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trying my best

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Everything posted by trying my best

  1. as of today (lol) my 1st grader's fave thing is to play literati on paper or window.
  2. My fave game to play is Literati :) and DS5 always wants to play too. So i made a game for him to practice lol
  3. well, for music even we cant just say "oh they sing all day long anyways!" lol ,.... not even swimming lessons or tikewando for sports?
  4. What are you doing for PE? any sports would really benefit the kids. Just an idea...
  5. i have a 5 and a 2 year old 15 mins before school time I noticed the house was too quite. I found my sneaky kids in my DD's room eating candy... plus our pantery door was wide open. I didnt even bother to make them breakfast thinking they are full of candies now. And sure enough till 1pm no one asked for breakfast! lol
  6. Is this for learning to build sentences? I need something that will help my son to make short meaningful sentences.
  7. CVC - consonant-vowel-consonant.
  8. hi :) i have 5 year old here too :) I LOVE kumon books a lot. Get some EASY ADDITIONS and EASY SABTRATIONS just in case. YOu would think its hard (maybe) but i started with it with my DS5 and thought he would be stuck at +1 and +2 forever - but its been 3-4 months and we skipped half of that book and switched to 1st grade already with all that drill. Although i would recommend to learn those addition and subtraction tricks early on. I am thinking to add some 1A singapore math. It has some neat stuff that helps them to do calculation in their heads :)
  9. I will be in the same boat lol... When my FIL ordered Levels 1 and 2 they shipped him Level 1 and 3 instead. I am afraid we will be waiting for Level 2 as well lol (i hope not though) :)
  10. We started last week :) DS is 5. AAS doesn't go by grade or age. I started it because DS is a good reader and i realized that good reader doesnt always equals a good speller :) Yet reading and writing go hand in hand. So not wanting big gap between those 2 i started a year after he learned to read. Knowing his letters first made the spelling easier. So far we are on Level 1 and finished lesson 7 :)
  11. Heather, may I ask what do you do for Math in 1st grade? Not curriculum but what do you focus on?
  12. And now i am thinking if 1A would be better? I looked through 1B and thought it would be easy for my son to do. 1A is a bit too easy i thought. But now not buying 1A i am thinking what if i will miss something? DS can do addition and subtraction with carrying over and with borrowing. He can do word problems. Sooo... I am still thinking to get 1A (just in case maybe?)? But on the other hand i dont want him to be bored for 2 months... And also... it says its for second graders? Isnt it too easy for 2nd grade? and where would be 1st grade start?
  13. I agree... well his text was like this: Animals live all around us. Most animals live outside. Birds are easy to see. Spiders and bugs and bees are all around. Some animals are hard to see. Its hard to find an owl. Owls sleep during the day. They do not wake until night. You have to look extra hard to see a chameleon. They are a kind of lizard. and so on...
  14. I am trying to look up on internet about average grade level and their WPM reading. So many different answers! WEll anyways, i wanted to see where my DS5 is reading wise. We are doing middle of 1st grade reading books with him. And today's book had a test sheet where he reads and i time it and it shows his speed. He did 113 words per min. I cant find the standard chart thought...
  15. we did addition and subtraction in K as well. Now in 1st grade we reviewed it all and moved to addition and subtraction in colums. That is included borrowing and caring over. - Fractions. Addition and Subtraction of Fractions. - Word Problems. - just lots of math drills.
  16. I have DS5 - 1st grade stuff. He is a good reader (middle of 1st grade level for reading). But reading well doesn't equals to spelling well. Why did you choose it? I want to teach him spelling and i dont want him to memorize words. I want him to know the rules. How long have you used it? We are on level 1, lesson 7 HOW do you implement it? we do Spelling Lesson every day. And we do 1 lesson a day from the book, Lessons sometimes short at the beginning. Last time we had "longer" lesson but even then the activities were changing fast so its not getting boring. Have you used anything else? For spelling? no What do you like about it? I like that everything i need to tell is written for me. And the "my" sentences are short and to the point. I like how everything is included - student pack. I like the reward system and track sysytem - there is a sheet with 1-26 and the student gets to color the number of a lesson when they are done. I like how it is short and yet very informative I like how each lesson starts with review. What do you dislike about it? Nothing! What do your kiddos think about it? My DS5 wants to do more lessons every day. But we just stop with 1 lesson per day Thanks so much!
  17. this is the FULL virsion of it. We are doing level 1 and all you need so far is the first row a-z. Ignore our paper in the middle lol
  18. my DS is 5 and we dont take all the tiles down when we are done. Its still on the board. But before each lesson i ask him to make it neat looking on the board :)
  19. For the lesson our board is on the floor propping the wall. Its tall enough we both of us sit in front of it. Its not mounted to anything. Just propping the wall. And yes its completely devoted to spelling. The AAS book says its better not to put ALL the letter tiles on it at first - just the ones is needed for the lesson. So far we have 1 row of a-z tiles. The rest of the tiles are stored seperately (in the zip lock back the book recommend), Ours are stored on another board behind our main one.
  20. More on the floor? Go next door. Get one ten. That's ten ones more. we actually just say fist 2 lines without GET ONE TEN. THATS TEN ONES MORE. It still works and he knows exactly what "go next door" means :)
  21. There are a lot of places you can store 2x3 board - under the bed, behind book shelves, behind door, in the closet. Its a great investment. We have 3 boards now (2 2x3 and another one size down). I store 1 behind the door and 2 of them behind the wall and bookshelf.
  22. I had to read it twice... what is the idea of the program again?
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