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Posts posted by Elfknitter.#

  1. Beast Academy 3A & 3B. :lol: Horrible Ray of Horrible Books was there with copies. BA was just sitting there on his table all shiny and new. I made the mistake of picking it HO and looking at it... I had to give it a new home. :D


    Ray asked me how I knew about BA, so I told him it was because of The Hive. He understood completely. :lol:


    Oh, and Ray was so nice that everyone who made purchases from his booth (while I was there at least) also received a free book. We got a title from Murderous Maths. I think dd is going to love it (hopefully more than Fred.)

  2. We do Jan to Nov, roughly til Thanksgiving. Then we're off for 6 weeks til just after New Year's. We take 2 weeks around April and August plus any sick days or time off for whatever unexpected events come. We don't have any designation of semesters, trimester, etc. we just work and work, promoted when the time comes, but mostly just keep chugging along.

  3. You know, the whole mortgage situation aside, I sometimes fantasize about living in something that small just not to have the burden of so many material possessions. Seriously, the sheer amount of *stuff* I own often feels like a burden. Most of it is junk!


    I also have to say, when you don't have debts (incl. mortgage and car payments), money accumulates pretty rapidly. I wouldn't be surprised if in a few years that family finds they have enough money to easily expand their living space and still remain mortgage-free.




    I would love a small house like this for just me - a place to escape and have quiet! :lol:


    I like the idea of a smaller house but it has to be proportionate to the size of our family. They only mentioned 1 child in the article. We would need room for 3 and that size wouldn't cut it.

  4. Tomato does not work. Don't even bother. The soap/ peroxide/ baking soda helps, but depending on how badly the poor dog was skunked, it might take a few tries over the next couple of days. Maybe a local grooming salon might have something that could work. I find the best thing for getting rid of the smell is to wash the dog immediately.


    I've taken to keeping extra peroxide and baking soda in the house now. :tongue_smilie:

  5. Bumping.


    Moby worked for us during the first 3 months. Then my New Native Pouch. Recently we've moved to a mei tai. But now he's going more to my hip, so I'm considering a hip carrier. I saw someone mention scootababy and hip hammock (not the Playtex one.) I don't have a ring sling. Any other brands or ideas for a good hip carrier? Ds is 8 mon and probably about 17-18lbs.

  6. We start on calendar years, so for Jan 2013, I'm hoping dd will be doing the following:


    History/ Lit/ Writing Practice: CHOLL, Middle Ages, logic stage

    Grammar/ Vocab: MCT Town Level

    Writing: Flip the Deck

    Spelling: SWO E, HTTS

    Math: MM3B, Beast Academy 3B, living math books

    Latin: Lively Latin 1

    Handwriting: Zaner-Bloser 3 then 4

    Science: ??? We tend to combo science and history with her brother. Not sure what this will mean for next January. I'd like to start Mr. Q Life Science in the fall, so we might be half way through by January. I have BFSU, but I might opt to continue with Intellego for now.

    Logic: ???

    PE: ballet and either judo or fencing

    And tons of read alouds. :)

  7. ... Disney Cruise?


    We have the opportunity to take a family vacation anytime we want after August 15th. We've never had this kind of opportunity before. The monkeys are/will be 9, 7, and 8 months old. I don't really want to fly with an infant (though I'd love going back to Europe.) So a cruise to Hawaii seemed feisable because we live on the left coast. Anyone been on Disney Cruises? Dh and I have always wanted to go on a cruise and I thought that this might be a good option as we'd rather have the monkeys with us instead of leaving them with family.

  8. Duties within the government? Duties they are allowed to have, you mean. I am pretty sure the British Government would continue to function if they were no longer around. I'll bet they could scrounge up someone equally qualified.


    While I don't feel it would be so easy to just "scrounge up" someone to play monarch, even the British Royals page seems to me a little thin on what role the royal family plays outside of being a public figurehead. The royals do have interests and talents outside of royal duties, (Prince Charles is a big proponent of organic farming), but do these skills really make them different from th avereage Joe?

  9. I was due to education. Dh has a high school degree, I have a master's. Until my profession tanked, it made a difference.


    Now I'm about to be laid off and hoping dh can find some kind of general labor work on a night shift. (He prefers night work.) He used to do warehouse/ logistics before becoming a SAHD/ community college student. But he's been out of work for about 7 years, so I'm not hopeful that he'll find something too long before me. I'm just thankful we have something to fall back on for now besides resorting to public assistance.

  10. If you have one or more for your child(-ren), how did you decide on that plan? I know each state has one, fees and rates vary, you don't have to be a resident of that state to participate, and some states have tax deductions (mine doesn't. :glare:) I'd like to start 3 accounts for our monkeys.

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