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Jennifer in NH

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Posts posted by Jennifer in NH

  1. Sorry sorry sorry...don't hate me. I meant it as a HUGE compliment to her, that I think she should make tons of money at it and that it is such a worthwhile thing and that often in this society worthwhile things don't earn a lot of money but that because this is such an enormous undertaking I hope that she would. Hope that clears things up a little. Can't find a sheepish smiley.


    That cleared it up for me!

  2. We're in the same snow and mud situation. I keep looking at my floors (that will see vacuum in a few moments) thinking, "why should I wash them? The second they're clean, kids or dogs will track threw more sand or mud!". BTW, it's sand that's really getting to me. It seems to track through the house and there's nothing worse than grit under your feet.


    Isn't that sand awful?! Sometimes I regret spreading it outside in the first place! But, I think if we had fallenon all that ice and gotten hurt I wouldn't be able to vacuum!;) But, there would be no sand in the house!:lol:

    And yes, i just vacummed and then silly me let a dog in! Oh well, I haven't mopped yet!;)

  3. I really need to do some in depth spring cleaning, but I need spring to show up first! There is still a foot of snow outside my door, our snowbanks are between 3 feet and 10 feet high:glare:. Wherever there is no snow there is mud...not real happy about this with 2 dogs (who lie mud) and 3 kids (who also like mud). part of me just wants to give up and live in a mud brick house!

    Okay, with that little vent, i am off to vacuum up some..mud!:001_smile: Maybe I am ready to move south? DH would never go for it...that guy loves to snowmobile! oh well, in a month or two my house will be clean!

  4. I really recommend getting a copy of 'The Tightwad Gazette' by Amy Dacyczyn. We survived a very lean period using this. We ate frugally and learned many, many coping strategies which enriched our lives for the better. She teaches you how much per hour you can earn by saving. Often economics makes it cheaper not to work outside the home.

    If you possibly can, borrow it from your library, but otherwise make it the last thing you spend your money on.

    Best wishes in your endeavours!

    :iagree: We have all three books and they are a God send! I still use one of them for the homemade play dough recipe! We always have tons of playdopugh and it is cheap and lasts a long time! Plus, it is any colour you wish... I have stopped going to yard sales and stuff for kids clothes, but I am seriously thinking of doing that again this year! I'd love to find something I could make money at from my home too, but so far,nothing has really sounded feasible for me...However, I suscribed to this thread just in case!;)

  5. Wow! Doesn't your pediatrician have seperate well and sick child waiting areas? I thought that was totally standard for pediatrician's offices. I would not want to take a child for a well check if they had to sit with sick kids.

    I have never actually heard of two different waiting areas! That would be so wonderful! We have been to2 different pediatrician offices with our children and a few hospitals, I have never encountered this! I am always nervous that going to the doctor will get them sick..I don't mean diseases, just colds and flu and stuff like that!

    I actually switched my kids pediatrician because they refused to give my children the flu vaccine without the Thermosil! I called and asked what they give to infants and then to older children. They rfused to give the older kids the non mercury vaccine. That year my kids went without the flu shot, and then I asked my doctor, who is a family doctor, and she said they always respect what the parents want, they just have to know before hand to order it! Even without separate waiting areas, I am so much happier with our doctor now! I had other issues with the last one anyway!

  6. I agree whole heartedly to not get invloved at all! So far, everything has been good advice in my opinion! How awful! I feel so bad that I do not have any good advice exept, do not let her in! And never be nice! It will be taken advantage of!

    really fast growing bushes next to that fence would be good! or yes, another fence with a privacy screen!

    For the record, I wouldn't be much good at this...I'd be hiding in my house, or going out more often...

  7. The Museum of Scinece and the Children's musueum are both wonderful! I would also add the New England Aquarium to that and the USS Constitution. You can walk parts or all of the freedom trail. Fanueil Hall is a great place to eat lunch if you have been to the Aquarium, it is right across the street. That is where the Old North Church is.

    Are you just in Boston, or in the area? If you go a little bit south there is Plymouth Plantation and the Mayflower...Lexington and Concord are a little west (as a kid growing up in Lexington I never understood why so many tourists go there).

    Hope this helps too! There is lots to do! Even going to the public gardens and seeing the statues of all the ducklings in "Make way for duckllings"...

  8. I voted "answered," but we really need to get to turning it off & screening the calls.

    Me too!

    I have found that I have been a slave to answering the phone lately! I can have DH call on the cell phone..we don't have minutes because he works for the company...(I like that). My mother will call in the middle of the day, and she recently lost her husband of 58 years(my father), so i have felt duty bound to answer the phone in case it is her....We don't have the option of caller id because we live out in the country it has not arrived here yet! I need to tell her to call on my cell phone...I will talk to her anytime she wants...she is lonely and not calling that often anyway...

    I hate when I I interupt school to run and get the phone...then it is just an annoying computer or salesperson etc..and yes, we are on the do not call list.

  9. Not everyone who is "crunchy" leans left politically, though. Some of us are crunchy cons. :)

    That's me!


    I find the remark about excluding public school kids a little odd...We go on many feild trips with other homeschoolers, but ps school kids get together with each other all the time too! Plus, most of the times our homeschool group gets together, is during ps hours.

    So, far, I haven't come across this at our chruch...maybe I just hang out with the homeschoolers too much!;)

    For the record, try really hard not to offend parents of ps kids...but, honestly, I am homeschooling because of what the ps systems do not teach and do teach...sometimes explaining without hurting feelings means i just leave some of my reasons for homeschooling out of the explaination.

  10. I am such a huge Errol Flynn fan! We own that movie, plus about 6 of his others! My kids really loved it! We watched it this year when they heard the story from SOTW. I thought, "cool tie in!" I plan to have them watch "against all falgs" and Captain Blood" in a few weeks when they start learning about Queen Elizabeth I and pirates! Any excuse to watch an Errol Flynn movie! He was in quite a few westerns so we are all set for next year too!:001_smile:

  11. No. as was stated earlier, chores are a part of living here. However, they are not without money. On birthdays and some holidays relatives will give them money. That is theirs to do with as they please...we do have certain things that just aren't allowed in the house though, so they know that! Examples are: video games, anything Spongebob, anything Bratz, etc... they don't watch too much tv, so there is less influence to just go out and buy stuff anyway!


    When they are teenagers I will give them a clothing allowance....on that they will have to budget in everything from socks and underwear to wintercoats...my parents did this with me and it really helped me learn how to, and how not to, spend money!

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