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Everything posted by MellowYellow

  1. Thanks for asking this. We are also doing Saxon 1 and learning evens and odds. My DS can count by evens to 10 and then gets confused. He is having a hard time with odd numbers too. These are all great ideas. Thanks! What Saxon lesson are you on?
  2. Thanks. We have been using #1 and #3 that you listed, but I like your idea of #2. I am going to try it out and see if it helps him.
  3. What does your first graders day look like? How many times a week do you do school (for each subject) and for how long? What is your favorite curriculum that you are using and your least favorite? What extra-curricular activities are they involved in? Thanks!
  4. Any tricks on teaching addition facts +2? My kindergartener is having trouble with it. Thanks!
  5. Which one is your favorite? I am looking at Spelling Power, Spelling Workout, and Sequential Spelling. I know a lot of people rave about All about Spelling, but I am looking for short and easy lessons (about 15 minutes or so). Also, how many times a week do you do spelling? Thanks.
  6. Thanks for sharing your experiences. I really appreciate it.
  7. How do you stay organized? How do you stay on track on not get behind? Do you have a weekly or monthly folder of things you would like to get done or do you just wing it? What works best for you? I am such a planner. I planned a daily lesson plan 10 weeks in advance and we are going on week 6. We have completed everything I have planned out, but I feel stressed about it. I don't like feeling pressured to finish stuff because I feel like it takes the joy out of homeschooling. At the same time I don't want to get to behind so I feel like I should have some sort of lesson plan. I know it may sound weird, but I feel like I need to have my son complete the work if it is planned. I hate having unfinished work. Sorry I am rambling. Any advice? Oh and I know this sounds silly because my son is just in kindergarten. I am new at this and I just want to make sure he is at his age/grade level and not getting behind because I am not doing what I am supposed to be doing as his teacher.
  8. Has anyone tried it? Did/Do you like it? What don't/didn't you like about it? Would the Early Bird Start-Up Science 1 be better for an almost 6 year old or the Child's Play Science for prek-k? Thanks!
  9. Would Evan Moor Beginning Geography k-2 be considered social studies? Is this enough for kindergarten or do I need to do something else for social studies too?
  10. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! You all have made me feel so much better. I am just going to relax while he colors and let him do his thing. I know eventually he will get it when he is ready. I feel bad, because although I said he was doing a great job I was pressuring him to take his time and "not be so sloppy". Now I am just going to say awesome job and give him a big high five.
  11. I know most boys progress more slowly with their fine motor skills. I was just wondering how your 5 or 6 year old was at coloring. Does he color the whole picture? Does it look more like scribbling at times? Does he stay in the lines? Does he enjoy coloring? My son 5 almost 6 in a couple of months has a hard time coloring. He tries so hard to stay in the lines, but sometimes he just doesn't. If he does it looks more like a scribble inside the picture. I don't want to be hard on him, I just tell him to make sure he takes his time and not rush. When I remind him of these things he just gets down on himself and tells me I think he is a horrible drawer. I just tell him as long as he tries his best then that is all that matters. I know he will get it eventually so I try and be patient with him, but it just looks sloppy most of the time.
  12. Saxon K is great because it gently introduces new concepts without any writing. Saxon 1 reviews what you learned in Saxon K, but it moves quickly and in my opinion there is a lot of writing. I am happy with our decision to start Saxon K first. You could also do Saxon 1 with her, but skip the writing portion completely or just do the problems she can handle.
  13. We did Saxon K for my Pre-k son when he was 4 turning 5. He just started kindergarten this week and we are doing Saxon 1 for kindergarten. He is 5 and turning 6 in 2 months. I think doing Saxon K has really prepared him, but it I don't think it is completely necessary.
  14. Thanks so much! I am going to order the first one and see how he likes it.
  15. Is Draw Write Now secular? How do you like it? I noticed that there are books 1-8. Do you start in 1st grade and do one book until 8th grade, or do you do more than one book per year? Thanks!
  16. Thanks! I love seeing all the different curriculum you all are using. I haven't heard of a few of these. I will definitely be checking them out.
  17. Can you please list your curriculum? Which one is your favorite? Which curriculums have you tried and hated? Thanks!
  18. We did Saxon K this year and it did not introduce any addition. I think Saxon 1 is when they begin to introduce it.
  19. No, I only know a few basic words. I will check it out, thanks!
  20. Does anyone know of a fun kindergarten Spanish program? Most programs I have looked at seem too difficult for this age or are very expensive. Thanks!
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