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Posts posted by LAS in LA

  1. We neglected to pay property tax (on a vehicle) to a small city we lived in 4 years ago. Actually, we didn't really owe the tax, but they didn't know that and we never got around to proving it. They have faithfully found us each time we moved (three times!) and continue to send us the tax bill with a small penalty included. We're finally going to just pay it because we're so impressed with how they've tracked us down -- somebody got paid to do this! "Oh Love, that will not let me go-o . . . " :lol:


    Six months late would be worse than six weeks. Don't worry about it too much. (But I know how you feel about dh not taking care of something).

  2. SOTW2 Activity Guide has instructions to make one which hangs from the ceiling. Not like a mobile, but with each planet attached separately to a piece of posterboard with the orbits drawn on. We're in the middle of this project (started last fall :blush:).

  3. NM, I am a dork. It's coming back up and smells yeasty. It was just a bit different this time.



    Not a dork. :001_smile: Here's an interesting factoid I learned this week: yeast (for bread) doesn't feed on sucrose (table sugar). So that teaspoon of sugar lots of recipes tell us to add to the water we dissolve the yeast in? Apparently doesn't do a thing for it. Who knew?

  4. Aerus Electrolux gets my vote. This is not the Electrolux at Sears. You can find them at independent stores or on-line. We got a refurbished model via ebay 10 (!) years ago. New models are expensive, but these are good vacuums that last. My parents still use one that my grandmother bought a long time ago. We replaced the hose on ours and had an occasional "tune-up", but it has worked really well.


    You might try a search on these boards for vacuums. Seems like I posted in a similar thread not long ago. HTH! :001_smile:

  5. Well, I don't have much on the suggestions front, but it sounds like a great project. Go for it! What a great example for your children!


    Only book possibility that came to mind was "Sophie's World", which is a philosophy primer masquerading as a novel. Could be an enjoyable way to learn some basics. Disclosure: I haven't read the whole thing yet.


    Hope it goes well!

  6. Hi! We just finished "A Mid-summer Night's Dream" and also read "As You Like It" and "Romeo and Juliet". I did warn them about tragedies and how everyone dies in the end! You might try letting the younger child act out the story with peg people, stuffed animals, etc. as you read. DD seemed to enjoy that. They were both engaged with the stories and would blurt out predictions of what was going to happen or what the characters should have done. Hope you all enjoy them, too!

  7. As much as people would like to pin it on the slave trade, I think it goes way further back in history.


    Read Song of Solomon chapter 1. The main female character's skin was very dark and she was asking her lover not to fear her. She says her brothers we're angry at her and made her work outside in her vineyards which cause the sun to scorch her skin.


    I agree with the above and would add that racism was mentioned and frowned on even before Solomon. Check out Numbers 12. Moses' sister, Miriam, and brother, Aaron, complain because Moses had married an Ethopian woman. God apparently didn't like this, because "suddenly Miriam became leprous, as white as snow". You want white? Okay, you got it! Happy ending: Moses prays for her and she recovers.

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