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Posts posted by LAS in LA

  1. I just got an email today saying that students will be able to email their responses if they have loading problems, but only for the tests this coming week and only immediately after the exam to a unique email address which will pop up if the responses aren't submitted properly.

    Looks like they're acknowledging the problem.

  2. One (sort of obvious) question to think about: do you want to run into people from your childhood? We moved back to the area where I spent high school and college years (and where my parents live). In some ways it's been great, but I don't like the feeling that at any time I may run into people I haven't seen in years, who know my parents and/or remember me from the past when I feel like a very different person from the girl whom they used to know.

  3. Thank you, everyone, for the replies!!! (Sorry it took me so long to respond).  


    Ok, so the consensus seems to be letting students work at their own pace, and some overlap of books.  We'd like DS to have had some calculus by the time he graduates and it sounds like this is do-able.  


    How involved have you been with the books?  Are they really self-teaching?

  4. Hi all!  How much time did you spend on AoPS pre-A., Algebra, Intro. to Num. Theory, etc.?  I'm a little unclear on how to schedule 7th-12th grade with these materials - two books per year?  several books concurrently?  DS is finishing SM6b and I'd like to transition to AoPS.  Thank you for any advice!

  5. And just in case we missed the Josh Powell article the first time, the WP ran an editorial today calling for changes to VA's religious exemption law.  The editorial did improve on the original article by citing how many VA homeschoolers opt for religious exemption.  And they said that being approved for r.e. was fairly simple, which was not my impression when we lived in VA.  Anyone able to speak to that from experience?

  6. Extra-biblical accounts?  Anyone????


    As the OP, could I ask a bit of a favour?  Things are getting a bit personal and a bit heated and I was really hoping that this thread wouldn't go the way of so many others.  I realize I have no right to control or direct this thread so I'll just put out a request to keep the thread on a philosophical/intellectual level instead of an emotional one.  I don't want anyone, from any viewpoint, to feel attacked or like they have to defend themselves.  I also don't want anyone to feel as though they MUST prove themselves and their viewpoint right.  That was never my intent with this thread.  I guarantee - I'm stubborn enough that nothing any one person says or doesn't say will sway me in one direction or another. :D




    Any links for me?  Extra-biblical accounts?

    I didn't get through all of the posts yet, but did anyone mention the C.S. Lewis book called Miracles?

  7. Once we asked some Chinese friends about the sign on the wall as one walked out of their kitchen.  It had neatly written characters that looked like poetry or an inspirational saying.  "Oh, it says 'Don't forget to turn off the stove!'"   :)  Seems like a universal problem.


    I'd have to agree with other posters that your dd sounds stressed.  From your description, it sounds like she wants to make a real contribution to the family and could maybe use some independent job assignments.  And praise for the way she handled the gate situation.

  8. Could you ask God, if he's there, to give you faith?


    I know that sounds simplistic, but it's really the most rational thing to do.  If you don't have something, you ask for it from the person who can give it to you.  I believe (and think that the Bible teaches) that faith is a gift from God, not something we have to summon up from within ourselves.  So when God gives a person faith, they fall on the floor crying and never have any questions again?  Umm, no.  Feel instant, overwhelming certainty about it all?  No, it's not primarily about the feelings.  It's more the beginning of a certainty that grows over a long time, IME.

  9. Since someone mentioned Mechanicsburg, I'll chime in and say that it's a nice small town with (or within easy distance of) plenty of shopping.  The park is pretty good and there are some decent local stores downtown (Rosemary House, etc).  Jubilee Days is a downtown festival sometime in the summer.  I think there are a lot of homeschool families in the area, as well as public schools with a good reputation.  My in-laws live there, and DH spent all of his childhood there.  MIL teaches piano, if you need a teacher.  :)

  10. about 15 years ago I was at a photography studio and a mom and grandma had a baby in the kind of car seat you carry by the handle. The baby was just sitting in it, not strapped in. I knew that sometimes when you picked the seat up, it could tip forward in such a way that the baby could tumble out of the seat.


    I told the mom that the baby wasn't strapped and she quite snippily told me she knew. At this point, the seat and baby were on the ground. I said I was just saying it because i knew the seat could tip baby out. Yes, she was aware, she told me, even snippier.


    Fast forward a few minutes later and grandma came up from where ever she had been and picked the car seat up and the baby  tipped out and landed on her face.


    I felt horrible but i would have felt MORE horrible if I hadn't said anything!

    Yep, we totally dumped dd face-first into the grass at a wedding when she was about 4 months old.  It was dark and when dh picked up the seat he didn't notice that we hadn't fastened the straps.  She doesn't seem to have been affected; we, of course, nealy panicked and still have residual guilt feelings.   :) 

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