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Everything posted by TracyR

  1. I've been looking at Prima Latina . Are there other ones out there ? I am needed something that is easy to use ( since I've never taken Latin myself ) , inexpensive , and does a good job at teaching the language . We used Powerglide Spanish and French and it wasn't a very good program for us . My girls didn't learn much from it at all . I would like something that they will actually learn from . Also something I can used with my soon to be K , 4th and 5th graders.
  2. Are you not able to use the CAT ? You can administer this yourself , or by someone else . No degree is required to administer the tests .
  3. Oh no I don't think any of your thoughts are hogwash Kimber . Actually its interesting . I know I can't say wether I agree or not because I have only used WT so far . I've seen a bit of the IEW format at a conference and it probably could work for us too BUT there's that crazy stuff called money we don't seem to have enough of ! LOL . Plus if I make things a game for my girls they seem to retain things better so I'm assuming they are hands on kind of girls :>) I'm curious have you used all three programs in your homeschool ? Is that how you've come to these conclusions ? How did you come to these conclusions ? Just curious that's all .
  4. We do like Calvert spelling . The spelling CD is about $20 . I don't think you can purchase the spelling book seperately though . But you can check through Scott Foresman its called Everyday Spelling . You don't need the spelling book for the CD though .
  5. I agree they are all good programs and what works for one child doesn't always work for another . I know my daughters enjoy WT's . I'm not sure if it is a girl thing versus boy thing though . My sister plans on giving it a try with her son this month as she just cannot get him to write . So we'll see how WT's works for him . You definitley would have to look at the programs and see how you feel about them . I know for me CW though I like the format speaks a bit too over my head . IEW is a good program too but out of our budget and since I really haven't seen much of the program I don't know if it would work well for my daughters or not . Writing Tales has been a good mix of everything ( at least for us ) , as it incorporates the grammar ( which I feel really there is enough in there ) , some spelling , and games that keep my daughter's interest. I get a much better response if I can make it a game for them. I guess they are hands on kinds of girls :>) With Writing tales like the poster above me said , WT's 1 helps them put their thoughts down on paper . I have both my 8 and 10 yr old using WT1 . Just because my 10 yr old just struggled period to put a thought down on paper . To use punctuation, to remember to capitalize the first word of each sentence so me it is worth starting from the beginning . Of course she works through it a bit faster then her 8yr old sister. But I'd rather make sure that foundation is there before moving on to WT2. Now if you have a good writer already and he doesn't have trouble putting his thoughts down on paper then you could easily start with WT2 . In the end no matter which you chose you will get to the same place and if it works for your child that's all that matters. You can go to my blog and check out some of WT1 to take a look at .
  6. I can't really comment too much on IEW . I've seen very little of the program . It does take you step by step but uses the same methods of CW and WT . At least from what I have seen . I don't think that it really matters which program you use . As long as it works and it teaches your child to write . I have been told by those who have used WT2 that it is better then Aesop B and after completing you can easily go right to Homer with no problems . I really think either way that all three will take you to the same point . Just that Writing Tales only has two levels right now and the author isn't sure wether she will be able to continue with the rest quite yet due to family life . I love Writing Tales as it takes me step by step , it talks to me and not over me . I've looked at Classical Writing Aesop and Homer and though it uses the same methods in teaching writing it talks way over my head and alot of it I don't understand at all . Amy's WT's is so simple to use , you don't need to guess what she is writing about . She talks to you and not over you . The program is easy for me and for my daughter's to implement and they can do alot of it independently . Plus I'll admit the games are a plus and it has kept my daughters enjoying the program . Its the first thing they ask to do every day . I don't see them doing the same if we were using IEW or CW at all . I do know that Logos is also similar as well to these other programs too . I'm not sure at all if I agree with the review yet as I haven't used IEW or Homer .
  7. Yes they are two writing programs that use the progynmasmata style (Greek ) of teaching writing . They are from a program called CW(classical writing ) So you could refer to them as CW Aesop and CW Homer . Here is the link http://stores.lulu.com/classicalwriting . They are good writing programs . But I prefer Writing Tales which uses the same format but doesn't speak above my head .
  8. You betcha ! Writing Tales . Just like you I had this same problem . My 10 yr old couldn't write a coherent sentence and no matter what I said , what I did , what I used the child just wouldn't use punctuation either . I used Rod and Staff , Abeka , BJU and just nothing worked . I found myself getting mad at my daughters for not wanting to write , and was mad at myself because I needed someone to hold my hand and help me teach my daughters to write . And I couldn't seem to find anything that was affordable ( I liked IEW but it was out of my price range ) , something that was scripted in a way . Then someone mentioned Writing Tales here on the board . I looked into it and liked what I did see for samples . Bought it and began to use it . My oldest was my most resilient . She refused to give it a try because I think she thought it was the same as all this other grueling stuff that I had been using with them . I kindly convinced her with some hugs and kisses and she finally agreed . That first day she did a weeks worth of work and told me " Mom, I love this ! " My 10 yr old who couldn't coherently write a sentence without me having to write what she dictated and have her copy it . Is now writing on her own , sentences that begin with capitals , end punctuation , she adds her own ideas to what she writes . I can't speak enough good as WT's holds the teacher's hand step by step , and tells you what you need to do or way . My 2nd daughter couldn't write period . The 1st story was hard for her to do . Still alot of prompting . But she finished her 2nd piece of writing yesterday and she did 99% of it all on her own and it made sense and was good !!!! If you want to check it out go to www.writing-tales.com and you can see more samples of the program on our blog as I've been chronicling the program from the start . I've seen a HUGE difference in such a short time . WT's has finally helped me help my daughters learn how to write and LOVE it at the same time . Its the first thing they ask to do EVERYDAY ! Even Saturdays and Sundays ! LOL.
  9. Yeah . I'll have to agree that maybe Writing Tales maynot be a good program for her if she doesn't like to retell stories . But then I thought the same for my daughters and they love WT's . I bought it anyways because I've tried so many different programs . My daughters too don't like to have a certain topic picked for them or have to pick a topic . They just like to write too . My oldest doesn't mind retelling stories ,my 2nd daughter doesnt like to do it because of short term memory issues . But amazingly enough they both LOVE WT's . I'm not sure if its because of the way the program is put together but its the first thing they ask to do everyday . They do get to add their creative touches and do their own stories . The program starts with the story , you discuss the the story , and they tell you it back in their own words . Then there is 1 page of copywork which is a sentence from the story . Then a page for a few vocabulary words . Then a lesson and practice page on grammar before they write their first rough draft which this has to stick to the story but in their own words . After that is the spelling which is only on words that they misspelled in their first rough draft . They write them two times then pick a word and write a sentence with it . Its not a full spelling program . We use a seperate spelling program and it works out just fine . After that is the final draft where they get to rewrite the story and use their own creative touches to it . Which I think this is where my daughter's like the writing part the most because they get to use their imaginations ,, as long as the plot of the story stays the same . There are also games that you play for the grammar , which I'm really thinking is what they love about the program ( but I could be wrong :>) If you want to see some pictures you can go to our blog and check them out the link is in my signature . Its so hard to say wether the program will work or not for your daughter . We've enjoyed it alot and even my I - hate - to -retell -story child does too . I can't comment too much on IEW other then I've been told it is similar to WT's . Which from reading about it and going to a workshop a while back ago at a homeschool conference the outline of how writing was taught was almost the same .
  10. CLE : Chrisitan Light uses the spiral approach . It gently introduces higher levels of math in each grade level to prepare children for higher math . It is not a colorful math program , just in green , red and black and white but it sure does the job . The math is more like Saxon but in workbook form , but also works a bit faster then Saxon if that makes any sense . All around its a good math program and have yet to read one negative comment about it . Has enough problems per book as not to overwhelm the student Teacher friendly math manuals . Very easy to use . The higher up in math you go the more independence there is for the student . All grade levels are workbook format , great for kids who don't like to write outside of the text or are young and not ready to yet . Sunrise math from 1-8th grades From their research 'average ( assuming no LD's ) , are able to score 1 to 2 grade levels beyond their peers in standardized testing . I haven't use the math yet but am very excited as I really like everything I've seen from this math program so far . Rod and Staff Mastery with review program . Alot of people donot consider this a complete mastery program because it also has plenty of review . So its been dubbed as Mastery w/Review Math goes from 1-8th grades Workbook form in 1st and 2nd grades . After that hardback books . Some say the further up in math you go the more math problems there are which for some children can just totally overwhelm them . Some families feel that Rod and Staff doesnot prepare their children well for Algebra ( I'm sure it doesn't as this curriculum wasn't meant for college bound students ) . Some families feel that it doesn't prepare their children well for standardized testing . Of course that would depend on the family , the child , and if you live in a standardized testing site . Why they feel this way I'm not sure yet . I've just read this several times and need to ask why they feel this way . Rod and Staff math is gently taught in the younger grades . I guess in the end it all just depends on what you want . I added both pros and cons that I've read about throught the years . And I'm sure once your approved to the group you can ask some more questions as well from those using Christian Light and Rod and Staff since the group is meant for those using both curriculums .
  11. Does anyone know why ? Its been awhile but I remember when it was first made and I liked it . Just that I was with the cyberschool at the time and didn't order it . Now I hear that its not being made anymore . Why ? From what I saw I really thought it was a good science curriculum . :confused:
  12. Yes. It's been a while since I traditionally homeschooled . We've been with a cyberschool for 3 yrs now and I'm Calvert out . Not complaining about the cyberschool. They've been wonderful . Just we all can't take another year of Calvert curriculum . My heart is in traditional homeschooling . It really is . Sometime ago I did use Sonlight . We did their K program . I used to get the books used from the Sonlight used boards . It was just so much easier to get them off the board. But Sonlight's formus are no longer open to the public anymore . We did enjoy it that year. Of course I had to tweak it a bit . But we enjoyed it . I do like the literature approach though . We're finishing CHOW right now and I've found myself doing " my thing" with it . And we are just enjoying it much more that way . My girls are begging me to go back to 'regular' homeschooling . I'm finding that I'm starting a bit over now , looking for curriculum , how much is this going to cost! anxiety . I'm sure I'll be able to get it together though :>) Thanks for all of the ideas .
  13. where you could actually afford it ? For me it would be Sonlight as our Core for History and Science . Then for the other subjects : LA : Writing Tales ( which we have right now anyways ) and Growing with Grammar Math : Oldest : Bob Jones Middle : CLE math Third : either Bob Jones or CLE ( not sure yet of her learning style ) Language : Either French or Latin PE: my girls are in competitive swimming and other sports so no issues there . That is what I would do in my perfect world . Now only if I could afford it . Sigh .
  14. Yes most definitley like the ladies here have said . Just because you have the book doesn't mean you have to use it now . I know for Core K there was the book Twenty and Ten ,which was about WW2 and the Nazi's . At the time I didn't feel my 5yr old was ready for a book like that . But she is 10 now and I think we get more out the book now then we would of when she was 5 . So yes definitley individual maturity play a big factor in when you decide to introduce some of Sonlight's books . But to me they have all been really good books so far .
  15. The workbook is basically a fill in the blank outline of what they learned from each chapter . It also contains a pull out number line in the back , and some small activities that you can do with your child . Its okay . I use it to help reinforce facts . How old is your son . Its really 4th grade appropriate . I haven't used the CD but am thinking of getting it for my daughter . I've been very happy with CHOW . I believe you can get the most out of the program if you use it with at least a 3rd-6th grader .
  16. I've used Saxon K and it is more of a preschool program as far as I'm concerned or even a more hands on K math program . Its a gentle step in learning math . If she is a more hands on K'er I would start with K . 1st can get to be too much for some children too quickly . They need to have the knowledge of how to count to at least 100 , write their numbers and there are some other concepts in K that are NOT in 1st . My advice though is to have her take the Saxon placement test and see what the results are. We can all tell you to start with 1st but if she isn't ready for it your going to have a child that HATES math and your going to HATE Saxon . Having her take the test will put her in whatever level SHE is ready for. It depends on what you are looking for . I can't tell you which is better . What works for some maynot work for another . My oldest is a mathematical kid , understand concepts quickly , so something like Singapore math would work for her ( we don't use it though ) . So if your daughter is quick to pick up mathematical concepts ( learned to count with no problems , having no difficulty recognizing numbers , colors , shapes then Singapore math would be a good choice . ) My 2nd daughter struggles with math , is not a math kid . Showing her the how's and why's to math makes her head want to explode , and mine to for trying to teach it to her . She is my Saxon child . She needs repetition to get it . ( If your child needs repetition to get concepts , has trouble remembering her colors , shapes , difficulty with recognizing numbers and you need to go over and over and over with it , then Saxon would be your math program ) The one thing I do is go by what works for my children . I'm not worried about which math program is better then the other . Someone is always going to use something better . You just have to use what works for your child . One thing though is I really like Christian Light math more then I like Saxon . It brings higher math concepts into their math program early on , rather then Saxon does . Which in turns makes them more confident once they reach higher math. But I like the fact is it spiral and repetitious like Saxon . I'm planning on getting this soon for my 2nd daughter.We've been using Calvert math and its been all tears all year long . She isn't getting anything out of it . She needs constant repetition . Once she gets it though she does . You could always try both at this point and see which works better for her as well . You can get a used Saxon K manual and supplment it with Singapore . And if she does well with one or the other then just use it . Singapore is a good math program . But you need to be confident in your math skills as a parent to teach it . In the early years I would say from about K-4th shouldn't be too difficult , but after that it becomes more difficult to teach if you yourself are not strong in math . Most people drop out of Singapore Math after 6B because they are unable to teach the math because for 1 its not an American Math program . YOu will also need to supplment because there are some math concepts that Singapore doesn't teach as well . I believe its graphing and somthing else .
  17. Yes, you can see them at the Christian Light Families Yahoo group . http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ChristianLightFamilies
  18. Ugh . Thanks for sharing . Unfortunatley I can't open them because they are zip files . I so could of used this for my oldest !!
  19. I haven't used it for 6th grade but if its anything like their 1st grade I wouldn't do it . Even though I love to pour through Alpha Omega's catalog their curriculum is very dry and boring . The teacher manuals are useless and make expensive answer keys . That is if you can figure out what the answer it is they wanted in the first place is . We tried A/O for my oldest for 1st grade for everything but Math . I was VERY , VERY disappointed in the curriculum . I did get the Weaver Body Parts book and that was the best part out of the whole deal .
  20. I've used Saxon math and CLE Is very similar to Saxon math but it introduces some higher mathematical thinking into their program . It is considered 'ahead' of most math programs . Just in spiral form . Its pretty comparable to Horizons math but has a MUCH better to use math manual and is gentle in introducing concepts . After looking into CLE math I'll be selling my Saxon math manuals here .
  21. Just wondering if anyone here has . I've been pouring over what to use for my Kindergartener here . She is almost done with her Kumon books . Can anyone tell me if this is a spiral math program , or mastery ? I need something that is spiral . Its between Horizons K or CLE 1 at the moment . But I like the price of the Christian Liberty math program too . Ugh . choices !
  22. Fruitful vine , you sure are right . PA does everything in their power to try and get you to put your kids in their awful school systems . I know our school district is terrible , I wouldn't send my pet to it . So far just this month alone , there have been 4 bomb threats at the high school and a student beat up on a teacher . No thanks . At the elementary school a kid decided he would stick a pencil straight up on a chair of another student ( not sure if he used gum or something ) the poor child didn't see it , sat right down on it , it went up his bum. The kid who did it , got 1 week of no recess . The poor kid who sat on it , had to have surgery on his rectum. OUr schools donot protect children . Our neighbor's son got beat up and the kid managed to put a hole on the inside of his cheek and the school told the parents that they could press charges if they wanted to . But did nothing to the child that beat their son up . Uhh , no thanks . I know last year our school district decided they were going to get their own cyberschool to try and get kids into their schools . My husband and I went to the meeting and left sick to our stomachs . It was 3 hrs of how we would be saving the school district money if we joined up with their cyberschool . My husband wanted that 3 hrs of his life back as well as I . Finally in the end , it was like " Oh yea , we want your kids to succeed too . " I left sick to my stomach . Though I don't care for cyberschooling anymore ( I'm just completely and totally burnt out ) I can give the cyberschool we are with the credit that the children come first in their program . They don't bog us down ever about money or saving them money . I just know my heart isn't into cyberschooling anymore . In 2006 my youngest was born with multiple health issues and it was HARD . Luckily the cyberschool was wonderful because I let them know what was going on every step of the way . But it was HARD . This year is a little better health wise for my daughter but its still HARD and I think its just all catching up to me . I know I would feel a breath of fresh air if we went back to traditional homeschooling . We do everytime we take a break from the Calvert books . But the law and our school district is very intimidating to me . Its something I know I just need to break from though .
  23. Yes . I have not heard of any snipets in reading . I've only seen whole stories and like one other poster said if there is a snipet its rare . The CLE yahoo group is the best place to get your answers . The ladies there can answer your questions you have and there is a CLE representative there as well . Also the higher the grade they also have literature written by Edgar Allen Poe , William Wadsworth Longfellow , Robert Louis Stevenson , Robert Frost and more . To the other poster. When I said " simple " I meant alot of families mistake CLE Reading to be "simple" because its written by Mennonite publishers . That it caters to those who are of the Mennonite Faith and that they don't include the same literature in their reading programs that we wouldn't see in the other curriculums that are written by other publishers . CLE amazingly enough is MUCH different from Rod and Staff , and their reading program includes ALOT more and is alot more involved . Not just giving you snipets of stories , not getting into good literature . That just isn't so with this particular curriculum . Unlike Rod and Staff , I'm comparing CLE to R&S because they are both written from Mennonite publishers is that R&S truely caters to Mennonite families . Most donot go past the 8th grade , therefore R&S for the most part goes to 8th grade . CLE is opposite . Their curriculum goes from PreK-12 th grade with the mind that your child could chose to go to college therefore preparing them for college should they chose to go . As for Writing Tales 1 , we can't be happier . It is brought a love of writing out for my daughter's that I have been trying with other curriculums for quite some time . Its enjoyable for me to teach because it doesn't talk over my head , its easy to use . Its pretty much open and teach . That part I like for me . I have 4 children , a 10 yr old and 8yr old , a 4 yr old that goes to preschool 3 times a week and she likes to do school when she gets home , and a very on the go toddler that is almost 2 . I don't have time to have to study what I have to teach . What my girls like about it : They love the stories , there is just the right amount of work in there for them . The program includes hands on games to play to 'cement' those grammar facts they learn in the book . I'm not sure what else they like about it , , they just REALLY like it ! :>) And I've used Calvert writing , Abeka , Bob Jones , and Rod and Staff and none of it has drawn out the love for writing that this program has for some reason . Maybe because its not overwhelming . I don't know . But I do know I'm absolutely thrilled with this program . I can't comment about WWE yet , nor FLL .
  24. How is it having to comply with all of this ? We live in PA. I homeschooled my girls on my own until they reached 8 ( except my 2nd daughter I enrolled her with her oldest sister ) then signed up with a cyberschool because all of that really has intimidated me . My heart is in traditional homeschooling but we live in a difficult school district that is deseperate to get homeschooled kids into their horrible school system . I've heard to many horror stories , even from a teacher that homeschooled her son was harrassed. I just couldn't imagine for a regular mom like me . We were even harassed from our school board , even with cyberschooling . Some of the members knew our inlaws and were telling them we were illegally schooling our girls . Which was NOT true at all , and that was just with a cyberschool .
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