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Everything posted by meggie

  1. Well, living without cheese is really sad. :001_unsure: <--- See my sad face? :tongue_smilie:
  2. Ok, DH is trying to convince me that we should be ok since we're far enough away from the mountain and the roads and river will slow it down. Not like it's much of a river right now. But I do hope all those houses on the mountain are ok. I don't want a fire this close.
  3. Oh my gosh, I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight!
  4. WHAT?!?! Going to get the 72 hour kit ready. :auto: (I'm a little further south than Alpine, but I suppose another one could start)
  5. Wait what? Which mountain? How will we know if we need to evacuate? Is there a website to look at, I don't have TV
  6. I know I should just believe it, but I like staying in denial sometimes. It seems less overwhelming there:lol:
  7. Thank you! I just requested it from the library! Hopefully it'll be so wonderful that I will have to order my own from Amazon. I'm very excited.:D
  8. You definitely want a laser printer:001_smile:
  9. Do you have to do the GAPS diet to heal the gut or can just staying away from their intolerances heal the gut too? (just in case you know. if you don't, that's ok :001_smile:)
  10. I know I'm posting a lot of new threads today. I'm sorry :blushing: Soooo....I've been trying to do a gluten and dairy free diet for the boys. I was hoping it would help Pigby with his digestive issues. I was hoping it would help Digby with his eczema issues. He would often wake at night screaming and crying uncontrollably and itching like crazy. Itching all over his body, not just where his flare ups occur. My friend has eczema and did the GFCF diet and said the diet cured her. We've been going for about two weeks, I think. I am not perfect about it. There were some crazy days where I just gave up completely and told Dh to pick something up for dinner. But I've noticed that any time we mess up is a night that Digby wakes and cries. Anytime we make it through the day w/o gluten or dairy, he sleeps through the night. Even without his hydrocortizone and lotion treatments. Is it really possible his eczema is affected this seriously by gluten and/or dairy? Am I imagining things? Every single time. This is not how I was imagining this experiment would go; I was really hoping it would prove that they weren't sensitive and we could go back to eating cheese someday.
  11. Thank you, I'll try that. Sure that would be great. They both appear to be unavailable for checkout.
  12. It's not a matter of, "Hey, if we don't go on vacation or sell the second car or cancel Netflix, we could afford it." It's a matter of, "Hey, if we don't eat for the month we could afford it." :lol: We only have the bare necessities for bills. We just plain don't make very much.
  13. I dont know how much OT costs, but we probably won't be able to afford it. I would like to put him in gymnastics so his love of flying through the air is in the hands of professionals, but we can't afford that either
  14. I understand the guilt over feeling resentful. No flames from me. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: If it were me, I would give the school a try. Maybe it will work. If he behaves for other people, it's likely he'll do well academically. :grouphug::grouphug:
  15. After this thread last night, I Googled and found this list of sensory processing disorders. I discovered some things about both boys (and myself too, but I'm trying not to diagnose myself with everything under the sun. But I now know why sock and clothes were always bothering me so much as a child. And why I don't like things touching my neck. And why I like to bite DH's fingers. They're big and fat and just wanting to be squished. Hmmm...I should have added that to the "Secret Weirdness" thread) Pigby: Used to be extreme tactile defensiveness, but with time and practice with certain things, I would say it's now moderate. Used to cry over new clothes and shoes, refused to touch grass barefoot, would wipe off kisses. Still freaks out about touching water and having his hair cut. Still extreme hypersensitivity to movement. Scared of the small playground equipment. He'll crawl on it for awhile before he gets comfortable. Won't even touch the higher playground equipment. Can't ride a bike even with training wheels. Gets scared when people pick him up. Majorly freaks out when having to climb stairs that he's not used to. It took him until he was six years old to climb over the play pen. It took Digby until he was 2. Digby learned how to climb out of the crib. I bet Pigby still wouldn't even try (if for some weird reason I had him in a crib:lol:) Used to be extreme auditory defensiveness. Used to cover his ears and cry over EVERYTHING. Toilet flushing, hand mixer, vacuum, water in the shower, crowds. I would say it's moderate now. We take his hands off his ears to get him used to things and he does it much less often now. We always thought he was a super fearful child. Afraid of absolutely everything. There are other things he seems to have, but they seem mostly mild and not a very big deal. I guess with him we just go slow and gradually teach him to over come these things. For Digby: He's mostly normal, but after Pigby he just seems so wild. Climbing on everything, touching everything, always needing to climb and touch me. Earlier I was sitting and he had his upper body draped across my lap, was holding my hand, and had his legs wrapped around my calf. He's always climbing all over me and touching everything he can. I guess this is normal :confused: and he'll hopefully outgrow it. Is there anything to do in the meantime? I have some sensory buckets for him, but he just usually ends up throwing everything so I put them away. I think I'm somewhat on the hypersensitive side of touch and he's on the hyposensitive side. Which is partially why he drives me nuts. I like my personal space and he's always needing to invade it.
  16. My Brother HL-2240 cost about $60. It came with a toner cartridge. I think I printed about 1000 pages before I needed a new one. I can't remember the exact amount of pages, but I remember the math being about a penny per page. That's including the cost of paper bought at Costco NOT on sale. Still works great, but I wish I had spent more to get one that could print on both sides of the paper
  17. I don't know much (or anything) about sensory issues. I will try Googling and see if I find anything about it. Thank you. Well, the "naughty boy" is just the one that happens a million times a day. He used to say, "I'm not naughty" back, but has since stopped. Which makes me feel a thousand times worse, I don't want him accepting that label. But I feel terrible for the resentment I feel towards him. Sometimes I look at him and can just feel my blood pressure rising. And there's more, I'd just rather not say. *sigh* Thank you.
  18. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006CQ5GYQ/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B006CQ5GYQ&linkCode=as2&tag=thebarfam-20 Just in case anyone wants/needs it :D
  19. I don't know how to fix this. Any help would be appreciated. I'm failing him as a parent. He's always been harder to take care of than the other two. He's the type who hardly slept, would ask for me to hold him, cry when I did, kick to get down, and cry when I put him down and ask to be held again. Now he gets into trouble all the time. Playing with electrical outlets (the unused ones are covered; he's playing with the ones that are in use), trying to get DH's fish out of the fish tank, climbing up shelves and on tables, falling off shelves and tables. :banghead: He knows he's not supposed to do these things, but at 3 he has little self-control. And now anytime I scold him, he immediately turns to whining and "Mommy, I need you. Hold me." I find myself becoming so resentful towards him. I know he's a normal toddler. How do I stop being such an awful parent towards him? I am yelling so much and have even called him a naughty boy :crying: I know he's not really naughty, just 3, but I am about to go crazy. What do I do?
  20. Here's me again :D At least, I think I got that link right.
  21. I've been reading the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. They're fun, silly murder mysteries.
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