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Everything posted by Down_the_Rabbit_Hole

  1. Next week dd starts her unit on dolphins and found a few DS games from PETZ with a dolphin theme. Are these any good (the PETZ games) for a 7 yr old? She can play games like Mario, Scooby Doo, and Lego to give an idea of what she can handle. Are the PETZ games for younger children, 5-7, or older 7-9?
  2. sigh...not the Jurgensen one, the authors are a different set: Larson, Boswell, Kandold and Stiff
  3. Got mine for Mother's Day so have not used it too much yet. I normally have dd's work bound each year but this year we made several books which amounted to quite a few trips to the printers. My plan with the proclick is to make booklets of dd's work through out the year. Right now for science we are doing a plant study so all her work will be made into a booklet. We are also working on a bird book, state book, and an art book. After we work on a page it gets punched and put in a folder. We will bind it once the work is finished and I know what size binding clips to buy. Another thing I am going to do is take all the spiral notebook pages that did not get used and make a journal for dd out of it. She loves new notebooks to write in so I figured I can make her several from these unused pages. Christmas time I am making notebooks for her friends and calendars for the family. I have several ebooks I bought when Scholastic had their sale...so I printed off the books and will bind them. I will more likely use these then try and remember it on the computer.
  4. Yes, it does. One..someone has heard of them and two ...someone who has used them and liked them. Thanks for posting.
  5. Recently I posted a thread on looking for an Algebra 2 and Geometry curriculum. I also made a request on the local homeschool assistance page and the leader sent over the teachers edition and student text of McDougal Littell Algebra 2 and Geometry books for me to use (if I wanted...the homeschool assist program here has curriculum on hand we can borrow free of charge). Has anyone used this? Any info on these would be great.
  6. I decided to try the conditioner and baking soda this morning since I had both on hand. Happily dd only had about 6 lice that I combed out but she did have tons of nits (those are the eggs, right?). it was so much nicer to do then the RID (and will be less expensive, we spent $35 on the RID and extra shampoo). I then had her wash the conditioner out and we blow dry her hair. We will do this again tonight and over the next week. I am going to get some Tea tree oil to add to it and put it in the shampoo just for preventative measures for the rest of the family. I guess the key is to get rid of the newly hatched lice so they do not lay new eggs and try and get as many of the eggs out before they do hatch. I am still washing the bedding daily just for my own sanity and no one will sit on the fabric furniture for a week or two since I forgot about the lice laying eggs. Daily checks on hubby and ds to make sure they do not get it. SIGH...I'm exhausted already. Thanks for the link.
  7. Thank you. We both have long hair and it takes so long to do the combing. I do have some spray and we used it yesterday twice (I needed to do it again for my comfort). Washed all bedding twice in hot water and bought new pillows. No one is sitting on the fabric furniture for 48 hours. I plan on washing the pillow cases every day for a few weeks. I think the most traumatic event was putting all my dd's stuffed animals in a bag and telling her they had to stay in the car for a few days....she has such an attachment to 3 of them. It was hard and she has visited the car a few times just to check on them.
  8. Very helpful. thanks. I will try this today and will add the oil in after.
  9. Can I use that now, even though we used the RID shampoo yesterday?
  10. Figured the nit combing was a biggie. ...but how does one nit comb their own hair:glare:
  11. I posted last week that dd had a rash on her neck, ears, and scalp. Someone mentioned looking for lice and I did but did not see anything at the time. Well, Sunday we spotted the little devils. I treated her hair with RID shampoo and used the nit comb but later that day I saw a live one in her hair, does that mean the shampoo did not work? What is the earliest I can re-shampoo...the bottle says 7-10 days but if I am still seeing live ones can I do it sooner? And because dd uses my brush and slept on my pillow the other day, I have some too...not like her but I used the shampoo and when we combed my hair I had a few...GROSS!!!!! (now I cannot stop itching and feeling things crawl all over me). 44 yrs old and having 3 boys I never had to deal with head lice. Leave it to dd to introduce it to the family. Do you think it is coincidence the two boys she plays with got their heads shaved last week...summer cuts or lice treatment:glare:. What about the dog, could she get it too?
  12. I'm confused. When I looked at the picture I see two men admiring a woman. Just because a woman is all covered up does not mean she can not catch the eye of someone. The way she moves, the shape, flash of skin at the ankle may not be noticeable to someone who sees women in short skirts and low cut tops. But these men see the subtle clues to the feminine form underneath the material. I am not understanding the controversy this picture has caused. I am not seeing two men who are uncontrolled by their lust.
  13. We moved from a house we lived in for 18 yrs and the key was purging. Amazing the things you keep just because you have kept them so long even though you never used them. Purge , purge, purge. Something else we did was use clothes, sheets, towels and material (I'm a sewer so we had plenty of this) as padding for breakables. This way you kill two birds with one stone, your clothing/bedding (what you wont need right away) gets packed and your breakables get padded. Stuffed animals, yarn balls, and legos in zip lock bags fit perfectly into those awkwardly shaped spaces of a packed box nothing fits in so nothing moves around. We also packed 2 boxes with things we would need right away..for each person:.bedding, towel, cup/plate/fork, shower curtains, soap, and other things we would need for the first few days. We marked these boxes "unpack first" and made sure they were put in an easy to get to location when they came off the truck. This way we were not looking through boxes trying to get things we needed right away. Each box was color coded depending on where it was to be put and the importance of the contents.
  14. Not what you asked but I was highly impressed with the book list from little otter's science. She did an excellent job finding books with lots of "meat' but delivering at a young childs level. When we visit this topic again I will definitely look at her suggestions for books and activities. She has an eye for finding the perfect book.
  15. I am working on a hat and halfway into the pattern they want me to cast on 3 stitches at the beginning of a row and the end of the row. I have never "cast on" in the middle of a project. How do I? Is it the same as make one or is it a special technique?
  16. I looked for lice...first thought when she was itching her head. The rash is almost gone but she is still itchy. If it isn't better by Monday I will have her checked out.
  17. Dd has a rash (little red dots) all over the back of her neck, edge of her ears, and into her lower scalp. It itches and depending on when I look it can me just tiny dots or all inflamed. I think it might be caused from the de-tangler I have been using in her hair. I washed her hair and gave her a shower to try and get any de-tangler residue off but that was over 24 hrs ago and she still itches and the rash is still there. I gave her Benadryl but it is making her moody. Any ideas for the rash and meds to take?
  18. Winter Promise has one. Not sure of the age range on it.
  19. Thought this was interesting and neat. http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/06/06/iowa-family-finds-mammoth-bones-in-backyard/?cmpid=app_pulse&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=pulsenews Love the idea of building a room so he can put the mammoth together. Just imagine the learning that can take place with this project.
  20. Love them. We used the math and spelling. I have on hand the Science and History and have looked at it often for ideas. If you do not use a curriculum but do your own thing it will let you know what skills need to be taught. The science and history books are pretty much lists of topics/skills you need to cover. The math has lists by grade level but also teaching ideas in case you are not sure how to teach a math skill. The spelling gives lists but also ideas on what to do with those lists. For the money, they are great to have on hand. I bought all of mine from Ebay or PBS for just a few dollars each.
  21. Can teaching textbook be used with just the text? Are the lessons scripted in the workbook? Are there sample problems in the workbook?
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