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Posts posted by LAS in LA

  1. Just off the top of my head, I think I'd try to get both of you thinking about the concept of a rough draft -- even in things that you don't usually expect to need a draft stage. It will help you think of it as something other than laziness, while teaching her that she us free to do everything twice (if that's what works to her) but that rough work isn't finished work. If she becomes interested in doing it properly the first time, that's a win. If she becomes proficient at a two-step process, that's a win too.


    This is good advice. It reminds me of Charlotte Mason's idea that a student can take the time they need to complete work, but if they finish "early", they have free time to use as they like. [big paraphrase of CM; she also advocated short lessons, at least for younger children.] Does your daughter have things to look forward to when her work is finished? Just thinking out loud here.

  2. Just wanted to add -- it would seem odd to give a child (or anyone) that kind of gift without a figure drawing book or DVD to go along with it. It's not really a stand-alone item.


    Well, they are fun to stand on your desk and contort into odd positions. :D Maybe passing a football or swinging a bat?


    Along with the verse you chose, I think it could be a winner.

  3. We are planning to visit DC this summer (thanks to everyone who contributed to another poster's recent DC thread! I gleaned a basketful.). Could anyone who's been to the Spy Museum comment on the wisdom or folly of taking a 3yo there for the afternoon? The rest of the family would like to go (including myself!). Would you do this?

  4. Not to sound too much like a homeschooler ;) , but our historical atlas shows that almost all the late 19th-century immigrants from England went to Utah. Could these fried "scones" be a regional variation from whichever part of England the immigrants came?


    I'm with the others, a scone is a flaky, biscuit-like, non-yeast bread.

  5. I always feel out of touch. I look younger than my age, and was always thin (not by choice, I wanted to beef up and not be a reed.) Dieters think I'm one of them, people my age talk down to me, and being blond has its own challenges (we're all stupid, right?). I also look ultra normal, and ((clearing throat)), I am pretty eccentric (Aspie). LOL. My husband makes a certain amount and that makes people feel they can put down other people TO ME, as if I agree. I grew up dirt poor. I hated that attitude then and hate it now. I am an introvert and a bookworm. People constantly mistake me for what I am.




    I like you. :001_smile:

  6. A very close friend of mine lives in that area and attended Wake Christian as a teenager. Her whole family lives in the area. I'm betting that if you called the Sovereign Grace church in Apex (where my friend attends), the secretary could put you in touch with someone in the church who could answer your questions. They're really friendly folks. :001_smile:

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