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Jennifer in NH

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Posts posted by Jennifer in NH

  1. This afternoon really was funny. The older two made this much harder because the little guy knew he was entertaining them! He absolutely knows when he needs to go and has total control! He just did not want to pee either while sitting or standing by the potty chair! he kept running from one side of the room to the other and peeing (on purpose), by the door, by the couch...he was having a great time!

    I started him out in training pants but he peed in those too. He knows what to do, and he knows when to do it, he just won't do this where he should!


    I am also all for doing this in as little time as I can. It will be a lot harder for me once June rolls around. From the beginning of June until Mid September we will be at our summer place which is wall to wall carpeting!:eek: I don't want to potty train him there!

  2. So, today I decide to give potty training a try with my almost 2 year old ds. He is running around the house peeing on everything except the potty chair!:glare::lol: Part of me knows this is funny, but the other part of me is already tired of following him around with a mop!


    So do any of you any tricks to get a little one to actually try sitting on the potty chair? So far I have tired...

    reading him a book,

    sitting with him,

    bribing him with chocolate,

    showing him how his doll pees in the potty



    Both his brother and sister learned how to use the potty about this age and he sems ready. My big problem right now is he is having way to much fun entertaining his big brother and sister by running around the room peeing in each corner! We have no rugs, just hardwood floors, but help!


    any suggestions? TIA


  3. I bought these a few months ago for my 7 year old. She was having a hard time reading and no desire...She loves them! I cannot recommend them enough! Today she sat down with the first one to "teach" her younger brother how to read! I didn't laugh outwardly but inside my head I was smiling away!:D She has reread the ones she has completed and she has not done that with any other book! They are wonderful!

  4. I think a culture can be measured in part by the quality of their education system. I believe that if you want strong communities building strong schools is vital to growth and progress.


    I homeschool because I love it. I would probably homeschool at least the early years even if I had a great educational system at my disposal. But whether I ever wished to use it or not, I want the system to be strong for the good our country.


    :iagree: I could not have said this better myself! not even close.

  5. If dh is home then I go to my room and close the door! He is really good at handling anything that happens for one evening. I get my pajamas on and crawl into bed, with either a book or a video, or i actually go to sleep.


    If DH is not home, I either take a nap (if kids will look after the toddler), I turn on some music I like (the them to The Man From Snowy River usually helps) and try to tune people out, or I come to the WTM forum! really.

    This mood hit me tonight and although dh is home and kids were going to bed, I had a ton of dishes to do, table to clear, groceries to put away, dog wouldn't stop barking etc... I put on some latin hymns really loud so I could no longer hear the dog and plodded away at the dishes...now i am in here on the computer feeling much better!

  6. Yeah, I eat this way...most of the time. There are tons of breakfast ideas to choose from, from simple eggs and bacon to last night's leftovers. For snacks we usually bring hard cheeses, almonds (I toast slivered almonds or bring whole raw almonds), other nuts, strawberries..any berry is a good choice but strawberries tend to be more available this time of year and cheaper. Whole, unsweetened, yogurt that I mix fruit into myself...

    you are welcome to pm me if you need more ideas right now. There is another web site that I go to and they have a really good recipe section. it is www.proteinpower.com/forum/index.php this is a website put up by Drs. Mike and Mary Dan Eades. They wrote the protein power books and are friends with Gary Taubes (Good Calories, Bad calories). I hope this helps and is a good start!


  7. I have everything set for "next" year. I was also chomping at the bit to start...then I realized that dd7 is already doing 3rd grade math and everything else was finished except history and that we are finishing up pretty quickly so we will start the !st week of May. We are also starting 3 weeks on and 1 week off so i am really excited!


    We are also starting things we really haven't touched before like Latin (and I am really excited..that befuddles me).

    We are starting formal grammar with R&S 3. I'm ready to go!

    The programs I am so excited about? All of them!

    but they include NEOE Science:Chemistry...okay, I love Chem and so does DH...I am hoping to instill a love for it in my kids as well! We will be supplementing this with Element-O..a Chemistry board game! The weeks we have no experiments we will play Element-O instead.

    The other program I am really excited about is Winterpromise: American Story 1.


    Can't wait! But we are having fun finishing up the Middle ages! I love when my kids request SOTW audio cd! Ds6 was so disappointed that I didn't have it in the car yesterday! We did have "the queen's pirate" by Jim Weiss and he ended up being happy with that! When my kids ask to listen to stuff like SOTW or other things like it I am always so glad we homeschool! I just think of their cousins (not all of them to be fair), who would be happy watching Songebob Squarepants and listening to who knows what music....I like this much better!

  8. As I was sitting in the dentist's chair this morning I was thinking of this thread! I had my teeth cleaned by a new hygenist and she was pleasant and not at all chatty! Then, I went in for x-rays. This woman was also very nice and a little chatty. Homeschooling did come up in conversation. after she asked how old my kids were and when I mentioned they were all at home. Anyway, at this point I'm wondering which direction this conversation will go! It turns out that the head dentist, well actually his wife, homeschools their kids! So, no awkward comments and no bizarre looks and i guess a pretty homeschool friendly place! I'm glad we (homeschoolers) are everywhere!

  9. I think it will be Syesha tonight. Bottom 3 might be Syesha/Brooke/Carly or maybe Kristy.

    I think Kristy is about the only one of the girls who is actually getting better! Now, I still don't like her, but the last few weeks she has really stepped it up! Of course, I still can't get "8 days a week" out of my mind!


    I thought Carly looked better last night too. Those high waisted pants were really awful!

    This season is amazing! I sure do hope they keep all the guys left until the end!


  10. I have this same problem and it comes and goes. I end up going cold turkey for a week, and then if the kids actually ask i let them watch 1 show per day. As others have said, the kids get bored for a day or two (sometimes only a few hours), and then they just remember how to play! I find that I can be the one who ends up turning it on because i want a break...that is something I have to work with!

    In our family, limiting the tv to 1 or 2 shows per day without the week of no tv just doesn't work...the kids moan and whine more!

    I am also one who would love to be without the tv again, but dh won't. On weekends I will find the 5 and 7 year olds sitting in front of the tv watching "this old house" and not wanting to get up!

    I need to go cold turkey here again too! it is easier now that the weather is getting nicer..hurray for that!

  11. I'm of the opinion that generally, most people don't quite know what to say, and end up saying rather stupid things. Not that some people actually say nasty stuff about homeschooling: they do! But, for the most part I've found most of the not so nice comments made to me have been awkward or foot in mouth type comments. That being said, my uncle told me that I am ruining the public school system by homeschooling! Now, he never did get around to explaining why my kids being homeschooled had any more of an impact on public schools as kids that go to a private school?!:glare: But, I never actually liked this uncle anyway! Those comments just reinforced that opinion!:D

    By the way, I hate when the hygenist talks to me while cleaning my teeth...a bit of a captive audience there!

  12. My dd loved this! She does not like addition or subtraction, but actually really enjoys multiplication and division. So, I would have her do some addition/subtraction and then she would get to do the 'fun" math.;) We would also do other math topics as well, like measurements, weights, geometry, patterns, telling time...it all came after the addition/subtraction drills. We did them directly after, sort of like a reward. But, what works for one child might not work for another! Generally this child just loves math! Hey, give it a try, if your child likes it, great, if not..stop. good luck!

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