Mine accepts my "talks" b/c I always try to come at it from the angle of "I'm looking out for what might be best for you", trying to help him figure out a problem (that he didnt know he had), and generally try to have very neutral, non-emotional, logical conversations. I know the situations probably aren't the same; just trying to speak out of my limited knowledge hoping something might help.


    In this economy, he probably has looked for something else, but couldn't find anything. Maybe school would be a good suggestion; if he doesn't feel like he can stop "locking horns" with the partner.



  8. Suppressing the knowledge of a child's gender doesn't make it a non issue. It draws attention to it and makes it a larger issue than it should be.


    There are two sets of parts. We all get one or another (with the exception of hermaphrodites, which is not the point of this article). It doesn't have to be limiting to know and to have others know which set you got.


    It is the epitome of egocentricity to use your child to further your own agenda. If your agenda is causing your five year old mental distress, then a responsible parent makes adjustments.


    Studies have shown that people do treat even infants differently depending on what gender they believe the child to be. That is the world we live in. However, it is not 1850. Your parts don't necessarily define your role in life or in larger society. Your parents being weirdos shouldn't define it, either. Poor kids.



  9. "Though Jazz likes dressing as a girl, he doesn't seem to want to be mistaken for one. He recently asked his mother to let the leaders of a nature center know that he's a boy. And he chose not to attend a conventional school because of the questions about his gender. Asked whether that upsets him, Jazz nodded."


    This is when I as a mother would say "OK, experiment over."

  10. Hi Robyn - glad you decide to post and let us know about you.

    Dh and I have been southern baptists for many years, and we are also making a move soon. We are going to PA and plan on taking an inquirer's class once we get there. Simka2 also made a move and started going to an EO church. Moving is a great way to make a segue.

    Another funny similarity, I thought Epis. for us too, but all of my searching kept leading to O.


    Glad you are here, look forward to hearing from you. When will you move? Or maybe I should ask, when will your first visit to the EO church in NH be?

  11. Just wanted to give an update.


    Been using the Oil of Olay face brush for a little over a week and I love it. It is great. I don't find it to be too abrassive. (a complaint by some). There are 2 speeds and you can increase or decrease pressure, so I find it works great. Thanks for the recommendation Barb.


    I received my sample packets from Paula's Choice a couple of days ago. So far, I am not too pleased, but I need to give it more time. The cleanser seems a little too mild, maybe....

    If anyone else is going to get the sample packets, please be aware that the toner sample is good for only 1 application. Ther other packets get about 2-3 applications.

  12. Thanks for sharing, Christine! Believe it or not, I have never seen that movie (Don Juan DeMarco) I think a trip to Blockbuster is in order. :)


    You're right I don't believe it!!


    Forget Blockbuster, Netflix it straight into your home!! Instant play - RUN don't walk!!

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