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Everything posted by kristin0713

  1. UPDATE (I hope this is not annoying to anyone, I'm just trying to keep everything visible for accountability and full disclosure!) I am waiting on the following for payment: @kiwik -- still has not viewed message, but has been active on WTM @Nkemjika -- still has not viewed message, and has not logged in to WMT since 5/20 @Ravin -- technical difficulties with PayPal @sangtarah -- committed to 2 via message / waiting on payment And I have one person from my local HS group who has not paid yet. We will probably have to close Sunday, which is fine with me, but I wanted everyone to know where we were at with this. I am not sure what to do about kiwik or Nkemjika, especially Nkemjika if they are not back online by Sunday. I don't "know" these users personally. I don't want to leave them out but I don't know how long to wait. Suggestions welcome.
  2. Nkemjika, kiwik, and Moncha -- it is not showing that you read the message. Please check your inbox!
  3. Whitney - I'm not sure if i have your user name correct in the message. I added you, and thought I clicked "Whitney" with a capital "W" but it added you with a lower case. Then I deleted that user and sent you a private conversation message and it still put it through as lower case. So I'm not sure if you are getting the messages or not and if these user names are case sensitive or not, because in trying to compose a message to you it brings up both upper and lower case--argh. Please check your inbox and let me know if you have a message from me.
  4. If you have replied to this thread that you want in on the buy, you should have received a PM just now. If not, please PM me!
  5. Ok, I tried to set up a group message but I think there is a 5 person limit. I'm going to message you guys in small groups with my PP info.
  6. YES! We are at 31 if all commitments come through! I'd like to close as soon as possible, but I know that people might be away this week and I never gave an official closing date (not knowing how long it would take) so I don't want to leave out anyone who has committed. Also, I will be away Thursday - Sunday (convention! ?) and unable to work on it those days. So here is what I would like to do, please tell me if you think this is fair. (I've never done this before so I'm open to suggestions!) If everyone here and in my local group pays by Wednesday evening, I will close it and pay Prodigy and email them all the account names. Otherwise, I will wait until Sunday with a firm close. I hate to wait that long but I really can't promise to do this when I'm at the convention, and if it weren't for that, I would give people until Friday to pay. Does that sound good?
  7. Oh it's so close!! I need to get a count of my other group, stay tuned!
  8. Wow, so many resources! Thank you so much for listing all of that!
  9. That is pretty cool, lots of places to visit! Thanks ?
  10. Short version -- I'm looking for a pre-made lab report book or geology kits that come with lab reports to fill out. Longer version: This is for my upcoming 7th grade DD. She wants to do geology and archeology, hands-on. I love the sequence of assignments in the Elemental Science two day schedule-- 1) vocabulary, experiment, lab sheet; 2) reading, outline, summary. I also absolutely love that it comes with all the materials. But their program is Earth Science and Astronomy. The astronomy part is almost half of the program (the first part), with another portion at the end covering weather. It just doesn't fit with the topics that she wants. I looked at Real Science for Kids Geology. Maybe I'm being too picky, but I hate that their text is written in Comic Sans and looks babyish. It covers the right topics, but I want her in a text book. I looked at the Masterbooks Geology and Archeology set. They don't sell kits--BIG downside. It will never get done if I am scrambling for materials at the end of every chapter where it says "See if you can find.... and then do this--" And the assignments are set up in more of a workbook format, not a lab report format. So I'm thinking of getting the Masterbooks texts, some geology kits, and a pre-made lab report book. Or are there geology and earth science kits that come with lap reports to fill out? I can have her keep a notebook for vocabulary, outlining and summaries.
  11. Have you seen these Make It Real Learning? There are different topics and levels. https://www.mathmammoth.com/worksheets/mirl/
  12. I understand. Without yours we’re up to 21 if I’m keeping track correctly.
  13. Yes! So far I only have 18. I'll keep the post updated.
  14. Yes, I'll get to see it all next week. I have previewed Principals of Mathematics and I don't like it at all. There is soooo much reading and not enough skills practice. The reading would drive her crazy and she needs more consistent drill and practice. I just looked at the MUS placement and she would be fine in pre-algebra, but I'm just not inclined to go with that program. I will take a look at everything, thanks.
  15. First of all, she is still really young and you have a lot of time! It sounds like she needs a program with a lot more review and spiral introduction to subjects. I would look at CLE. It is definitely going to place her behind but that's ok. She is young enough to have plenty of time to catch up. The workbooks are small and manageable. They have Skills Development workbooks for specific topics to help a child catch up in specific areas as well.
  16. How old is she? Have you been using the HIG and teaching the methods or just using the student text/workbook?
  17. How old is she and what have you been using? Math Mammoth and Singapore are hard to just switch to. Have you looked at CLE? There is constant review and drill. Most kids place behind in CLE so be aware of that before doing the placement test.
  18. Nice! That will help! We've done mostly Singapore and Math Mammoth but this past year she used Math Lessons for a Living Education Level 6. She tried MM 6 and it was just too hard so we switched. 5th grade was a wash because she was very ill and we spent the summer prior to 6th solidifying fractions without a specific curriculum. CLE has through Algebra 1 in the same format as their 600, 700, 800. She knows multiplication and division solid through the 12's, she's great at long division except for silly mistakes, can do all operations with fractions and decimals pretty well but sometimes forgets a rule, can switch between a fraction/decimal/percent but needs more practice with that. Her knowledge of geometry is weak and CLE does a lot of that over the years. She hasn't had much pre-algebra at all--order of operations, solving for y, simplifying equations. But her math computation is really very good. She just now learned about integers/negative numbers at the end of MLFLE and there is a very brief section on pre-pre-algebra. Looking at the scope and sequence in the table of contents of BJU, it seems to be exactly what she needs to work on next year and then follow with a year of pre-algebra. CLE 600 is a huge mix of stuff she knows cold and stuff she hasn't seen at all (like classifying triangles by sides) and then there are still two more levels before Algebra 1. BJU 7 really looks to be a good mix of reviewing the harder concepts (which will be helpful) and introducing things she hasn't done. I have always been turned off to MUS but I will look at it at the convention next week. I don't want to go with Horizons pre-algebra so I don't want to switch to that. It would be great to put her in something now that she can stay with through Algebra 1. Thanks so much for your reply!
  19. Be aware that not every subject in CC is set to a song. The history is, most of the Latin, math skip counting songs, presidents, states and capitals...most of the English, science, and geography is not. We did CC for 3 years and my kids remember the history songs and timeline song but not much else.
  20. These replies are helpful, thank you. I am expecting that whatever math she does, I will have to help her. She is a good student but it takes her a lot of practice to learn new math concepts. She has no patience for the "why" and just wants to know the "how" and to practice it. I do have a concern about moving her to a textbook instead of a workbook. Right now I am between BJU and CLE, but I would have to put her in CLE 600 if we go that route.
  21. I haven't found a lot of feedback on this. Please tell me what you liked and what you didn't about BJU 7th through high school math, especially if you used more than one year. Also, does it ever go on sale? I'm not looking to do the video course yet, but maybe for high school.
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