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Posts posted by Dolphin

  1. I got the new Sonlight Catalogue yesterday in the mail and I have been looking through it. HAs anyone used SL with SOTW? I was thinking for next year. DS will be in 4th grade, of using SOTW 4 as our "spine" to get the world history in and doing SL core E as our American History side (I think it used to be core 4, the 2nd year of US history)

    For LAnguage Arts I would stay with WWE, FLL and AAS

    Math would be SM and science would be physics TWTM way.


    Does that sound like a reasonable plan? This has been our first year Homeschooling, and I have been feeling a little lost. I was thinking maybe starting with a SL core guide might give me some more structure for next year and help keep me on task. Has anyone combined these before?




    PS, I did search, but I was having trouble figuring out the right combo of words, so please if there is a great thread that talks about this that I missed, post a link

  2. Thank you all, sometimes you just need to put it out there. I am sorry that some of you have had those types of day too, but there is also comfort in the fact that I am not alone. With all of my friends if I DARE to complain about my children, they just roll their eyes and tell me that I have good kids.


    Yes, they are good, but they are still kids!


    I have to read the rest of the links, but this one made me laugh out loud on the first link

    23. The ballerina rose gracefully en Pointe and extended one slender leg behind her, like a dog at a fire hydrant.

  3. ...it is nothing bad, they are good kids for the most part. The bickering and not listening to me is driving me crazy. I am trying to doing everything right, and still they bicker. This morning I had to make an important call for tax reasons. I went and got both of their attention. I told them in a really nice but stern voice. "Mummy needs to make a very important telephone call. I need you to be quiet for me, it will be very short and then we can play." Eye level everything. I dialed the phone number, and the bickering started. At that point I snapped very firmly while the phone was ringing. "I mean it, quiet now!" I get to the message machine and they start AGAIN! Arghhhhh!!!!!!! I was on the phone for less than 2 minutes, I really do not think that it is unreasonable for a almost 4 year old (less than 2 weeks) and an 8 year old to be quiet for a short phone call.


    Thank you for reading, I just had to vent!



  4. I would call and talk to someone else. Let them know about why this wasn't a good call. RR looks like it is a pretty big company. Is people don't let the supervisors know when there staff need some retraining they don't always know.


    So far, I have had great luck with RR. They are not as fast as amazon, but they haven't been overly slow either. In one of my orders a poster had not been packed properly and was damaged. I called and they just took my word for it, told me to toss it and I had a new one within a week. When I have had damaged goods from other places I have had to send photographs, repack ans send it back etc... I have called them with other problems and always have had good experiences. There are a lot of really wonderful and helpful people working there. Let them know so that they can fix the problem.



  5. We love April fools here.

    This year,

    I am moving all the chairs into the garage the night before (the dining ones) and then I will act like nothing is amiss when I call them to breakfast.


    For dinner (chairs are coming back in) I am getting a plastic table cloth. We are having spaghetti with meatballs, no plates or utensils. I am going to walk over with the bowl a plop a big old pile of pasta in front of sh and the kids, then some salad, and then ask if anyone would like some Parmesan and sit down and eat.


    Last year I switched meals. We had soup and rolls for breakfast and pancakes and bacon for dinner. Oh, and I turned the couch upside down.



  6. I had rosacea brought on by products that I was using to control it. If I missed even one, it got worse. I went to an astetician and she put my on a simple regime that cleared it up, and my skin is no longer dry. Agera. I use the micellular cleanser and the anti oxidant moisturizing shield. I use these daily. For me, this got it under control. I still find that I often have to re apply moisturizer to my forehead on dry days.

  7. Whatever faith or non faith you are, I thought maybe a thread to say Thank you for your help would be nice right about now. Let's really try and make this 100%, no debate, no negativity. Just how she has helped you. (ETA: If you are not sure where this is coming from, here.)



    I want to thank you. You do not know me, but I have really appreciated all of the materials that your mother and you have put out there. Reading TWTM was the first time that I really thought I could homeschool my kids. Every time I start getting off track I go back and reread sections of that book and get back on track.


    Your curriculum have made this first year so much smoother than they could have been. FLL is wonderful, and at the age of 36 I am learning how to diagram a sentence myself for the first time.


    Writing was one of the reasons that I pulled my son out of school. He spent his first three years in a small private school, he went from loving school to dreading it during this time, because of writing. Using WWE has changed that. He is still not a brilliant writer, but both of us are seeing progress, and he is so proud of himself. I had to stop myself from crying when the dictation finally clicked. Your program has helped my 8 year old son regain confidence in himself.


    I also want to thank you for supporting this board. I am the only homeschooler I know, and this board has helped me emotionally, and when I have needed help with curriculum. Yes, it sometimes gets heated, but there is also so many great conversations that happen because of the freedom of discussion you allow here.


    So thank you. As I said you do not know me, but our family sure is grateful to you!



  8. My favorite was I was chatting to this one lady while exercising. We both had a big weight loss journey ahead of us. We skirted the whole Christian question for a while and then discovered that we were both Christian. I was so happy. We talked for awhile about how prayer was really helping us through this time etc... she then asked me which Christian faith I was and I answered Episcopalian. She stopped exercising, looked at me and said "Just because your church has been around a long time doesn't mean you are right." and walked away. I was floored! The only strong opinion, the only opinion of any kind that I have given was that I could not imagine facing this challenge or any challenge in my life with out God. It hurt for awhile, I have had other comments about being Episcopalian, none quite that bad. I just hit my knees and gave it to God. If he is with me I will keep letting my light shine and following the path he lays before me.



  9. So now that's it's been brought up... what are the differences between Lutheran and Episcopalian and RC and EO?? There were 2 here I was considering looking at. But, not only did all the rites, rituals and words I have never heard of scare me off, but I was told Lutherans do no believe the Bible is the literal word of God :confused:


    I am sure you can find these for other churches too, but this is a nice guide to the Episcopalian service. This is not my church, but I like the way that it explains everything.


    If you ever feel like trying a service know that you will most likely be given a print out of the service when you enter the church. It lets you know what to say and when. Don't sit in the front and you will be able to follow when to stand, or kneel. You will find that people do what they want to do. During prayer we have people on there knees, people sitting in the pew with a bowed head and others who stand. Any of the three are fine.


    I had a lot of friends who were worried before my children's baptisms as they are done as part of the Sunday service, but afterwards they told me that they were pleasantly surprised. It seems scary going in, but once you are there, they really hold your hand.


    PM me if you ever have any further questions about it.



  10. I would ask what company they work for as if you are interested like other people have suggested. I would also find out the name and company of the person doing a good job. I think it would be a nice thing to also call and let them know what a wonderful job they are doing. This is a situation where the bad does need to be seen and something does need to be done, but it would be nice to also rejoice in the good that is out there too.



  11. For the drills I just have him write the English and then the Latin. We do it until he hits 100% on all the vocabulary. I figure there is no point in moving on at this level until he is really comfortable and knows his words. It might takes us more than a year, but I figure that is the joy of homeschool. I look at a foreign language like Math, if we don't spend the time and make sure he is rock solid at the beginning, he will have problems later.


    Hope that helps,


  12. :grouphug:to you both


    We do the next one in the series, Latina Christina what we do is this

    1st day he watches the DVD

    2nd day he fills in what he can remember in the workbook

    3rd day he watches the DVD again and fills in the rest of the workbook


    We use the DVD, as it gives me a little break. He does Latin mostly on his own. He has the flashcards (and I find random places where I have to make a flashcard too.) and on certain days I will tell him to review.


    Every 5 lessons we review and make sure he is solid before moving on. I use this sheet from the website. Just to help with the drills.


    Good Luck

  13. Ok, so I have been following this thread and discussing it with hubby... we've had some very "spirited" debates... LOL One of his biggest complaints is that he has read/heard that we are not to worship "graven images". Until last night I had never heard that or that term. He used the golden calf as na example... again I am not very familiar with the stories, so I was :confused: But he has taken this story from Exodus and applied it to the images within the Catholic church... the cross, statues, etc... So does anyone have an answer that may appease him on this?? Cause I am clueless... LOL


    Thanks :)


    I am not sure about the Catholic response to this, but I would say that I do not worship the cross. I respect it as a symbol of Jesus's sacrifice.

  14. Cold water with some salt in it. Make sure that they are totally covered with water. I always leave them out (not fridge) they are so dense and would take a long time to warm u from being in the fridge. I put them in the pot I am cooking them in, on the stove top. They have always been fine. Dump the water off and put fresh water in the pot before you cook them in the morning. They should be fine. We always peel our Christmas day potatoes the night before (and carrots, swede, turnips etc...)

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