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Posts posted by Dolphin

  1. My dd is turning 4 in April and she started asking to DO school. Someone suggested the Rod and Staff books to me. They cost $9 for four books. I sit with her for 10 min after morning prayer while ds gets himself ready for the day. I also have the lake shore magic writing board with stencils and Getting ready to print books. I rotate between these and she does them while I teach ds Math. It also helps as she has to sit quietly as it is school time and do her work. Then she listens to the history that I read aloud and colors. This way I am not doing K yet, but she is learning some skills and feels like one of the big kids. When I have time to plan and implement we will slowly start working on the K stuff, and do it over 2 years.


    I hope something in there gives you an idea.



  2. My MIL will get "worried" about something every few years. I have to lay down the law and then it is fairly peaceful for a few years. Last time was she was worried that ds wasn't eating enough. She kept saying she was "worried", I called her on it. I asked her why she thought that dh and I were bad parents, and that if she was genuinely worried she should call the department of human services on us. She told me that she didn't mean it like that, but I said no, if you are worried about something that is crucial to my children's well being, you are telling me that my parenting is not adequate. I call it like I see it, if she is being passive aggressive about something and "worrying" about your dd, don't be passive aggressive back, tell her that this is what is coming across. IT gets my big fat Greek wedding MIL off my back for awhile. Each time seems to last longer.


    I started when they were young. ds had a period where he really fussed going down for naps, she came in and started telling me everything that i was doing wrong. I calmly handed her her crying grandson and told her she was obviously a better mother than me, so she could do it and went for an hour long walk. When I came back to her house I was given lots of kisses and cuddles and told what a wonderful little mum I was.


    The nice thing for me is that although MIL is over the top and oversteps her bounds, she is also over the top in her love and affection. I hope yours is too.

  3. Sounds horrible, but I ditch the car seat when we go to New York. Everyone is in a rush, the cabbie doesn't wait, it just didn't work for us.


    What time of year are you going? Central park is GREAT! There is the belvedere castle, Alice in wonderland statue, the zoo and the great clock, just so many things.


    The Empire State building is fun, but another one is going to the top of the rock. The Rockefeller building. The nice thing about that is that it is a little less crowded, and I think the view is better. It is the view you see from movies going across Central Park.


    I went to Trump tower, it is really neat inside, and went and got myself a starbucks, and then walked to Tiffany's to look in the windows and have my "breakfast at Tiffany's"


    Museum of Natural history is good. If your kids have seen Night at the museum go up to the info desk and ask for the guide. They have a sheet of paper, for free. It tells you where everything from the movie is. Also, note the prices, they are suggested. You can just say, "Here's $15 for me and the kids"


    Try to get to either Alice's Tea cup or Serendipity. My kids love those 2 (make reservations) They are fun little cafe's.


    A good way to see the statue of liberty is to take the Statten Island Ferry. That way you are seeing it across the water, just like people coming to America would have seen it. I was disappointed when I went to the Island. When you are that close up, it is harder to see, and when you get to the top you are seeing a view you see all over the place. (This is just IMO)


    The Metropolitan museum is good too, they have an amazing Egypt exhibit.


    Grey's Papaya hot dogs is a new york staple, and a cheap lunch


    The library is great, it has the original Winnie the Pooh stuffies, and Bryant park which it is next too is the place where New Yorkers go ice skating in the winter. IT is free to skate, but you have to pay to rent. It is the cheapest one though.


    It is really safe. We walked, bused, and cabbed all over the place. Just use common sense and you should be fine. It is a really fun city. We go every year and just love it. (my mom and sister live there)


    pm me if you have any specific questions


  4. I have no family history of Cancer of any kind. I had a breast reduction just over a year ago, they biopsy everyone when they do that. Turns out I have Atypical Lobular hyperplasia. I will have yearly mammograms until I am 40. Then I will also have yearly MRI's so every 6 months my breasts are being looked at.


    One thing to look at is that IF you develop breast cancer and you are having yearly mammograms chances are they will catch it early. If they catch it early, most of the time the treatment is a lot less. A lumpectomy may be all you need if it is caught early. (Rather than a full mastectomy) Also, if it is caught early it greatly reduces your need for chemotherapy and or radiation.


    I was worried after I got the results until I talked to the Oncologists. She explained that with how often they would be taking pictures of my breasts, that if something cropped up I would most likely just have to go in and get it removed.


    I don't like being poked and prodded, and we don't go over board for medical stuff, except preventative. If I can avoid a lot of medical stuff down the road it is worth it for me.

  5. DS just read "if you lived in Colonial times. He came up to me afterwards with a big smile on his face and asked me if he could read a page to me. He read to me about the punishments, and that if a wife spoke back to her husband, she would be subjected to the dunking chair. He then proudly informed me that I would have to be dunked every day if we lived during Colonial times.



  6. It is really hard, people lose weight in such different ways. My friend did Medifast and the weight flew off her. I did it for the same amount of time and only lost about 1/4 of the weight that she did.


    I am one of those people that takes a long time to lose weight, I have just had to embrace that. Eating right and exercise will get you there in the long run, it just might take awhile.


    I have found that I eat right and exercise to maintain in between bouts of weight loss, I don't really lose that way. For me, I found the HCG diet works the best. I will take 10 pounds off with that, and then maintain for a couple months, then do it again. It has taken me 15 months to lose 45 pounds, but I feel that they are not coming back.


    Good luck


  7. We have Silent Sustained Reading once a week, and for about 2 hours a day. It is my son's favorite lesson. It is also his number one reason for why he is happy to be a home schooled child. When he was in Private School he did not have enough time to read, only about 20 min a day. I would much rather he was exploring Narnia then doing a couple hours of busy work everyday. Once a month or so we have educational DVD day. He is currently watching Colonial House, Liberty Kids, and Mathtacular!

  8. Reading his two links, and his response to the e-mail. He is trying to sell something...himself. It might be a free curriculum that he is trying to promote. There might be money associated with the free curriculum one day (advertisers, speech tour, a book etc..) if it is successful. He might just be trying to earn prestige, and he is mad that the home school community by and large is ignoring him. He is a PhD and a male after all. He sounds like he is mad that us homeschool moms are ignoring him instead of doing what he wants us to do.


    I wish now that I had not sent an e-mail to him. All this attention has probably made his day. I for one and going to ignore him so he can just slip quietly back into nothingness.

  9. Where are you?


    I am in Oregon, and it is nice here. Very outdoorsy. Lots of place to hike, bike, etc... I love that fact that from Portland I can drive under 2 hours and be skiing, or drive another direction for under 2 hours and be at the beach.


    Have you thought of picking a state to explore and maybe renting an RV? That way you could see more, have the kitchen and not have to keep packing and unpacking.


    The whole Northwest is amazing. I also spent a week with my mom driving around Wyoming which I loved. This year I am flying into New York and my mom and I are driving a U-Haul back to Oregon. We are going to take the northern route and drive across Canada.


    A fly to place that is great is San Diego. We always have so much fun there. Sea World is pretty cheap at the moment, especially if you want to go for more than one day. The San Diego zoo is amazing. They have great beaches, and old town San Diego is really cute.

  10. You do not need to do Latin.


    However there are lots of Latin options.


    I am doing Latina Christina from Memoria Press. I love it. Some people are not so fond of it. I got it with the DVD's


    This is one of my favorite lessons, as it is one where I don't have to do much at all.


    On Day 1 DS watches the DVD. I don't watch with him, he watches it. On Day 2 he fills in what he can remember from the DVD into the workbook. On Day 3 he sits with the workbook and watches the DVD while filling in what he didn't remember from the first time. Then we spend 2 weeks on the review. I have him so the extra worksheets that are available through the site. We do the quizes from the back of the book, work on flash cards etc... before moving onto the next section. I am not learning latin, the teachers guide is set up for a parent who does not know any latin. I personally only spend about 5 min of the week on latin, maybe 15 during the review weeks.


    Hope that helps, I am sure you will get some other program reviews too.

  11. I e-mailed and linked.


    I also explained that I was linking him to a forum based on TWTM, written by a homeschool pioneer and her daughter that also is a home school educator. That in fact TWTM is a book that gives you step by step instructions on how to home educate.


    I learnt more in my first 2 hours of research into home schooling than he found in his article. I remember it was only last July. I bet he spent about 30 min researching and now thinks he is an expert!



  12. We switched to AAS in October as spectrum spelling was becoming our least favorite subject. I was really not sure about starting my third grader (who is at a 7th grade reading level(but horrible with writing and struggling with Math, no kid is perfect:lol:)) in level 1, but I took a leap and did it.


    I am so happy we did


    Spelling became our favorite subject. He loves playing with the tiles. He has a complete can do attitude when it comes to spelling now.


    So the reason for my early morning, sudden expression of joy...

    2 reasons;

    1.) We just finished AAS 1. we have officially completed our first book, and had a blast doing it.

    2.) He is working on a project about colonial times and asked me how to spell the word punishments, I told him to use his spelling rules and spell it with the tiles.

    ds "Okay, my base word is punish" he then sounds out punish with the tiles, "now I add ment" sounds that out with the tiles. "Okay, now I can make it a plural" and he adds and s


    He totally remembered how to figure out the word and he did it right!


    Sorry, I just had to share, today has been a good morning. Thank you AAS!




    and no, I am in no way associated with AAS, just a happy mama!

  13. As I think you said that you were going to finish WWE2 before moving on can I suggest that you watch SWB's you tube videos on dictation. It totally changed the way I did dictation. She does a lot of hand holding with it.


    We had a lot of tears with WWE 3, I watched the you tube video and that helped with dictation. We also have been doing FLL and that has poem memorization. My ds is still not having an easy time of it as this is our first year with Home school, but I have seen some serious improvement. The more he memorizes, the easier it become for him to memorize. We went from tears with dictation to pride as he stands and tells The Land of Nod from memory.


    The other thing is the narration. What I started doing was I read him all the questions, before we read the passage. I then read the passage and I read him the questions again. Then he reads the passage to me. After that, we I ask him the questions and he gives me answers. At some point soon I plan on dropping one of the pre reading of the questions.


    I don't know if this is your first year of home school, but it is mine. It seems like a lot of work for the narration. But I use that (and SOTW) instead of a formal reading program. Once he is able to do it the way it is written I will add a reading comprehension part. I figure for now, the narration as well as being writing and history is also reading comprehension.


    I hope something in there helps.



  14. What are your state requirements? I have been given a freebie year, as he was in school in February of 2010 I don't have to do anything until 5th grade now.


    You can turn so much stuff into lists and stuff for the evaluator. If you have them read lots of books, just write them all down and give them a book list.

  15. I had this problem last year. We used a couple of methods.


    First, they got their punishment for whatever they had done wrong and lied about (ie the cheating, I would deal with the lying first as that will probably solve the cheating)


    Next there were special punishments that ds got as well, every time he lied


    Lines: He had to write I must not tell lies 25 times, and I told him that it would increase by 25 with every lie. He got to 150 lines, but oh he hated those.


    And a creative one, something he would never expect.


    Cinderfella; he had to scrub the kitchen floor with a toothbrush



    I even tried lying to him. I told him we were going to the amusement park the next day, built it up all day. Then the next morning he was all ready and I said, oh. we aren't going. I lied! He broke into tears. After he calmed down we talked about how he felt. He told me he was mad at me, that he was sad. I told him that was how I felt when he lied to me. I asked him if he felt like he couldn't trust me, and he said yes. I explained that is what his lying did to me. This one stopped the lying for about 6 months, then he told one more and I did this


    Food: I took his sister out to his favorite restaurant and he had to stay home with dad, had bread and water for lunch and sit at the table and do nothing until we got back. I told him to think that while he was sitting there he could have been enjoying his favorite meal if he had only told me the truth(this was the one that had the 150 lines and stopped the lying from him)


    We haven't had a lie now for 18 months. For the first few months I tried whenever I could to remind him what the consequences of a lie were before I asked the question. I also make sure to thank him for telling me the truth. I let him know alot how nice it is to have such a trustworthy son. We surprised him with a trip to Great Wolf on the one year anniversary of no lying. He really understands now that we really put a big emphasis on honesty in our family. He sister has started with the tall tales (she is almost 4) and it is really sweet hearing him explain to her how lying is wrong.


    Sorry, this is long, and maybe to harsh. But it worked for us. My mom was like this too, and she said that I was almost too honest with her when I was in High School. My sisters and I told her everything that we got up too.

  16. I had this problem a few weeks ago when I thought that the school year was almost over. It feels like it is. However, we have only just passed the half way point of a traditional year. Feb, Mar, Apr, May, beginning of June, That is over 4 months left. Plus as homeschoolers we can do little parts throughout the summer. You have lots of time to review and play with Math. Just go at your child's skill level. If you really work on the basics and make sure they understand that, the other things will come.



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