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Posts posted by linguistmama

  1. Any opinions on using DM after MM 6B? Obviously, this wouldn't be us for a while. :) But, I really like the idea of integrated math in the later years and DM seems like it may be a good option for us at that point. Would the terminology be too different? Would it be too big a leap not having used Singapore from the beginning? Now would be the perfect time for us to switch to SM so I'm trying to gather enough info to be sure about my math decisions.

  2. For me I would prefer the cheaper option if we will be happy with it, ie gets done, thorough, quality program etc. We're very happy with BSFU and it's been cheap for the materials and the 1st book with 3 years of instruction. My first preference for math would be Singapore, but we use MM because I am satisfied with the quality and it's cheaper. I couldn't find anything I felt was the right fit for us for English LA until PR. So I spent a ton on it since I feel it's better for us and couldn't find a cheaper option that fit. Rosetta Stone is from our K12 charter so it's free thank goodness!

  3. I wanted to unschool at the beginning too! When my oldest was 4 she started asking to do school. I was surprised since I expected her to become interested in an animal at the zoo and then we would google for more info, get library books etc. But she asked me to teach her stuff as in general schooly things that I should decide on :) I found out that I really do well with structure in this area of our lives for some of the reasons the op posted. I love having a good spine so I know I am doing the basics and dd is loving it! It's funny to me because in some areas of life I am very free and hippyish about things and in others I crave structure.

  4. http://classicalhouseoflearning.wordpress.com/


    I know she's a WTMer and I am blanking on her username...it's been a long day. Is it "Veritas????" I've just started using this but so far, it's been excellent. She put so much work into this.




    I came here to post about her program, Veritaserum :) I can't wait to use it next year! Thank you to Susan for your youtube videos. It's so helpful for me to see someone talk about things.

  5. My kids want to see it, but I just looked it up today and I don't think I'm going to let them. I've very conservative about the movies that they see. The website www.kids-in-mind.com mentions that they say this in the movie:


    A rabbit tries to enter the Playboy mansion and tells Hugh Hefner (on a security speaker) that the newspaper says that this is where "Sexy bunnies live."


    I'm just not even sure WHY that would even be a part in a kids movie.Who in their right mind would think that the Playboy mansion should be in a kids movie? I don't want to have to explain that to my kids....DD7 asks LOTS of questions about movie content.


    My mom took us the day it came out and I didn't know about this or we would have gone to a different movie. My oldest didn't ask about it so at least it went over her head. The rest of it is fun. It's so sad that they felt the need to include the playboy part and it makes no sense!

  6. I can't say enough good things about it. My first birth was very painful, complete with screaming! For the second I wanted something different and used hypnobabies. I had a very easy birth with no pain. It was so wonderful and very healing! I heard about it from a friend and knew instinctively that it was the perfect thing for me.

  7. I attend one that is every other month and it's great! :) The mom who organized it always hosts and we all bring food to share. The meeting starts with introductions. Then we move on to any questions moms have or issues they want to discuss. After that we get to the topic of the evening which the host mom picks if no one else has suggestions. Last month we all brought some curriculum for show and tell.


    You might also want to check out some of the foreign language news offerings. I used to get emails from Deutsche Welle that contained about a dozen stories distilled into 1-2 paragraphs. Many stories were subjects that I was following in English anyway, so there was a lot of context for me to use in learning new words. Deutsche Welle did many different languages, not just German. I think that BBC has a similar option as part of their world service.


    We listen to Deutche Welle's Portuguese news podcast everyday. Thanks for the BBC tip. I'm going to get their BBC Brasil updates on my phone since that will be in more manageable chunks as opposed to reading the whole site each day.

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