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Everything posted by CindyPTN

  1. I lurked for well over 6 years and my oldest is only 3 and half. So, you can see we're really interested in homeschooling and all of you provide great inspiration and motivation to take it up. As I've gotten more involved in blogging, I've become braver to comment. I still feel that I have very little to contribute, so I read and read. I kind of miss the old format, just because it flowed like women's thoughts (spaghetti-like). I didn't have to enter every conversation to catch the "whispers" and on liners (which usually provide great laughs and smiles).
  2. I try to make a large salad every weekend and it'll last us through out the week when placed in an air tight container. The tomatoes sometimes get a little rough by Friday, but overall, the salad stays fresh.
  3. I think of consumerism as a personal behavior rather than a national system. Capitalism is our economic system and I don't know if there is a better method to promote a healthy economy. The other "economies" you discovered are greater degrees of governmental control. Now, the behavior patterns of our society are stemming from the desire to get everything we want and the ease to put it on credit. I'm generalizing as a nation, and this is where I see consumerism coming into play. I think the alternative would be to remove credit/debt from the economy. Credit/Debt for consumers didn't exist before the late 1940s/50s. Neat fact I just learned from Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University (online). The alternative would be a Cash-Flow System, right?
  4. How about changing your font? Arial, maybe? You can also vary the size of the font. Your format looks okay. Try this before making huge changes. Take care, Cindy
  5. I'd recommend just about any Yoga DVD. Different people within the DVD will show the different levels of difficulty in the stretches. I like Suzanne Deason's Series, but they're all similar. Happy Stretching, Cindy
  6. I had heard,as Mx5 mentioned, that fine motor skills come later for boys. I know my boy is only 3 1/2, but I remember some one's advice (I believe it was on this board) about the handwriting being a subject better left to later because boys are late bloomers. I noticed that my daughter already holds a pencil and crayon properly and I didn't take time to show them how. She just watches and does it. She's just over 2. I find the differences in development fascinating. There are somethings we just have no control over. Guidance, yes, but complete ability to change-not quite.
  7. I really like GreenLiteBites. I've been following Roni on her other webpage, and she just started this site, so it's a little new, but she has terrific, simple recipes that are healthy and creative. Otherwise, I'm an AllRecipes.com Ingredient Search type a gal.
  8. and I have not had the nerve to try it. It helped me avoid Frosty's for a bit. But, I still falter every once and awhile. :rolleyes:
  9. Thank you Ladies. I look forward to getting more involved.
  10. How neat! I grew up in Georgetown. I would have loved something like this. I went "home" before Christmas and was in awe with the new library! I loved the Red Poppy Coffee Shop.
  11. I want to start a vegetable garden this year too. We have squirrels and rabbits. I sympathize and am eager to hear what others have to say.
  12. Definitely, don't get discouraged. Getting Comments is tough. Lots of people like to read, but only a small percent leave comments. First Priority: Write because you enjoy it. Second: Comment on other people's blogs and they tend to follow and become your commentors. It'll come. BlogHer.com is a great community to add your blog to and start interacting. Visiting and commenting on the various mom's with blogs here works well too. Just left a comment too. Your posts are great!
  13. Hi. My name is Cindy and I live in TN. I know I've been lurking this board since the first edition of the WTM and just wanted to start a thread looking for other lurkers. So please fellow lurkers speak up here. Our oldest son (ds) is 3, so soon we will actually start homeschooling. Thanks by the way for the Slow and Steady Recommendation and the many great recipes! XOXO, Cindy
  14. Hi Everyone, We live in Nashville. I've been a long time lurker (close to 6 years) posting occasionally. I know I still have about a year to really start planning, but it's nice to start getting into the scene.
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