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Posts posted by Dolphin

  1. Same deodorant on armpits and teA room? That does seem unhygienic. I thought about deodorant BEFORE I got rid of the carpet in the teA room. For me that is one of the joys of hardwoods in the teA room, no fibers to trap smell, therefore the smell has disappeared.


    I once bought a deodorant spray by some company specifically for the teA room area. Did not like it at all!!!

  2. I have a few things that I have scrapped this year and we are going to try again next year. This is our first year homeschooling, it is a lot to do. Also, taking a break and then starting again might be great for her. The first 3 units will probably be easy for her, and that will start her off feeling good about Latin.

  3. We go through phases like this. One thing is growth spurts. 3's and 4's have a lot of growth spurts, mental growth spurts I am talking about. When my dd gets like this, I try and get back to some basics. I asses where nutrition is. This is a good time to start the day with oatmeal. I make sure she is getting plenty of protein.


    I also look at sleep. Maybe he needs to go to bed earlier, change the time of his nap if he still has one.


    Then I remember that although it is hard, consistency is my friend in the long run. She is testing the boundaries and I need to calmly make sure that they are still there. During a time when she is being good I sit with her on the bed and remind her of what the consequences for her actions are. Then I bribe her. Some of what I have done is this.


    At the beginning I try and set her up for success. She starts trying to be good, but it is hard to do overnight. I get 4 different types of chocolate chips at the grocery store and a box of brownie mix. I line them up on the table in her sight. I tell her that we are going to make brownies before dinner if she is good. That we can put all the different chips into the brownies. Each time she does something wrong and has to go into time out, she also has to put a bag of chips away in the pantry.


    Another bribe is that if she goes all day with no time out, she can go grocery shopping, to the bank, whatever errand I am doing with me when daddy comes home, just me and her.


    One thing that helps me keep my patience during this time is that dh takes care of the evenings. After dinner I tell the kids good night and go upstairs to my room, shut the door and read a book or take a nice bath. Take some time for yourself and it is easier to face the next day. Kids pick up on stress, so try and relax.


    Good luck, I hope something in there might help.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

  4. This is our first year homeschooling. We pulled DS and asked DD (4th grade) if she wanted to come home. She chose to be homeschooled but was disappointed when I started ordering material for next year. She thought she was going back. She is a social butterfly and really misses her friends.


    I just asked them again. DS - "I don't know if I like it or not" DD - "I like it but there are some things I miss about public school. I miss feeling like I'm in school. I miss knowing what's going on with my friends." :sad: Now I'm sad.


    Playdates? My ds best friend has 2 working parents, so I offered to pick him up from school 2 days a week. It earns me a little extra money, ds gets to play with his besty and they have 2 days a week where there son is not in the schools after care program. He also does geography class with us on those days. One day a week he goes to Awana with another good friend from school, he is on Lacrosse with another friend and does Tae Kwon do with 2 of the previous mentioned school friends and 2 others.


    My ds was in school k-2, this is our first year at home. I asked him what he thought and if he wanted to continue and he was adamant that he was staying home. I asked him why and he said first of all, that he loves having at least 2 hours a day of reading time. He has talked to his friends and they have told him that they only get about 20 min of free reading a few times a week in 3rd grade. Then he told me about writing. I knew he struggled with writing, and we have made great strides this year with his writing. He told me that it is nice that he doesn't have the whole class waiting for him to finish, then being told to take it home and finish as they had to move on. He said that it made him want to cry. That he never feels that way with me.

  5. Our door is always locked, it is just reflex for me to lock it as I come in the house. Same with the back door.


    However, in the summer we padlock our 2 gates and let the kids have free range of the back yard, with the dog. I have accidentally locked them in the back yard a few times when I have walked by the door and seen it unlocked. I get lots of pounds on the door with the kids laughing that mom has locked us out again. ( I should say our back yard is all on level, not down stairs and we have tons of windows looking out on it and it is fully fenced.


    I am just learning to allow our front door to be unlocked after school until dinner as ds is now going out and playing with the neighborhood kids. I figure this is a pretty safe time as about 10 moms keep walking out and there are about 20 kids, and everyone knows who belongs and who doesn't.


    We sleep with the windows open, but only open to the locked vent position.


    For security we have a big dog.

  6. Yes, I am talking about the book the well trained mind. It has been the single biggest help for me in trying to decide what I am doing here with Home School. I own it, but I believe that you can get it from most libraries.


    SWB really does a nice and simple outline of how to do science in the elementary years. She does it by subject (earth, biology, physics etc...) she gives both a traditional way (the adventures with atoms and molecules) She also discusses Real science 4 kids, and a few others.


    My husband and I were personally not thrilled by Real Science for kids. It has a lot less experiments in it for a lot less money. Adventures is $8.95 on Amazon and has 30 experiments in it. We got this kit from home science tools for $42, just to make it more fun (you can use kitchen glass ware) I then spent about $15 more on supplies and a science notebook. So that is about $66. Real Science for kids is $75 and that is not including any of the supplies. It only has 10 chemistry experiments (sorry I don't know why I am still highlighting.


    Hope that helps



  7. Praying:grouphug:


    I don't know if you have left yet, or if this would even help your son. My friends son has noise reducing headphones. I know it seems unrelated, but he is calmer during medical procedures with those. For him he has issues with too much stimuli coming in, and hospitals have a lot of extra noises. By reducing that he has an easier time with the IV's. sometimes he covers his eyes with a sleep mask too. (He is autistic too, I know they are all different though, but if there is a chance it would help)...



  8. I have come more comfortable with it, as it helped my dh. He knew who had done it, and they actually talked about it and it made him really comfortable with the whole thing. He was able to ask question before, and that is how we found the great doctor that we had. I have found out since, but in the area people just say they had a procedure done with (the last name) and those in the know will all start telling stories. The guy is a bit of a legend. I actually watched the procedure. I figure dh saw me get 2 c-sections, it was my turn. After I watched one side I sat down and started flipping through a magazine and told him that we were not even close to even.


    We kept one bag of peas, and after the swelling was down they went into the compost.

  9. Finding hairless female pubic mounds arousing and attractive is a fairly recent phenomenon (1990s) popularized primarily by pornography.


    Neither my parnter nor I find anything unattractive in what you refer to as jungle look in either males or females, but people have sovereignity over their own bodies. Thus, they should do what pleases them.


    With a creative mind at work, there are numerous solutions to any practical problems presented by alternative sexual practices with a natural partner.


    I do not follow most fashion trends, pornographic ones included.


    I don't think any of the discussion is on finding the hairless teA room attractive. I was worried about the whole looking pre-pubescent thing. I don't follow fashion trends either, including pornographic ones.


    Honestly, for me after popping out a few kids and being 36, there is nothing that looks pre-pubescent about me whether I have carpet or not.


    A lot of ladies are blond or light haired. Or they might just be lucky and not have a lot of hair. I have Spanish ancestry, I have been having to do different things with my female mustache since hitting puberty. There is a difference between having a natural light covering, and just crazy hair growth everywhere, so it really had nothing to do with a fashion trend pornographic or otherwise.


    It is more sanitary, it is just cleaner and easier to keep clean. We just got back from a week in Mexico and it was a world of difference changing after being in the ocean.


    For some people it will hurt, others not so much. My armpits were A LOT worse than the teA room.


    There have been other pleasant side effects, especially with dh, but that was not the reason for doing it. However, if someone wants to do it for that reason I think it is a valid reason.


    The other thing is softness. It hasn't happened yet as I just started, but I saw the difference with my underarm hair. I went from really dark coarse hair to light soft hair. It is nice not to feel like I have a brillo pad covering my teA room.


    Just remember that as we are all different, we all have different carpets. Color, length, thickness and coarseness. It's not really fair to say it's a trend and insinuate that those of us who chose carpet removal are following a pornographic fashion trend. If you are feeling that way reading the thread, maybe it means that this is not a thread for you. Until that comment I thought it was fun, a way to ask questions and get some answers about some things we might not be able to discuss with people as openly IRL



  10. Mine doesn't find it unattractive, and carpet removal is a relatively new thing in our marriage. He's okay with the floors in any condition as long as there's teA time.


    That said, he has indicated that he will spend more time being on eye level with the floor when the carpet has been removed. Fewer fibers end up in his mouth.:blushing:




    But totally true! That is why I gave it a go. I am loving the bare floors when we spend time in the teA room. I am going for my second waxing next week. The joy far outweighs the discomfort. Plus, within a few times I probably won't really feel it much at all.


    I can't remember who posted about the underarms, but that is the most painful area I have ever had waxed! The teA room was a walk in the park compared to the under arms. Also, if your legs hurt, you probably want something to numb the pain. If your legs didn't really hurt the first time they were professionally waxed, the teA room should not be to bad.


    I love, dh loves it, and even with bare floors, there is no way I look like a 10 year old girl.

  11. Read the well trained mind science section for 3rd grade. You need to put it together yourself, but it is not hard. The book they use for the text is Adventures in Atoms and Molecules. We then got supplies for Home science tools online. We have been very happy with it. My dh is a PhD research chemist and he is also thrilled with the program.

  12. I just had my carpet removed for the first time 3 weeks ago. I am thrilled that I did it. It is GREAT!!!!


    I went for waxing, and it was not too bad. Now, I am not a big fan of carpet anywhere. I started with the upper lip and brows, then I went for the legs. After that the under arms and just last month the teA room.


    I have a great gal that has been doing my waxing for me for 8 years. I would try and go with someone you know or get a recommendation from a friend.


    Pain wise, it wasn't too bad, but saying that my legs don't hurt when they are professionally waxed. From what I understand people whose legs hurt are more likely to have the teA room hurt. Also, I went bare. The most painful part is the edges that most people do, the rest was really not bad. For me, the most painful was the first time I had my underarms done. I swore out loud (and I don't tend to swear) By the third time I hardly felt it. My eyebrows don't hurt, my most painful was is still the upper lip which I have been doing the longest. It is great, I am having my first visit from Aunt Flo, and it is a lot nicer with the carpet removed!


    Another part that I love about no carpet is I don't have to worry about the color fading to say grey in certain areas, that sure as heck made me feel old. I have had some people ask about a carpetless teA room looking too young, it has not been a problem. That ship sailed many moons ago.


    Oh, and I didn't use any creams, tranquilizers or anything.

  13. I worried as soon as I saw a problem. This was my first hurdle with HS. DS had been in a small private school k-2, when we started math this year I realized how behind he was. I think some was switching programs, but he was just really weak on basic addition and subtraction skills.


    I went back to the beginning of SM to make sure that he at least got all the theories they were doing and had the background. I also enrolled him in Kumon. I had so many problems in math myself, that I want to make sure my son is really solid in it I am not going to push him forward until he is really solid in the basics, but we are putting a huge amount of our time int Math right now until he is very strong and at grade level.

  14. We have just hired someone as dh is really busy at work and I don't want him spending what little time he has on the yard. We pay someone $30 every other week (yes the lawn gets a little long, but not too bad) He does everything in the front(so our neighbors won't be glaring at us this summer). He cuts the grass, weeds, blows leaves when needed and anything else that comes up as the seasons change (tying off bulbs, pruning roses etc..) He says that it will even out, some weeks he might be here for about 15 min, others will be an hour but he says the $30 every 2 weeks keeps the salary regular for him instead of charging different amounts the different weeks. The only time we will have to pay extra is when it is time to trim the trees.


    eta: We only have a typical suburban front yard, not huge.

  15. after 6 years at the same salon this started happening to me. Good salon, high quality wax, I just started reacting to it. Talk to your person. I had to switch to a hard wax. It takes longer and hurts a little more, but no break out. I have been doing the hard wax for a year now and we are going to try a small amount of the old was soon. The skin can develop a sensitivity. I don't know if you have had this happen, but sometimes my deodorant will stop working as well, I switch to my brand 2. Then when that stops being as effective I go back to brand 1. About every 5-7 years.

  16. You need all 3

    HIG: This tells you what you will be teaching. The way that the SM wants you to teach it (so that they will be able to understand more difficult concepts later) and ways to introduce new concepts.


    Text: This is the text. It goes step by step through what they are learning.


    Workbook: This is the practice of doing what they have just learnt on their own.


    Hope that helps


  17. I would start with A. My daughter turns 4 tomorrow and we just started last month. We are moving very slowly through it. I was not planning on starting with her until the fall, so we only "do school" on days she asks and only for about 15 min. She is not too into reading, but really good with numbers. A is perfect for her. The thing at this point, is that you want Math to be fun, to be easy and for it to be something that they want to do. RS A will do that, and give a good understanding of numbers at the same time. We are planning somewhere around level C to switch over to Singapore Math which my son is in and loves. RS is a great lead into to SM from everything that I have read. I *think* SM is cheaper than saxon (although I might be wrong). If you are going to go that route you can show dh how the price of Math will go down after the first few years.



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