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Everything posted by JoJosMom

  1. Oh, poop. Susan, I think I may have stolen your likes. But it's not really stealing if it's inadvertent, right?
  2. And thank you both, as well! I ran out of likes at Dawn's post. :glare:
  3. Thank you, ikslo! I'll pass this on to the Boo. :001_smile:
  4. Ooo, ooo, ooo! Mommy brag alert! DD's Fractal poem was published on the Brave Writer blog.
  5. Of course you can. For a while. They're not going to go to Harvard doing it. Tell Matt to lighten up. Or else. Ninja.Elephants.
  6. The link to the Jill Pike syllabus sample on the website is broken. :glare:
  7. On Lynn's thread: This is not deep or profound, and I don't mean for it to be dismissive. Is it possible that we are just feeling middle-aged? As we travel through life, we must make choices, which necessarily entails giving things up and letting things go. Is some of the reflection simply looking back and saying "What if?" I dunno. Just a thought. Obviously, there is personality, too, because many have experienced the feeling to some degree throughout life. Just throwing it out there. BTW, thank you for the link, Susan. Excellent discussion.
  8. Lynn's post: I'm just pondering feelings possibly referred to as imposter syndrome, where you constantly feel like you're not as good as you should be or as others are at something, and what causes it. Perfectionism? An example of work-a-holism? Too much praise? If you have felt this way, did it keep you from going for something you later wished you had? And, what do you think caused the imposter feelings? Do you deliberately try to avoid the same pitfalls as you parent your own children? By doing so, do you think you've possibly created other problems or issues in your kids related to work and accomplishments? I've been thinking about this. My first reaction was to reject the idea, and I'm having trouble getting over it. Honestly, I think I'm just so done with people being labeled that I just can't get over the label. Which is dumb, I know, because it's just describing a tendency, but still. I don't know that the idea applies to me. I can say that I never really failed at any thing until I tried to have a baby. Now that was pretty much a disaster, but I do have my absolutely fantabulous DD, so it wasn't a failure. My lack of failure was more the result of no really hard challenges, though, so I don't think it counts. I think I'm more concerned about this as it applies to DD, though. She's very smart, but not freakishly so. She is just now bumping into things that are hard and it's kind of freaking her out. Mostly, I really want to think about this to help her navigate the waters. Hmmm. Much to ponder... Thank you, Lynn.
  9. Great idea, Tex! I'd much prefer to have serious discussions here. Just don't tell anyone out there, k?
  10. That will be so yummy. If you have some winter greens, toss them in the sauce. :thumbup1: Sausage and greens loooooooove each other! ( And I love them. Which is why I'm going on a diet come January 1 :tongue_smilie: )
  11. I'm stressing over next year, so EVERYTHING is special! :wacko: (On the up-side, my kid is a huge fan of the Bard and has written just about everything he wrote, so I think that's covered, at least!)
  12. I use them together (in spaghetti sauce, too), but each would be fine on it's own. :drool5:
  13. :001_wub: right back atcha! I'm glad there's smart people for the deep posts for you!
  14. Oooo! I got a coloring book for Christmas! From Nana! 'Cuz I asked! (Everything else-ya know, boots and work gloves, yay- I bought myself.)
  15. You know, if you're going to do all this work and brag about it, the least you can do is post the results. For the imposters slackers goof balls fellow homeschool moms here.
  16. Hmm. I probably shouldn't mention that Buddy the GSD loves to go to the Elmira store, because he gets a hamburger patty (hand-formed and yummy) cooked on the 9,000 year old flat-top coated with ancient grease and part of my peanut butter milkshake... :ph34r:
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