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luvbug in Ohio

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Everything posted by luvbug in Ohio

  1. Good morning! Another busy day on tap. -coffee, Bible, meds, computer -laundry -school with my 6 year old -take a walk today, it's so pretty this time of year! -make some more laundry detergent -dust and sweep the living room -clean the kitchen entryway from the garage - run over to Yankee Candle and get something pumpkin, I've got all of my fall decorations out and I really want my house to smell like autumn now. -donate a couple of bags of clothes to a place here in town -chicken potpie and rolls for supper
  2. I'm going to get back in this today. My entryway into the kitchen from the garage is always such a hotspot. I need to find a better shoe holder for there. It's difficult because it's small and narrow, and I have 3 doors in that tiny entryway. Plus a vent. :confused1: So it's shoes, shoes, and more shoes all the time. Hopefully I can jump back in today and get caught up. I'm kind of behind on everything this week for some reason.
  3. Good morning everyone! It'll be a busy day here in our house. -coffee, breakfast, meds, Bible, computer -I'm so backed up on laundry it's pathetic, so at least 5 or 6 loads today -school -pick up the house in general -make some zucchini bread -take a walk and enjoy the beauty of this time of year! -mail some cards I'm behind on -spend 1 hour deep cleaning. That's all I'm aiming for, if I can do that even most days it will help my Saturdays go better. -run a quick errand -salad, spaghetti and garlic bread for supper
  4. No way! I've seen them on others and thought they looked beautiful, really made the outfit pop or added nice color, whatever it may be. But since I'm only 5'2", and ....well let's just say more pounds than I would prefer, and very large books to boot, they look ludicrous on me. They don't hang at all, they instead are laying as if on a table up in my face. No thanks! Not only does that make me too hot and annoy me by being all up in my face, I'm afraid it would draw unwanted attention to the ol' books. So I pass, and just admire them on other ladies. I also can't wear khaki pants, but that's a whole other story.
  5. because even though it's only been a week, it's clear that my ds in 1st can't stand it. We're using HOD because it's what I have left over from my older son, and he loved it, but my wiggly, highly energetic little one is bored to tears with their book choices. I'm usually a power through it type, but it got worse every day last week, with Friday culminating in tears, meltdowns, and begging me not to make him do those 2 subjects. Everything else is going well, and I don't want to make him hate history and science, so I'm cutting our losses now. I think he needs something *hopefully not too expensive (ok that's more for me, lol) *less bookish I think? maybe more crafts, videos, projects etc. *already planning to supplement whatever we do with trips to our local parks, zoo, museum *I think we need to focus on living books more. He does love to snuggle and read on the couch, if the book is engaging. Hopefully this isn't too vague. I appreciate any advice. Hopefully I can figure something out before I'm joining in the tears, meltdowns, and relentless begging, lol.
  6. Me too. I am trying, but not getting there yet. It's so hard for me to do both.
  7. Good morning! It's a beautiful day here in Ohio. -morning stuff like coffee, breakfast, meds, Bible time, -set out some chicken for supper -straighten up the house -school. Hopefully ds6 has a better attitude today. -take a walk in the village today, let ds6 visit the playground -set out my fall decorations. If I wait until it's cool here, then I only get to have them out for a short time before Christmas. Fall is so gorgeous, that I'm putting them out anyway, even if it is still summertime. -dust and sweep the living room -roast chicken, veggies and iced tea for supper tonight
  8. Good morning! I woke up tired and cranky for some reason, so I'm trying to make the best out of this Monday morning. Aiming for joy instead. -coffee, computer, Bible, breakfast, meds -make a french toast casserole for breakfast -1st day of school for my kiddos! -couple of loads of laundry -walk -try to figure out why my favorite houseplant is dying no matter what I do -straighten up around the house -watch the eclipse -cut the grass -meatballs and noodles, green beans, iced tea for supper -watch At Home in Mitford. I love the series and had no idea they made it into a movie! Recorded it last night and hope the movie is as good as the book!
  9. I will say a prayer for your daughter today, Jean! -coffee, computer, Bible time, meds, breakfast -try to forget about the brownies I made for the boys, don't want to blow my diet! -spend an hour alternating between my desk and the cabinets. Progress is being made,folks! -do a whole house pick-up -pay some bills -tell myself I am not craving chocolate ANY LONGER! Brownies are disgusting anyway! -put away the last of yesterdays laundry -take my boys and some of their friends to the park. I'll walk for at least 1 1/2 miles, get some more Bible reading in, and just generally enjoy the afternoon -after friends are picked up, drop my boys off at my mom's to spend the night there. They can go swimming and have fun one last time this summer. -come home to a clean house, take a bubble bath, and enjoy the evening with just my husband. And a brownie. :001_tt1:
  10. Ha ha! I love it! Thank you for the laugh, I needed it. :thumbup1:
  11. In response to Ellie's question, I keep an attendance record for the offchance that I ever do need it, to show how many days we have done school. While my state doesn't require me to turn it in, they do require a certain number of homeschooling hours. So I keep an attendance record to prove what we've done. It gives me peace of mind knowing I have that. Thanks for all the helpful information, everyone! I enjoyed reading every single one of these responses. Now I'm going to go toss my school room! I'm ready and feeling strong! :hurray:
  12. I've got to do something. Just thinking about my mountain of stuff makes me nauseous. I have a confession: I've kept EVERY.SINGLE.THING. from our homeschooling. Why, you ask? 1. At first I didn't even think about it. Just kept it. 2. By the time I realized I needed to weed some stuff out, I put it off because I'm a procrastinator. 3. Now I'm faced with a huge mountain of stuff to weed through, and I don't know where to start. Totally my own fault. I refuse to live this way any longer! So I'm going to get this done if it kills me, and procrastinate no more! (Let's hope!) Surely I just need to keep stuff like attendance, a scope/sequence of what we covered, basic grades such as they are, book lists, and a few samples of work? I also have some pictures of artwork, and if we went anywhere on a field trip type thing. Does that sound good enough, or am I forgetting something? I should say, this is not for state reporting. My state doesn't require me to turn in any of this. I do have to put together some paperwork for notification, and I have all of that as well, but then that's all I need for the state. This is just for our own record keeping/memories.
  13. I'm doing kind of my own thing here, following the flylady's format. Everything she has us do for our daily zones, it so happens I've just done it. lol But it's still helpful for keeping me on track, of course. I love her quote about how you can do anything for 15 minutes. That has helped me so much! Because, I'm just like you, 3ladybugs, I tend to overdue it and then finally collapse. So yesterday I wanted to focus on kitchen cabinets (harder work physically)and desk work (harder work mentally). I set my timer for 15 minutes and went back and forth, taking a break every 45 just like she says. The time went by so quickly, and the work felt so much easier, that I'm excited (!!!) to jump back in today. Now I do have other stuff going on this week, and for today and tomorrow I'll have limited time to spend on this, but then after that I believe I'll be able to finish these projects off by Friday. So two monkeys off my back, that I had been dreading/putting off all summer, finally finished in 1 week? I'll take it! :party:
  14. Good morning everyone! Coffee, Bible prayer time, meds, but no walk today b/c of cramps. UGH! 2 loads of laundry Run to the post office and mail my homeschool notifications Start working on kitchen cabinets, I want them done this week but we'll see if I'm up for it. Work at my desk. Call the roofing company. We had a new roof put on Saturday, but my dh went up in the attic and said he could see daylight around our chimney. We would prefer he do this, but he's not going to have the time today. Put out a notice for some stuff I have for sale. Put on a pot of chili for supper. Lots of midol, and early to bed. Probably some necessary breaks throughout the day.
  15. My drive times are way too long, but idk what to do about it. Everything is just far away and we live out in the country-which we love and have no desire to move from. I keep telling myself that this is only for a season, but it's still depressing. I also happen to strongly dislike driving, so... yeah. Pro-force training 2x week 60 min Co-op 2x week 40 min Basketball 3x week 50 min Church 1x week 50 min Errands (nearest grocery store, etc. 25 min) Story time 1x week 20 min It's at least 25 min to anything, so if something else comes up, guess what? More driving! Those above times are all one way, btw. I don't even want to add it all up and see how much of my life is spent behind the wheel. UGH. And some of these things are only for an hour, so I end up staying rather than driving home, so it's like I'm losing 3 hours of my day, just driving and waiting. It's no wonder I feel like I can't keep up with stuff at home sometimes. I just keep praying that God will grant me the strength, stamina and safety for all of this. Not to mention the gas money, lol. *Edited to add 2 things i forgot* T-ball 2x week 25 min Swim team 5 x week 25 min
  16. I love these tackle threads! They're inspiring to me. morning time-coffee,computer,meds,Bible take a walk and enjoy the sunshine make a few phone calls do a quick whole house pick up errands today-bank,gas up the car, groceries, ds 14 to training quick and easy supper, maybe burgers on the grill along with some veggies, watermelon for dessert bubble bath family game night
  17. My sink looks great now that it's shined-YAY! That's really all the progress I've made in the kitchen, but hopefully I can tackle some more in there today. I wonder how many people do dress to the shoes? Years ago when I went to nursing school, they taught us to never go home from work and walk around in our uniform and shoes, because of all the nastiness you would bring in with you. So ever since then, I've never done that with any shoes. Now that I'm married and have a family, we've just always made it a habit to take off our shoes by the backdoor. Always. We go barefoot/socks in the house. Then a few years ago, I started developing some foot pain from falling arches, so I bought a new pair of running shoes, and I wear them only in the house-never outside. It helped with the foot pain tremendously, which was great btw. The no shoes policy makes me feel better, and helps keep the floors clean, which is good because I have a hard enough time keeping up with the floors around here. So I do dress to the shoes, but they're my house running shoes.
  18. Just as soon as I finish my coffee, I'm starting day one. And I'm super excited! The control journals look promising. I'm reading those over right now.
  19. The daily thread will be fine for me, 3 ladybugs. I'm excited to get started!
  20. I'm in! This is perfect timing too, because boy does my sink ever need shined! I followed her before, but I fell off the flylady wagon for several reasons. I'm willing to try it again though, because even if I can't do everything everyday, it will still help me stay on track. I actually met her a few years ago at the homeschool convention in Cincinnati, and had my picture taken with her. She was very sweet.
  21. Pick up the house, throw some laundry in feed the starving masses growing boys around here some breakfast run my oldest to a workshop we signed him up for, while me and my youngest ds take some items to a consignment shop pick up my oldest then run him to a pro-force training session come home and grab some lunch, flip the laundry continue working on my desk area that we started over the weekend, going through the filing cabinets and desk area and pitching/shredding or filing the new stuff (yesterday I found electric bills from the 90's, what am I keeping this stuff for ???) clean one of the bathrooms, I'll hit the other one tomorrow order some medicine, and the last of the curriculum I need make some fajitas for supper and clean up the kitchen flip the last of the laundry, put it all away if I can spend time with my husband, it's never enough thru the week b/c he works such long hours read some bedtime stories to my youngest ds, who's growing up way too fast but still loves to snuggle oh, and try to keep up with quiet prayer time, drinking water, checking sugar, eating healthy, fitting in a walk and a shower But that's all... :coolgleamA:
  22. I briefly looked at the store yesterday, and there were so many machines I just turned around and left that aisle.I was instantly overwhelmed! :confused1: I have hard wood floors, big area rugs/carpet and linoleum all in my house. The linoleum is the hardest to keep up with. It has like a pattern pressed in, giving it texture which is pretty, but a nightmare to try and clean. It's an off white color too, so the dirt really shows! I've tried something like a swiffer , but it was useless, the dirt down in there won't come out until I'm on my hands and knees with a bucket and scrubber. I need to get something that will help me keep up with my floors better. I'd like something that would quickly clean all of my floors, instead of taking me 2 hours to just scrub that linoleum. But I'm afraid to spend that much money on a machine without knowing for sure what I'm getting. Do they even make something that does a good job on all 3 types? Or should I just try and find something to handle that linoleum? I don't mind to go for a higher priced machine if it will do what I want, because I can sniff out a good deal. And if it cleans well, it will be worth the money to me. But only if it cleans well.
  23. When people lollygag right in the way at the grocery store. If you've run into an old friend, or you're looking for a coupon, or contemplating life, how about not standing right in the middle of the aisle and then being oblivious to the traffic jam you're creating? I mean, I know the aisles aren't huge, but that's all the more reason to be courteous and at least try to get out of people's way. Fake, horrible accents. I love love love listening to authentic accents, like Australian or British, etc., but someone doing a purposeful fake accent and botching it because they think that's funny just drives me crazy! :lol: Irrational, I know. A sign I need to work on patience? For sure!
  24. I really can't help you find the phone that you're looking for, but I'll be interested to hear what you decide, since we need to find something else for our grandmother. I can tell you, that in my experience Jitterbug is NOT worth fooling with. That's what my grandma has now, and she's bombarded with telemarketers and scam/junk calls. And what stinks is there's no way to block a call! She's even called the company, and asked how to stop all that, and was told there's no way. So every time one leaves a message for her, it costs her a minute. She's basically paying for them to call her,and it drives her crazy to the point where she's about ready to throw it out the window. Hope this helps you. Good luck finding something you all like.
  25. My 8 year old son. I realized after his shower, that there were no clean towels in the bathroom. They were still sitting in the dryer. So I asked him what he dried off with, and he said "The shower curtain, Mom, just like I always do when I don't have a towel." :confused1: My 3 year old son. "You're the prettiest mommy in the whole wide world. You would look just like Minnie Mouse, if you weren't so fat and had some white shoes." :huh:
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