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Everything posted by Onceuponatime

  1. I found this: http://www.aina.org/articles/frye.htm Of course I don't know if it really helps to know that it has been confusing many people for hundreds of years. :001_rolleyes:
  2. I'm getting weary of going to church too. I teach a class full of 6 and 7 year olds that really don't want to listen to Bible teaching, they just want to play. When I go to adult class, I get nothing out of it. I feel like someone is force-feeding me baby food. I want meat sooooo bad. I look around and see all these faces that are smiling and seem to be enjoying it, and I think, "don't you want more?" I get so much more out of my small group or my own study. In fact my own study is leading me in directions that sometimes makes it uncomfortable for me to sit and listen to what is being taught at church.
  3. This is where I saw the recipe, but I don't see anything about the science behind it, and I really want to know why salmonella would not be an issue with this. Does lacto-fermentation kill bacteria?
  4. I just saw a recipe for this and am very interested. However, I've never fermented anything or made homemade mayo. Could someone tell me how you can be sure that salmonella, or any other kind of spoilage is not an issue? Has anyone made this before? We've been slowing replacing conventional foods with more natural and homemade ones and this seems so simple, but I don't want to kill us. :tongue_smilie:
  5. I've read into, and tried to loosely implement, a kind of feng shui of food. Meals just seem so much more relaxing, satisfying, healthier, and tastier, if there is a balance of color and textrue. I really feel off kilter if a meal is obviously out of balance. A simple guideline is to have something, black, white, red, green, and yellow at each meal. Those are loose categories. For example black could include: eggplant, beef, pepper, herbs, olives, mushrooms, or black beans.
  6. I have a cheap bottle of baby powder with half of the powder/half baking soda mixture in it. I just sprinkle it on after my shower. I've been doing this for 2 years. One of my teen sons has been doing it for a year, and I just got dh to start this summer. Name brand deodorant/antiperspirants seem to make us all smellier by the end of the day than good old fashioned baking soda and talc. Wow. I didn't realize this is an old thread. :-)
  7. You're probably right. Now I have to get up enough nerve to just say something.
  8. I keep telling myself I'm being irrational, but yes, I have been hurt by these kinds of posts on FB. I have very good friends who do things with each other but never ask me to do any thing with them. I thought they were very good friends. I've known them for years. Suddenly I feel like an outsider and a third wheel. It's hard to pretend that nothing is wrong when I see them now. To them, nothing has changed, of course. Ugh.
  9. We just saw him live, last Saturday. He performed twice, back to back to sold out audiences. The guy was even funnier in real life.
  10. I don't know how much you really can prepare in situations like this. A lot of it really is mental, getting used real difference between needs and wants, and ceasing all spending that doesn't come under the category of need. I've thought about this kind of scenario. That means buying no new clothes at all unless what you have is unwearable, no new anything unless it is absolutely essential, cancelling every single subscription to everything, no small luxuries, drying clothes on the line, buying store brand foods, no junk food at all, no eating out at all, no extracurriculars, learning how to make do with what you have, maybe selling things you really don't need, staying at home, going down to one vehicle or no vehicle, thinking of creative uses for what we might have once thrown away. It also means taking better care of what we already have. Only washing clothes when they are actually dirty, wearing aprons, being more careful with things that can be broken or lost. If you are already there, maybe it would be a good idea to talk to your family members about your situation and come up with possible scenarios and things you would do, if you had to.
  11. He also wrote The Picture of Dorian Gray. Since I was young I've known: that he was in trouble with the law, for "crimes against nature." He had some connection with the Marqui De Sade or the Marquis of Queensbury's son, or both. He lived around that time of the little ice age when Mary Shelley, Lord Byron, and a few others I can't remember off hand were churning out morbid and original works. This is all that came to my sluggish brain this morning, without looking him up.
  12. I've been researching these to find the best one for the money, but I keep coming up against negative reviews about quality. Do you have a type that you can recommend that is durable and doesn't take a large learning curve to set up?
  13. My husband and I have been convinced by this crash course that we need to prepare somehow, even if it is in a small way. We don't have a lot of money to just go out and make big changes. We are going to start with keeping an emergency stash of cash. Next we plan on getting rain barrels, up to three of them, probably one at a time. We already garden. We are going to put in an apple tree and a fig this year, in addition to the fruit trees we've planted in the past couple of years. Specifically fig because it can be used as a sugar substitute. I've started buying a couple of candles at a time to store, they will always be useful, no matter what. I will probably start buying some bottled water and propane for the camp stove as well. Bigger plans for this year include insulating our attic and crawl space, but we have to save up for that. It would cost us $4000 to make our fireplace safe to use (long story) that may take a while. I'm not so convinced that things will get so bad that we have no electricity and water, but I do think the standard of living is going to go back down to possibly 70's level by 2015. That is going to be quite a shock for many people and may cause civil unrest. I am so glad we live in a more rural area. Also, we bought our house before the bubble, so our payments are low and we will lose nothing. I am toying with the thought of owning a gun, but the idea just makes dh and I so uncomfortable. I wish I knew how necessary that might be.
  14. I'm halfway through this, watching a little at a time. It's very well done, highly recommended, and very unnerving.
  15. I am a Christian. I have been all my life. But I am not the same Christian I was 30 years ago or even 5 years ago. There are so many changes I have made to my own personal beliefs just from constant study and inquiry. If people don't have answers to my questions, I go looking for answers. I read every view point I can find, then I come to my own conclusions. I have progressed from "young earth" to theistic evolution. I once believed the complete Bible was "The Word of God." Now I believe that it only holds some of the the words of God. Most of it is compiled by God-fearing believers trying to honor God with their words. As that it has tremendous value, but does not encompass all truth. Some of it is just great morality tales and poetry, created to honor God and reveal fundamental truths about him. I believe that the Bible is written from a purely historical human perspective; that it is truth, but in a sense that we twenty-first century Westerners have trouble grasping because we have a different definition of truth than the ancients did. For example, there is now no question that there was a "mother of all living." Also, at one point in history humankind had to become self aware and acquire a sense of "right and wrong." I find it amazing that the writer of Genesis was able to know as much as he did, much less put it in a form that could be understood, yet was open to exploration and expansion. This leads me to believe in a God of revelation. I also think that mankind has no real concept of who or what God is. We have anthromorphized him to such an extent that I wonder if we would recognize him if we were able to see him. That is why Jesus was sent, to give us a more perfect (human) picture of God. But we still fall short. Anyway, I would suggest that you don't take any doctrine at face value, but dig into it and it's history. Even if you come to the conclusion that you cannot have faith, you will have learned a great deal. Some books I have loved reading recently: The Everlasting Man- Chesterton The Problem of Pain- Lewis The Language of God- Collins Evolution and God- Wilcox
  16. Noone had to tell me forehead was pronounced "forrid." I figured it out my self when I found out it was supposed to rhyme with "horrid." :-D
  17. It could be, mine didn't say anything other than it had blocked a threat.
  18. I need a recommendation and a link, if possible, to a sturdy coat rack or "hall tree." We do not have enough closet space and last year we ended up with piles of coats on the mud room floor or on kitchen chairs. Does anyone have one they love that has stood the test of time? Thanks.
  19. I'm reading: The Everlasting Man- Chesterton Selections off the site sacred-texts.com A String in the Harp- Bond
  20. It's been said since Christ died. It was said in the year 1000. Multitudes of people gathered on mountain tops on New Year's Eve. (The then New Year's Eve) I think I am what is called an a-millenialist. I believe that the book of Revelation was written for the people of that time using symbolic language that they understood about events that had happened and were happening around them.
  21. I read this recently and was very interested until it started getting self promotional. I don't want to have to buy a bunch of supplements or fancy foods to be healthy and lose weight. Does anyone know of anything like the Maker's Diet that uses plain, easy to find foods.?
  22. The Egg and I by Betty MacDonald James Herriot's books and probably one noone has heard of: God and Mr. Gomez
  23. http://oftwominds.com/blog.html Homeschooling in New Zealand
  24. I was requested to speak in church for 10 min. on particular topic and I need a estimate of how many words that might take. I'm writing the speech out, not giving it from memory.
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