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Posts posted by LAS in LA

  1. another worthwhile occupation (volunteering, or being an artist, or something) after her kids had grown up.


    Thanks for including this. I don't think daughters (or anyone else) need to believe that earning money is the only way to make a serious, worthwhile contribution to the family or society. I may have to work after dc leave home, but what I'd really like to be is one of "the little old ladies that make the world go round" -- volunteering and helping people in significant ways.

  2. Well . . .


    At our house, the dc usually hate answering the questions and want to do the narration and be done with it. :D So, I don't ask questions anymore unless they are stuck with what to narrate next. DD6 needs more questions than DS8.


    I wouldn't worry too much about what they're doing in WWE vs. SOTW. Haven't used WWE 1, but do children need to *learn* how to narrate? If you asked your dc "What happened at the soccer game today?", they could tell you a story, right? It's the same idea when you ask them to narrate what they just heard. HTH a little!

  3. We're not tied to a 36-week school year, so the 42 chapters isn't an issue. We usually start with SOTW a week or so before adding other subjects, and the same at the end of the year (a few weeks of just SOTW). I've also sometimes combined shorter chapters and done two in one week (we don't do many projects, mostly just reading and mapwork). HTH!

  4. A second "Thanks!" to the earlier crockpot yogurt thread posters. I've enjoyed the results, too. A batch or two that didn't "yog" (probably my fault for forgetting to add the starter yogurt at the right time) was still salvaged by pouring on breakfast cereal. It was easier on my stomach than regular milk and kept just fine in the refrigerator for at least a week.

  5. Sorry I can't be of much help. My father likes to travel by Amtrak (to many parts of the country), but I'm not sure how he makes his arrangements. You could try calling Amtrak and asking what they recommend for stopovers (does the station have lockers, is there security in the waiting rooms, etc.). Train travel is great, but not always the most convenient.


    BTW, Amtrak sometimes (often?) runs behind, so maybe the 2 hr. stopover won't really be a problem.

  6. I'd go a different route and get a dough machine -- it mixes ingredients and kneads several loaves of dough rather quickly and then you separate the dough into loaves and bake them. I only have to make bread for my crew of nine twice a week. For a Bosch, I think you're looking at $200-$300. If possible (and maybe before the dough machine), I'd get a grain mill to make your own flour (another $250). These will last you for years and years and are worth the investment.


    :iagree: even though I don't have either of these. Kneading and raising are the main things I use my (cheap-o brand) bread machine for.


    Milovany, is the "dough machine" the same thing as the Bosch "mixer" ?

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