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Posts posted by linguistmama

  1. Was the child born here? DH is from Mexico and we attend a Spanish speaking church. Many families at church speak mostly or all Spanish with their children. I have heard some of them say that their child will learn English in school. But the reality I see in their children is that they have picked up English anyway because they hear it from neighbors, at the store etc. My dds speak English as well as Spanish because we have English only speaking friends even though we speak Spanish at home except for some homeschooling subjects.

  2. OP, we're having girl #3 and I can see my kids saying things like that! Screaming is problem at our house too. :)


    My oldest's nickname is cuco like cuckoo clock. DD2 used to call her caca. :D


    After we found out that this baby is also a girl DH had a moment imagining his future. "Oh, man, there will underwear and bras all over the house!" I couldn't resist and told him to imagine us all 4 of us having our periods at the same time. :)

  3. Maybe you already have these since you have Interview, but Anne Rice has a whole series about vampires after Interview. Though I didn't think they were as good after The Vampire Lestat. She didn't use the same gothic flowery language. Boo! They also have varying degrees of appropriateness and I didn't make it through all of them. :)

  4. We will be using cloth with the baby and the girls and I use cloth wipes. I also use mama cloth. If mama cloth sounds gross then I would consider the Diva cup. After getting used to washing poopy diapers mama cloth didn't sound too bad. :) When we used cloth diapers I just put my used mama cloth in the diaper pail. I usually washed diapers/wipes/pads 2-3 times a week. We have alot of wipes now and our washer is in the bathroom so I just wash when the washer is getting full since we put wipes straight into it.

  5. I think WTM needs badges, like girl scouts. I earned the "say no to the meat truck" badge would be a requirement to move forward.


    My dh actually bought from the meat truck once. It was okay, not great, but decent enough. He had a flyer from the company. It was overpriced convenience, but not horrid.


    But yes, I think we need the WTM badge program.


    We could have badges to sew on our kilts or plaid sashes. :) I've never seen a meat truck which is good since dh might buy something from them!

  6. I like to see other posters' signatures. It helps me to see some basic info like kid's ages and I love to see which curriculum they use. This is helpful if I'm considering a particular curriculum because I can see what things they are using it with etc. It's also helpful to see the number of children when they post advice about something. How we did things when I only had 1 child was quite different from now. Seeing that a poster has 10 children helps me see why they might do xyz.

  7. It depends what your doctor is like and how bad it is. Have you tried things like B6 and unisom? I have had hyperemesis 3 times and needed meds.


    With my first pregnancy I got a same day appointment with the CNM in my doctor's office. Even after explaining that I had tried everything on the sheet she gave me about morning sickness and that I could not keep water down she refused to give me a prescription. I got one later in the ER and when I saw the doctor later he refilled it with no problems. With my other 2 pregnancies I have gone to a different office and they have prescribed what I asked for with no problems. If your doctor isn't helpful I would try another for a second opinion.

  8. Thought pregnancy just b/c I haven't gotten my period back yet (it's pretty late for me) and breast tenderness can be a sign, so I figured I'd rule it out.


    I checked baby's mouth for white patches, and there's none but on his tongue which it seems is always there. Didn't think of thrush though, I'll research it some more.


    I'll also try adjusting his latch, I'll try anything at this point :)


    My child did not have the white patches in her mouth just so you know it may still be a possibility. :) Gentian violet worked wonders, but is VERY messy. People asked me if dd had bitten a pen open because it stained around her mouth.

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