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Posts posted by linguistmama

  1. IEW wasn't a good fit for us either. My oldest is not a reluctant writer and it seemed too slow. I really like many of 8's posts on writing. But I didn't feel confident in teaching writing like that. It all made sense to me when she said that she used parts of Voyages in English with her older kids. I needed teacher training :) We are using ViE and Writing and Rhetoric from CAP. I like the more public school writing approach from ViE, but didn't want to miss out on a more classical approach to writing as well. We didn't like WWE as well after level 2. I like that CAP's program takes a more creative approach to narration and writing.

  2. I was pregnant with #3 when my oldest was in 1st grade. I had HG so nothing that year went as planned. For awhile nothing got done. Once I had the baby we got back on track and finished the year by the end of June. Now my oldest is in third grade and that lost part of the first grade year does not matter at all. We got back on the horse after the baby and have been able to stay on. :) Others have already posted good advice. We loved SOTW on audio and netflix science and history documentaries. Programs like Reading Eggs have free trials so you could check them out before buying.

  3. We only listen to the audio cd. My 8yo loves to listen to it and has listened to the first 3 levels many, many times. I used to worry about the retention. But since she is interested in the topics and listens to them over and over her retention is much better than it would be if we read the chapter, narrated, did a project etc. Now I don't worry about it anymore.

  4. We've been using MM for dd8, but it is starting to take a long time and there are tears.  We've tried doing fewer problems, me sitting with her, writing answers for her (even though she has no writing problems normally),  using C-rods and me reading the text portions to her.  I thought those things would be enough, but they haven't fixed the problem.  I've looked at CLE which is a little more colorful and spiral.  I may try the first light unit to see if that is a better fit.  I would prefer to use Singapore.  But I have some questions about switching.  She has done MM 1A-2B and now part of 3A.  We're at the section that teaches multiplication.  Could she start in SM 3A?  How long does a session of SM typically take?  I'm wondering if the number of problems on the page with MM is daunting.  DD is also pretty visual and MM isn't pretty.  To start I would get the textbook, workbook and HIG.  Do we need to also use EP or IP and CW for it to be a complete program?  We were planning to use BA, but haven't had time because MM is taking so long.  If we supplement the SM textbook, workbook and HIG with BA would that be enough?  

  5. I have Reading Roadmaps and the first 2 Ready Readers.  Reading Roadmaps is not as detailed.  It gives a book list for each grade K-12 and lists some basics like the plot and conflict for each book.  There isn't much detail.  The Ready Readers show an example discussion for several books and have much more information.  They list applicable questions for the particular book from the Socratic questions list and sample answers.  Reading Roadmaps is a good jumping off point that gives a few basics about the book, but the Ready Readers are more what I was looking for.  They give the details of an actual discussion of the book, flesh it out so to speak.

  6. I'm looking for resources to learn more about African history for my 3rd grader.  She loves to listen to SOTW, but noticed there isn't very much told about Africa.  We've put some books on hold at the library.  I looked on Netflix and I'm not having much luck finding history documentaries.  There are plenty of nature shows.  :)  I know about the difficulties of fewer written primary sources for earlier times, but I couldn't find much for more modern history either.  Any suggestions?

  7. We will be using this next year and I am very excited to have finally found an all in one curriculum for native speakers!   




    I purchased the student book and the 1 year teacher license.  There is no hard copy of the tm, only the student book and some readers.  The online license includes an extra practice book pdf, annotated student book which is the TM, online student books, readers, workbooks for readers and tests.  For the one year license I had to call Santillana for them to activate it.  They did not automatically send me an email with that information.  It is K-6th and it looks like Santillana has a program for upper grades, but I did not see a place to purchase online.  Hopefully by the time I need it that will be an option.  I have the 3rd grade materials and I am very happy that it includes reading, grammar, spelling and writing. :)

  8. Yesterday my son got new-to-him bedroom furniture, so by process, the room got "purged" again.  It was so well-done the first time there wasn't much to pull out, just a few additional clothing items he decided he was done with.


    Now that that's done, I'll pretty much be done with the deep-purging until the next big school break ~ probably next summer!


    Happy cleaning y'all!


    I cleaned the garage today and it was so much easier to do since I had already purged it.  Of course, I still managed to find some stuff to chuck. :)  I finished selling/giving away the books we didn't need.  With the money I was able to buy some things we will actually use.  I think I am done with the major purging too.  Now I'll try to maintain and declutter as much as possible on an on an ongoing basis.  But realistically it may mostly have to wait until next summer.

  9. Yep, I find my self drawn to this more and more. I try to get things from the library if possible, but this year I bought quite a few things for me to be a better teacher. This year it has been spelling and writing. Next year I plan to buy some things from the Classical Historian or possibly TOG. Reading 8filltheheart's posts about writing really resonate with me, but I was never sure how to become that teacher until I saw her post about learning so much by using parts of Voyages in English with her older child. ;)

  10. I just heard about this one for the first time yesterday. It's sure rare for me to discover anything new at this point, so I figure it's qualifying of posting in this thread. ;)




    More people on the board need to start using this so that I can read reviews when my kids are the right age! ;)


    I really like these lit guides that go with Teaching the Classics:



  11. This thread inspired me! We do pretty well keeping the clutter at bay, but I still threw away a bunch of stuff. And now I have large piles of things to give away and sell. It is good for me to do it before school starts so our days can go more smoothly. The garage was getting out of hand, but after the purging it is an inviting place to excersize (the treadmill is in the garage).

  12. I'm looking for a writing program that teaches things earlier than WWE. My dd is an average girl and WWE is too slow for her. I plan to keep using it, but would like to add something that moves quicker as well. If we try VIE do we need the TM if we are not going to use the grammar sections? Are there any other programs that roughly follow a public school sequence? I think that pace may fit her better. Essentials in Writing? We've tried WWW and found it too slow. I like parts of IEW and BW, but neither is a good fit for our base program.

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