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Jennifer in NH

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Posts posted by Jennifer in NH

  1. New Hampshire passed this last summer..it had failed 6 months before and they put it in with a different bill and passed it..without too many people knowing about it...now its the law here. The school districts don't even like it...I am annoyed by it, but I hate the idea that I have to tell the state what I am doing anyway.

    Good luck in Minnesota...we lived there about 11 years ago now...Didn't have kids then.

  2. Dinner? What's dinner? Oh yeah, that meal that I should be serving in about an hour! oops, I guess I need to get off of here too...honestly, I was only on the computer to track a package (curriculum)....you ladies are too darn interesting!:seeya: The post made me laugh though...oh yeah, I need to do something else now!:lol:

  3. He can come here and go sledding down our mountain with my kids! And we too can provide the large wooly dog! he'd get along great with my ds(almost 6). He keeps trying to sleep on the floor! Mud season should be here in about 3 weeks, but until then we still have 2+ feet of snow!:hurray: In about 3 weeks or so we will have 15 acres of mud and I WILL be sending the kids out to play! we also have a bathtub!:laugh:

  4. I feel like an island that might have a bridge or a causeway to it!:)


    My DH is very supportive but works long hours, so not actually here much.. My family and in-laws are not hostile and don't talk about it. There is a hs support group here, but really only gets together once the weather is nicer...another month or so. Then there are you lovely people. over the past month or so you have all helped me out quite a bit...even without realizing it! Thanks!

  5. Any sugar alcohol except erythitol. For some reason it has no side effects. lacitol and maltitol are the worst:(. Sorry, about your experience! I've stayed away from sugar free candy for that reason! However, I make a really good sugar free fudge! I put erythitol in it and liquid splenda. Erythitol must be more expensive than the others because not too many companies use it...I wish they did!

  6. They would stay here with us...but if we had much more money we might travel more! A field trip to a medieval castle in europe, maybe! or a trip touring more of the US than we might see now!

    But, I think most private schools have about the same problems as public schools. My kids still really get excited over learning (most of the time). I can't see that continuing in any formal school setting.


  7. A few years ago DH turned our formal living room (which no one ever used) into a library. We still have a family room by the way. So all of our curriculum past/present and future goes on the bookshelves. Books we used last year but will or might use again are on the top shelves. At the moment old workbooks are in the library too, but I like the idea of a rubbermaid container in the attic!

  8. We take time off when DH has vacation. In the summer we do school in the morning, and not as much as winter months. I take more time with History, we don't oficially do science...we do a small amount of math almost daily. Our summer schedual is just a lighter version. Hope that helps. Oh, and rainy days are usually a little more school than hot and sunny days!;)

  9. We usually get our stuff from RR within 2 weeks of ordering. next years items are somewhere between Michigan and New Hampshire right now! I'm chomping at the bit to get into everything!:D I only order this time of year because I use part of our tax refund for our school supplies. I've ordered in the summer and it did not take any longer.


    ( I just noticed that I am now a hive mind worker bee! Cool! or I am just online way too much now that we have dsl)

  10. When someone asks for a market analysis of their house a realtor will drive around to houses that have sold recently that are similair and take pictures. last summer we bought a home in maine and about a month later the same thing happened. it freaked me out at the time. i went to talk with one man doing this, and then talked to our realtor...so I wouldn't be concerned. if it happens 8 months from now...then I'd be concerned.

  11. Year round math here too! DD is just finishing singapore 2b and we are starting 3A in 2 weeks. We may not do it everyday in the summer but I do agree that not needing review is nice, as is having extra time when she just doesn't get it for awhile!


    Personally, I would go ahead and order your new program and try to ease into it. If you go slow now, you may be surprised that you can catch up fairly easily.

  12. Thank you. SWR sounds daunting, what is so different about it? What will I need to be guided through? A few years ago I bought the Spaulding book, "the writing road to reading". I may still have it (in the attic), It was rather daunting and overwhelming...is SWR different, more user friendly, or not? Thanks again!


  13. Okay, I supported Huckabee and I am Christian and I am conservative...but I don't have long hair and my DH has never had a crew cut. I cannot sew well enough to make an apron, :)let alone a dress I would wear in public! :eek: My mob of children is a mob of 3.... we also never got to a rally, just had a sign on the lawn! I did keep hearing throughtout his campaign (from media sources) that homeschoolers were his supporters.....I would be shocked if some of my homeschooling mom friends would ever vote for a republican, let alone a baptist preacher....

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