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Posts posted by linguistmama

  1. What type of writing should a student be able to do at the end of PR4? 5 paragraph essay, single paragraph, 2 page paper?


    Writing isn't my strong point. :) I did fine with academic writing in college, but I don't feel like I really understand the writing process beyond some basics. I especially don't feel prepared to bridge the gap from basic punctuation and dictation to final draft with well stated thesis statement.


    I'm considering using MCT when we finish PR4, but I think I am like some other posters who need more explicit writing instruction than what is given in MCT. So I'm wondering how far PR4 will get us so I can have an idea of what kinds of writing materials to consider after it since I need some hand holding. :)

  2. Here's a list of unsafe foods. In particular, notice that modified food starch and hydrolized vegetable protein are on it. You'll find these in many prepared foods and seasoning.


    Some vinegar has gluten; Bragg's brand does not. Which is to say that some mayo will have gluten in it (store-bought mayo sometimes has modified food starch, which would have gluten as well as the vinegar used to make it.).


    That's the list I used. :) I made most food from scratch. I only used things like condiments if they stated on the label that they were gluten free.

  3. :iagree: Unfortunately, I have heard OBs and nurses comment on the covering or lack thereof in the tea rooms that they deal with. One OB expressed disgust about the carpet to the mom while she was in labor! I'm surprised she didn't kick him from here to kingdom come! I wanted to deck him.


    What a terrible thing for him to say! Being an OB I would think pubic hair would be something you should be ok with. I can't imagine my midwife caring about my hair or stretch marks or cellulite. :)

  4. Haha! I know the mods and SWB are busy, but if there is ever extra time I think a big girl panties smiley would be wonderful. :) It's my favorite smiley of all time.


    Some posters may be familiar with the mothering.com forums. A lot of the posts there make the general board here look tame. I saw a humorous post similar to this light bulb post:


    OP posts that the sky is blue.

    Next poster says it's more cerulean.

    Another poster says it's turquoise.

    Another poster says that it's rude to claim a color for the sky when her husband is color blind.

    Final poster agrees it's very rude because they have a blind family member.

    Thread gets locked :)

  5. They don't allow them period? That's bizarre.


    A neighbor had a vbac with her second at the closest hospital only because she stayed home as long as possible and arrived far enough along that the baby was born soon after. Her doctor said that he might allow a vbac, but probably not. It was ridiculous because she was a good candidate for vbac, 1 previous csection, newer incision etc.

  6. In my area it means increased risk of having serious interventions like csections when they are not truly needed for medical reasons. DD1 was born in the hospital. I got off lucky because the doctor decided to do a vacuum extraction instead of a csection. I had issues with dd1 latching incorrectly and finally one of the nurses was helpful right before I went home. I hope that in the future hospitals in our area will start to be more evidence based and supportive of natural birth. DD2 was born at home and we are planning another homebirth with this baby. It costs us more to have a homebirth, but I would have to fight for nurses to quit offering me an epidural just because everyone gets one etc. It's not worth it since I'm low risk.

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