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Posts posted by LAS in LA

  1. After eating pizza at youth group, at every college gathering, at every grad. school Bible study, every time someone moves, etc., etc., etc. , I'm pretty sick of pizza. In particular, the kind of pizza that appears at these events (in other words, not very good). IMO it's annoying when organizers have the attitude "Hey, we're having pizza! Everyone will love coming just for that!". I really like GOOD pizza occasionally (once or twice a month). If I'm going to a pizza-only event, I usually eat at home before or after.


    That said, lots of people like pizza. It's a cheap and easy way to feed a crowd. A PP mentioned pasta, which could be a nice change of pace, as could a salad night with more substantial add-ins. Soup or chili and bread maybe?


    One other thought: sometimes with several children, esp. younger ones, it's just easier for people to eat a sandwich at home before Bible study than to manage everyone eating pizza (or something else) at someone else's home.


    Sorry if this all comes across as negative! It is meant to be helpful to you!

  2. A lodging option: http://mysite.verizon.net/igh_dc/


    We like the Botanical Garden beside the Capitol (to the right if you're standing on the Mall).


    I would personally choose a travel date in October or April (if choosing from the months recommended to you). Cold, wet weather in DC is depressing if you're trying to walk on the Mall between museums.


    ETA: Oops, you said Oct. - Feb.; I'd choose Oct. or maybe Nov.

  3. . . . correcting errors immediately. I'm slowly working through Charlotte Mason's Home Education and she firmly recommends the same thing. If the child writes down a word incorrectly, the misspelling is "imprinted" on his/her brain, making it difficult to remember the correct spelling in the future. She also suggests (as PPs have) going over any potentially confusing words before starting the diction. HTH!

  4. What's the repercussion for this behaviour?


    Here, doing school work with a good attitude is required. If you don't want to do that, feel free to hang out in your room, not doing schoolwork, but then understand you do not get to do anything else either. No electronics, no outside with friends, all out-of house activities for the day cancelled (ie park days, field trips, classes,*etc). Essentially the child, NOT ME, choose to give up everything he enjoys, but also choose to be lazy.


    BUT that only lasts a day and by the next day, the child is revving to get their work done, because they want that fun stuff back.


    And for the the older children, DS8 and DS13 (not that this is much of a problem anymore for DS13, he's been through that phase and now knows it's just easier to get his work done with a good attitude), that also means they have "homework" on Sunday a.m.....as by skipping a day's worth of work, means they are off schedule (my schedule) and need to make that up.


    This is all done without yelling (for the most part, I'm not perfect though, lol). I am seething inside, frustrated as all get out, but they don't know. I am calm, cool and collected on the outside. Good attitude, or choose to be in your room. I am NOT going to spend my time arguing with you, just not going to do it. If you don't want to do your work, I have alot of other things I can be doing. Let me know if you want to get started (BTW, there is a time limit on this offer too. Don't come to me at 4 p.m. and tell me you are ready, I am waaay off on my to-do list by that point of the day.) Usually by 12 p.m., if the child is still having the attitude and has chosen to be in his room, I announced that my school day is over and the work will have to be completed another day (This ensures the child now understands his choice, there's no going back and trying to get it done now to make sure he still gets his fun stuff for the day. Nope, deal's done now).


    So, my point...repercussions. What are they in your house for the bad attitude?


    :iagree: though I'm not doing a very good job on the "calmly" part of carrying this out. Doing one's work should have benefits (a paycheck, vacation time, satisfaction with a completed project). What can be the benefits of a child completing their work? Free time, satisfaction with being finished, etc. Charlotte Mason talks about this somewhere. She recommends having a set time limit for a child to complete his work. If he finishes sooner, he has extra free time, if not he makes up the work when he'd rather be doing something else.

  5. I haven't read all the replies, but will say, FWIW, that our co-op (organized under First Class Homeschool Ministries) has a very clear 'order of events' for unruly students. 1. Warning from teacher 2. Teacher asks hall monitor to find student's mother 3. Board meets with student and parent(s) to discuss whether student really wants to be at co-op. I don't think it's ever gotten to #3, but everybody knows what to expect from the system and teachers are empowered to maintain order if they want to.

  6. :grouphug: No need to panic.


    OPGTR worked very well for us. Not that we didn't have "I hate doing school!" days, but the book gave DS8 and DD6 the skills to sound out words and gave them confidence without distracting pictures. What about enlisting the 7yo to help teach the 5yo at the beginning of OPGTR? He would get some good review and might be less likely to get bored if he knows the material already.


    I'm not familiar with some of your other curricula. Could your 7yo work through RS at his own pace (ie as fast as he wants, if it's easy for him) and then move on to MM? We also use two math curricula; 4 days/week of one and 1day/wk of the other.


    You'll get it worked out, don't worry!

  7. More votes for Babette's Feast and Jean de Floret/Manon!


    Cyrano de Bergerac with Gerard Depardieu is beautiful.


    Ikiru (To Live) is a thoughtful Japanese film from the 1950s (I think).


    The Spanish Prisoner is in English and set in the US, but definitely has a foreign feel (director/producer was non-American maybe??).

  8. I also posted this on the curriculum board by accident, but am just curious: Did anyone else grow up listening to this record? We have the cd now and I get such a kick out of hearing DS3 sing "SELF CONTROL!! is just controlling my self . . . "


    In a sea of mediocrity, I think this is one of the all-time great Christian kids' albums.

  9. Just curious: Did anyone else grow up listening to this record? We have the cd now and I get such a kick out of hearing DS3 sing "SELF CONTROL!! is just controlling my self . . . "


    In a sea of mediocrity, I think this is one of the all-time great Christian kids' albums.


    ETA: Oops! Guess I should have posted this on the general board, though it does teach the fruits of the Spirit.

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