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Everything posted by amo_mea_filiis.

  1. That sounds cool! Can you link? I tried searching, but didn't find it.
  2. Yay! Teacher liked my idea. Basically creating a concrete sciency time line. I'll probably go back to 1900 and we'll note big things. Then really highlight tech stuff that's happened in his lifetime. I'll put a few family member bdays to make the concrete connections. If you think of anything better, or anything to add, let me know. :)
  3. Ds is in a public cyber school with an IEP. He has his first portfolio (project) coming up. The regular is too much, but the modified version is stupid for a science class. So I'm looking for ideas for an alternate. In blue is the standard. Orange is the modification. Ds is 12, 7th grade. Autism, borderline IQ, and some other stuff. One of his speech goals is writing a sentence with more than 1 describing word, just to give you an idea of where he's at. Now it is time to apply and share what you have learned so far about scientific theories and laws. Using the information about modifications to a theory that you wrote in your graphic organizer table, you will create a digital timeline of the modifications that have led to the theory accepted today. Further research may be needed to find additional events and details to add to the timeline. Please refer to the instructions below as well as the rubric. The timeline should adhere to the following criteria: It should be computer generated. It should be factual. It should include at least six important events, including dates and descriptions. It should have dates that are sequenced in the proper order. Click on the link below to access a Timeline document. Use it to create your Scientific Theory timeline. Save the timeline document prior to starting your Scientific Theory timeline. Write a 150-word reflection about how and why theories change and how this contributes to the continuous and ongoing nature of science. Use the theory from your digital timeline as an example. You will submit your timeline and your reflection to your teacher as your portfolio item. Click on the link below to access the Scientific Theory Timeline and Summary rubric. Directions: Perform research to determine 5 interesting and important historical facts about Pennsylvania. In the first column, list the date of the event. In the second column, list the names of the key people involved in the historical event. In the third column, describe the historical event. In the 4th column, cite your work by listing the book or website where you got your information.
  4. (Not on post topic, but related here) I had to leave a Whole30 fb group because they would not stop commenting on lack of "plated fat." It was ridiculous! All I could think was W30 is not Keto, and even the Keto groups don't jump on you if you're not asking! I once posted a lazy meal pic consisting of a scoop of 75/25 ground beef, sweet potato spirals fried in olive oil, and a salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Plenty of fat. Admin comment was "where's your plated fat? Some dump ranch or olives would be great!" Seriously?
  5. I'm technically not homeschooling anymore. Mine are both in public cyber. However, they overhauled the special ed department this summer and have yet to get my son a math teacher. So I'm using my preferred materials. Then they agreed to buy Barton (YAY!!!), but because of his documented behaviors, decided to leave me as the tutor. Then they decided we can use Barton as his exclusive language arts program, so I'm his LA teacher. They still don't know who I answer to as far as math and LA go right now. Lol!
  6. Our tap water is not drinkable! I have to buy bottles and gallons. I prefer gallons, but sometimes we need a case of bottles. I see parents misusing food stamps, not selling for drugs, and unable to feed the kids (I'm not talking standard American vs whatever version of healthy you're into. I'm talking literal bags of candy, ice cream, brownies, chips, and snack cake type foods taking up more than 95% of the monthly budget). A WIC-like SNAP system could help the above. But not those with allergies, intolerances, or even just preferences. I used to believe my type of poor was the majority. But I don't know anymore. You can go to Walmart at midnight when food stamps refills and it's insane. If you go shopping the first week of food stamps you can pick out who will be using food stamps and who is not likely to be.
  7. What do you do when your 1 year old child is kicked out of daycare? Then by 2 you've tried every possible daycare and babysitter you can afford? You think kindergarten will be different. But then he's sent home for behavior or illness 2 or more times every week. Now that single crap paying job you found during school hours tosses you and you've got nothing. How do I work 3 jobs when I couldn't even get kid help for a 10-20 hour a week job?
  8. Same. I can get my CPAP mask online for under $90, with just the insert even cheaper. But Medicaid only pays the local DME and each mask is $300+. I can get a new mask every 3 months. Kids in families on food stamps get free breakfast and lunch at school. Mine are in cyber so we don't have access. And we somehow don't qualify for the max for a family of 3 despite $0 income. Yet you can own a successful business, technically not draw a paycheck from said business, have the business own all of your property, and get max food stamps and disability money for the child (who is rightly disabled, but has the same profile as my son, who does not qualify for max).
  9. This is where I'm at. I've been out of work for 10 years because of my son. My kids are now both old enough for me to get some part time evening work (in previous years I had been able to work parking at the county fair, but it's only 9 days. This year I couldn't because of my teen's mental health). I can't just go apply to Home Depot because I'll lose more in benefits than I could make. And if my daughter crashes again, I'm out of work, yet would not be able to quickly get back the benefits, and we'd be screwed for 3-6 months.
  10. I see the poor choice poverty in my area (I am very poor, on assistance, so not judging from afar!). I guess it's not really "choices," but rather negative executive functioning skills. And drugs. And mental health difficulties. And there is some laziness in there. But in the poor choice category... a family that is unable to keep their kids in clean clothes that fit and are weather appropriate, is dropping their housing assistance, because (their words!) they don't want to deal with inspections anymore. I know this winter the kids won't have coats because of rent payments, but that doesn't explain why no coats last year, or the year before. We need *serious* teaching programs. Families that get more than enough in food stamps, yet can't provide meals, just because they don't know how to cook or wash a pan, therefore don't own pans or dishes or cups. Families of 7 that own a towel. Or buy a 2 pack of toilet paper for the month, not because they can't get more, but because there are no executive function skills. Or buy new clothes instead of washing. Can't wash because the kids are unsupervised so long they break the washer and dryer. Or unscrew the table legs and lose the screws. Not that it matters because there were only 2 chairs to begin with, for 7 people. Who don't prepare meals anyway. A universal income would be amazing for my style poor. But I don't see how it would help the families I get involved with. As for kids being removed; at least around here it doesn't happen purely due to poverty, not at first. But CYS will put them in an apartment. The parent(s) will lose that assistance either by choice or filth or lack of minimal payment or some other reason. They move again. And again. And sometimes the kids stay with friends while the parent is on the street. Or they're in a motel for a week. Or in a car. Eventually, yes, the kids are removed. But every agency has stepped in multiple times. Giving emergency funds on a regular basis. Sometimes the parents just can't provide minimally adequate parenting. It's a really low bar. Sometimes the kids are taken for the duration of a 30-60 day safety plan, and then instead of CYS taking dependency, the family will give physical custody to someone else. Again, in my area, CYS taking dependency of a kid means that CYS has tried EVERYTHING to keep that family together, often for a long time.
  11. I can't afford any pets right now. :( A few other things happened in the last 6 months that would have me hesitate even if I could afford it.
  12. https://m.lowes.com/pd/ODL-0-59-in-Cordless-White-Aluminum-Light-Filtering-Door-Blinds-Mini-Blinds-Common-25-in-Actual-24-75-in-x-64-in/3386722?cm_mmc=SCE_PLA-_-Millwork-_-EntryDoors-_-3386722:ODL&CAWELAID=&kpid=3386722&CAGPSPN=pla&store_code=652&k_clickID=afe6145a-a2f6-4bc0-a3a5-d58e3d60f5de&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxdPNBRDmARIsAAw-TUn5h-so6Pkah36PuM2Y1WcL9N03BogsIkcu376txld4WT5EChrPjIAaAplFEALw_wcB This is at least similar to what's on my door. I'm looking for windows...
  13. What about windows with the blinds inside? My front door has a snap on thing with blinds inside it.
  14. Thanks for the ideas! This is mostly a night issue, so no jogging. She's seeing a rheumatologist to rule out any serious causes of her joint pain and swelling. She loves crocheting, but that hurts her wrists after a little. I am adding exercise cards to the box/idea list. She can do pushups inclined on the stairs and is able to not strain her wrists. And jumping jacks don't hurt her afterwards like running. Sit ups are also really good because none of that hurts, beyond her poor weak core. She does now either watch something on YouTube or plays Osu. I want to move away from electronics.
  15. Yes, I was looking at some little sensory things too. :) I don't necessarily want her to just escape, but get through the moment, and come back. Once she realizes she's moving towards derealization (I know they're different, but she seems to go between depersonalization and derealization), it freaks her anxiety. So just being able to escape for a moment for anxiety purposes, then gently go towards mindfulness. If that makes any sense.
  16. I want to keep it non electronic. Her computer wasn't working one night and she curled up and cried herself to sleep. :(
  17. Dd's therapy is financially out of reach so we're going to have dive deep into the resources we have at home. (I've considered homeschooling and cutting the internet costs, but the cyber provides way more therapies than the cost of internet. Both kids have OT and a BCBA. Ds has speech and a 1:1 math teacher. School provides Barton for me/him. Dd has a daily success coach, and will have some form of counseling. School also sends $120 3x a year to supplement tech costs) I have 2 DBT books, Spark, and the World Wide Web. She'll be doing yoga, but it's only once a week at the Y. This week we're going to make a coping box. It'll have her reptile coloring books, pencils, paper, paint, some very light and fluffy books to read, etc. One thing I can't find too much info on is the depersonalization. The grounding techniques include things like focusing on and describing an object. That actually makes it worse for her. She needs to NOT focus on a single or small thing, but rather pull back and think light, fluffy, big (but not too big) picture. Any ideas? :)
  18. My understanding is that however the lines are run in my area for Verizon, there's nothing more they can actually offer. They possibly run through the old copper phone cables, or something like that. A couple of years ago my father stayed with us for a month. He called Verizon and tried to increase, and there was nothing to increase to. I know nothing has been updated in that time. My last SpeedTest showed 5.43 down, and 0.76 up. (bundled with LOCAL calling) I'm spending $80 a month for this crap.
  19. I'm not too concerned with download. That price gives me up to 30mbps download. We're fine on 4. It's the upload I need. 1+Mbps 3 mornings a week.
  20. Lanny, my only options are Verizon DSL, or a bunch of cable options with limits. I'm not looking at the TB limit! I'm looking at the GB monthly limit, and hopefully will be able to go down. The price is the same as what I have now, but it's only the 2 year new customer price. Once that's up, I don't want to be paying over $100 a month. I'm bundling phone and internet. I was considering leaving the phone with Verizon, but their overall tech support has been terrible. I've been with them for 7 years and they can't even send me 1 free replacement phone line filter. I've only got 2 phones hooked up! ETA: duh. Extreme. Lol. I am looking at the TB.
  21. How do GB and TB compare? Lol. I know a TB is more, but that's about my limit.
  22. We currently have Verizon, with the highest speed they have by me, which is terrible (3-7mbps download, under 1mbps upload. I need higher upload for speech therapy). I want to switch to cable, but they have useage limits, and charge $10 for every 50GB over your allowance. Since I've never had limits on home internet, I have absolutely no reference for how much we use. I was thinking of going with the plan that has 1000GB per month allowance and watching our useage. But, the speeds are insane compared to what we're used to, and we might use it more because we can! Our necessary useage since the kids are in cyber school with IEPs: dd has 8-9 hour(ish) live lessons weekly. 1 hour live success coach (cameras on her and teacher). Ds has speech 3 times a week for a total of 1hr45min. 12 live lessons. Then there's Netflix, downloading podcasts on my phone. Ds has some games on my phone. Dd downloads all of her podcasts, and she plays some games through Steam. She also has an online boyfriend and will be voice chatting on discord while they watch a movie together or play a game. She tends to split screen school work with YouTube or discord. We have 3 computers, 1 iPhone, 2 iPods, and 2 plain kindles. Can anyone estimate useage? Or tell me what 700-1000GB of useage monthly looks like? A lot of what I can find online refers to music downloads or movie downloads. We don't download music or movies; we stream everything. I don't know if that's better or worse!
  23. Your early meals look carb heavy, which sets me up for disaster. If I eat very high fat, good protein, and minimal carbs first thing of the day, I'm not usually too hungry. If too many carbs, I'm starving no matter what I eat after.
  24. Put on a lock. Something like this, https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B003NSAY7U/ref=pd_aw_sim_79_of_22?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=DA0Q4NM8FM8XZDT7GQ89 , on the doors. It'll automatically lock when the fridge closes. There is one made for the fridge, but I can't find it right now. ETA: here is the one I used. https://picclick.com/KidCo-Adhesive-Child-Toddler-Appliance-Refrigerator-Oven-Safety-Lock-231190589102.html
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