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Posts posted by mamaraby

  1. Saturday we had sleet and little balls of ice falling from the sjky. Topped that off with wet, heavy snow on Sunday. First you had to shovel the heavy layer of snow. Then, you had to scrape the icy bits off. Today is the second time soccer practice this season was cancelled because there was snow on the ground. While we can get snow into May, it is highly unlikely. Average snow fall for this month is just over 2”, I think we’re at 6” so far.

    I’m so over this weather.

  2. I was supposed to run 10 miles yesterday with dh, but given his time constraints and a repeat of winter weather, we ended up not going. Saturday dumped sleet and then turned into snow. Cleaning up the driveway and the sidewalks as a multiple hour event. The snow was wet and heavy and then underneath that was all the sleet that had to be scraped off. I did half of thr driveway by shovel and then taught myself how to use the snowblower since dh wasn’t home so I only had to do the scraping after that.

    I’ll run on the treadmill today because I doubt all of the sidewalks are clear and I dislike wet feet when it’s cold. I’m thinking I’ll run the six miles on the plan today.

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  3. I think you’re overthinking this.

    For me, it depends on how fast the child’s foot grows. Ds needed two pairs this fall because the kid grows like a weed, but I haven’t had to buy a new pair for him yet this spring. I’d like to think I’ll be able to make it until fall before buying him another pair, but again, it depends on how fast he grows. Both dds are still wearing their cleats from this past fall and I suspect I won’t need to buy them a new pair until fall.

    I’m also not brand loyal. Ds has had Nikes the last few pairs. Dd1 is wearing Umbros. Dd2 is wearing Under Armour. I buy what’s comfortable for the person wearing them and in my price range. I buy way too many cleats to fit growing feet to invest in expensive pairs. I shop at Dick’s and I buy the cheapest comfortable pair. I also pass cleats down. Except ds’s cleats, but not because I think they’re worn out, but because they stink and it’s really unfair to expect the girls to wear those toxic waste dumps. It’s a deep stink that resists all attempts at eradication and deodorization. I suspect playing in the rain probably doesn’t help matters.

  4. I think Radiotopia’s “What Trump Can Teach Us About Con Law” podcast (https://www.radiotopia.fm/podcasts/trump-con-law) answered #1. In the interest of full disclosure, Roman Mars is not a fan of the current occupant of the WH, however, the premise of the podcast is that they take something current events has brought up and then take a look back at the constitution, some precendents set, and historical examples. Elizabeth Joh is a con law professor and incredibly even. To be honest, her answer often comes down to “we don’t know,” 

    Maybe check out episodes 5 (Presidential immunity), 10(impeachment), and 14 (prosecuting a President). Episode 10 was really interesting. One of the examples they looked at was a federal judge during the civil war who also accepted a position in the confederacy and continued to decide cases as a federal judge.

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  5. Sorry to hear about the allergies! My dad has them and my sister must have gotten his genes so hers are pretty bad, butbthey seem to have skipped me. Bith my dad and my sister did the shots. Dadks was a number of years ago and I remember them working. My sister just started them last year. I hope the shots work for you, Sparkly...and soon! My sister had to get an epi-pen when she started rhe shots which is different than when dad did it all those years ago.

    Bummer on the NP, soror. I’ve had to switch docs a few times because they were so hard to get in to see and managed to pick a primary care doc this time around who is just as busy as the last one. The alternatives they offer (in my case a PA) never seem as good.

    OlgaLA - have a goid vacation!

    Tempo intervals yesterday for not quite 5.5 miles. Recovery run today after the kids have their Outschool classes this morning. We’re in the middle of a warmer trend so I’ll run outside today. Yesterday I wore shorts and a tank top to run outside. It was wonderful!

    • Like 4
  6. 3 minutes ago, soror said:

    I was there from 8:30-9:30 and they still had a fair amount when I left. Cold here too, I put on my fleece leggings and am chilling! Enjoy your rest day, you've earned it.

    Oh, good! I’m going to ave to consider that for next month! Fleece leggings sound super comfy! We made it into slightly more seasonable weather today and it’s supposed to be more spring like for a few days before it gets cold...again.

    We seem to be missing a few folks. Have they been around?



  7. I used to have plastic bowls for my cats, but the water level in bowls hardly ever seemed to change. That’s when I realized that they were drinking out of the dog’s bowl upstairs. The dog’s a Golden Retreiver, the bowl is stainless steel and his size. Maybe try a large dog-sized, stainless steel food/water bowl?

    The animals get fresh water twice a day plus any refills when it’s empty. When the bowl is refilled, picture the animals lining up with the cats at the front of the line and the big dog at the back looking sad, but too scared of the cats to push his way forward. I have considered getting one of those fountains for the cats because they seem to prefer the freshest water, but let’s face it, they’ll still probably prefer the dog’s bowl.

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  8. 9 minutes ago, soror said:

    LOL mamaraby, you must go to Planet Fitness, I saw some bagels when I was there this am. Hope you were able to enjoy one!

    Lol, I do! I didn’t end up going. I slept terribly last night and yesterday’s run kicked my butt. I decided to take an actual rest day instead. One of these days I will get my free bagel. I just have to figure out what time my PF has them so I can time it right. Or I could buy a bagel. I did consider going to buy a bagel, too. It’s too cold. Cereal in my pjs sounded so much nicer.

    So-so workouts can be the pits! I hope this next one goes better!

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  9. Ran 10 miles with dh today. The last coup,e of runs before today’s were hard perceived effort wise which kind of stinks. It was cold, too. Stupid spring.

    Tomorrow is a rest day and free bagel morning at the gym. I’ve never manged to make it to free bagel morning and they may not be vegan, but it’s the principle of the issue. Free bagel. Can I really have used my membership to the fullest if I never get a free bagel? I thought not. The plan is to go walk on the treadmill so I can get my free bagel. :p I figure the kids can eat it if it’s not vegan. Win-win. Plus, I’ll be more likely to reach my step goal that way.

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  10. We’ve used many of the things you have, except I think I only used WS2. I can tell you what I’m using next year for 8th, 5th, and 3rd. I was leaning towards EIW 8 with my ds, but I’m also considering The Lively Art of Writing with the workbook that’s posted somewhere around here. If he wasn’t going to public school for high school, I might continue with the Bravewriter we’ve been using this year. I may still do that and combine the two. I may also give in to my more worried self and go with EIW8 plus pay the extra money for their grading. I can’t afford to outsource it completely, but it seemed like a good middle ground for our needs and my budget.

    Both my 3rd/5th dds are far more prolific writers than their brother. I’m going to use BW Partnership Writing with both of them.

    Whatever you decide, you could probably combine the 8/7 and the 5/3 and use WWE1 with the first grader since you said you liked that level.

  11. Mr. Q? I think it’s secular. Otherwise, Rainbow Resource sells textbooks from the big publishers. I’m afraid it’s going to be a bit of a challenge outside of those two to find a non-experiment driven science for that age range that’s also secular, but maybe someone else here knows of one. Another option would be to forgo the textbook and use non-fiction books from the library to cover the topics you want to study.

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  12. Just now, EverLearningMom said:

    mamraby - I could hug you! Thank you. I know that I have an issue with wanting everything in writing somehow (and I struggle with my "by the book" ways with his curriculum), and that's exactly what he just can't deal with right now. I get frustrated sometimes because I feel like I'm slowing down his entire academics just because of writing. It really is a matter of mechanics right now. If there is any way this kid is gifted, it's storytelling and communicating ideas. Just don't ask him to put it in writing! But seriously, I was so happy for him but also kind of sad when he finished dictating his story to me because it was so good, but then I also realized that whenever he actually has to put pencil to paper, it's no where near his ability. It truly is the "Jot it Down" stage. And it probably doesn't help that he's doing the assignments, essentially, twice. It's true.

    Alright, tomorrow is a new day and I'm starting with a new approach! 

    I’m glad I could help. :D

    Just remember the “but why?” question next time you start to worry. You writing it down for him doesn’t make those words any less his own. It doesn’t make the process anything less than writing just because he physically didn’t take a pencil and write it down. I wouldn’t call your son a reluctant writer, fwiw, and I wouldn’t want to hold him back or make put a damper on his writer’s voice. That’s a thing to nourish.

    Standard disclaimer - It’s probably not a limitation or a issue that needs remediation/instruction beyond what is standard for kids that age. Still teach handwriting and correct pencil grip. Still teach spelling. Still offer short copywork passages. A handful of words, no more at first and work your way up to longer passages. Bravewriter even for the older kids suggests starting out short. Best hand writing. Copy the words exactly. If he balks, take one really well written word and call it a day. There’s always the risk of diminishing returns here.

    Work your way through all of this, building on skills as the school year progresses. Consider the mechanical part of writing separate from content. If it’s an issue of content, you write what he tells you to write just the way he says it. My second grader does not like it if I make suggestions or do anything other than write her words down verbatim. She is very particular about this. Maybe your kids is too, so just keep that in mind. ;) 

    If you notice the mechanical part isn’t improving over time or other concerns pop up that make you wonder if there are further issues, then maybe it’s time to seek out evaluation.  I have a sample size of three, only one of which was a boy, but your son sounds like my kids are/were.  Heck, sometimes I still act as secretary/typist for my 13 yo if it means the content of his writing benefits. I don’t do it often, but sometimes when we’re talking a writing piece out, it helps if I write it down so it doesn’t get lost in his hormone addled brain.

    And again, your son’s 7. He’s still so, so young. Keep it fun. Keep learning enjoyable. That’s why you homeschool, after all.

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  13. Why does he need to transcribe it in his lesson book? He dictates his words to you while you write it in his lesson book is absolutely appropriate for his age/stage. Bravewriter would call this the “Jot it Down” stage (http://blog.bravewriter.com/2014/09/03/if-your-child-is-in-the-jot-it-down-stage/). As for length of copywork, even SWB’s WWE2 at the beginning has one sentence for copywork and at most a couple of sentences through out the book.

    I think this is mostly an issue of readjusting your expectations. It’s probably a combination of not seeing the point of writing it down after you already wrote it down plus his enthusiastic writer’s voice being hampered by the limitations of mechanics (how you spell it, how you form the letters, getting it right, etc). He has an enthusiastic writer’s voice, why not encourage that? You be his scribe while the mechanics catch up. You won’t have to do it forever. 7 years old really is so young. There is plenty of time for his skills to develop so that he can and will write all by himself.

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  14. On 4/4/2018 at 7:07 PM, peacelovehomeschooling said:

    It is SO easy to just give up. 

    You're right, but keep on keeping on. Forward motion of any sort counts even if it's followed by going back a bit, just keep moving forward and I know you'll reach goal. I've also found taking the deadline off myself helps a lot. It would be nice to do x by y time frame, but sometimes it's unrealistic to do so even if theoretically it's possible. Hang in there!

    On 4/5/2018 at 10:06 AM, Free Indeed said:

    I have been doing good with my exercise- running 2.5- 3 miles every morning depending on time, and doing some weight lifting. My biggest struggle there is now that I’m working I have a time schedule- and mornings aren’t my strong time...  but in the afternoon I’m exhausted...  My eating.... well- it hasn’t been the greatest. I need to focus on that more. But even when I start doing good dh- who needs to loose about 80 lbs, but struggled with doing what it takes- will want to go out on a date- and it ALWAYS involves food.  I enjoy it, but it’s not helping me meet my goals and it’s frustrating! 

    Ugh, schedule changes are rough! Maybe to help with the morning issue, you can sleep in your workout clothes. Make yourself a pre-workout snack that's easy on the stomach the night before and then it's just a matter of rolling out of bed and getting at it. Sometimes I find that by removing mental work, I can roll my way into doing what I should before my brain catches up and has a chance to offer "better" options. No, brain, I do realize that it would be more comfortable to sit in the chair and read this book instead of running this morning. I'm gonna do the running anyway.

    On 4/6/2018 at 7:53 AM, soror said:

    I like to weigh on a day when I haven't exercised the day before so I don't have any bloating from soreness that works out to the beginning of the week for me. Now that I'm weighing monthly I also time it around my period, no sense in weighin on your period!


    On 4/7/2018 at 12:00 PM, Kim in Appalachia said:

    I do really miss running.  Running means you can eat bread. Really. Nothing torches calories like running. 

    Awe, sorry to hear about the injury! That stinks! What about pool running? It takes all the impact off your feet, but still gets you doing the thing you enjoy. Cycling is another possibility. Speed intervals are supposed to be really good and if you have the impact from weight lifting you'd just about cover all the bases you used to do with running.

    I ran a total of five days this week for 26 miles. The last half of the week was tougher than I would have liked. I let dh convince me not to do the long run on Saturday and instead we've pushed it to Monday. I have this sinking suspicion that he's going to end up not wanting to run on Monday so I'll likely still have to do the run by myself. It's 10 miles and if the weather doesn't cooperate, I'll be running it on the treadmill. Seriously, though, it's snowed multiple times last week (nothing much that really hung around more than a day) and the cold weather is supposed to be hanging around for several days yet. Apparently someone forgot to tell the weather that it was spring. I've lost the will to run outside in the cold so that's not helping either.

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  15. I have had good results with the Persil 2-in-1. It has to be the one that says 2-in-1 on the label and not the regular Persil. Don't know what the difference is, but it matters. I don't particularly care for the way it smells and it's very strongly scented, but it does a better job than everything else I've tried. It keeps my heavily used activewear from smelling and it takes care of our sheets far better than anything else I've ever tried short of me having to change them every day. Dh is bald so he has no hair to mitigate the oily skin issue on our pillow cases. Persil is the only thing in all these years that has ever worked.

    Unfortunately, most of the local stores sell the regular Persil and not the 2-in-1. I'll pretty much go anywhere, even WalMart, if it means I can get the 2-in-1.

  16. Not using footnotes is not the same thing as not citing your sources. You’ll notice he says he teaches in-text citations. Like Regenetrude mentioned, how you cite your sources greatly depends on the style manual. MLA and APA both use the in text parenthetical citation.

    We have used WWS, but I teach MLA style citations instead of SWB’s footnotes after the first couple of papers. While teaching footnotes is not incorrect, I think making students aware of the different styles and where to look that information up is wise. Ds has been introduced to the Purdue Online Writing Lab’s section on research and citation - https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/

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  17. I don’t know that it’s a thing, more like a sign of the times where we’re opening up less rigid ways for men to look. Why should clean shaven be the default? Dh has had a goatee for pretty much the last 17 years. At first it was by choice and then he was limited by his employer’s grooming rules which allowed mustaches, goatees, or nothing. Except dh has been shaving since late elementary school and the man can grow some serious facial hair, quickly. So clean shaven was never really a thing for him.

    And did I mention the shaving? So much shaving for so many years. His employer updated their rules and allowed well trimmed beards so now he has a beard. It costs more money because this bald man of mine now needs periodic beard maintenance at the barber shop, but he’s happy so why should it matter?

    It may not be your thing, but then maybe don’t grow a beard, eh? ;)

    I’m just glad that dh is happy and has at least some control over this one choice in his life that is otherwise ruled by his very stressful job. Let’s face it, until late last year his employer was still fighting against the “lax grooming standards” of the hippies.

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  18. 42 minutes ago, Bensmom2 said:

    I also have a new identity. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Bensmom2 formerly known as Bensmom. 

    I kind of hate starting over on my number of posts, but am intrigued at the prospect of reinventing myself. Please do not confuse me with Bensmom, the middle-aged homeschool mom who posted to every cat post like the crazy cat lady. I would like be identified as young and hip. Oh wait, hip isn’t a cool young person word. Hmmm, I appear to be at a loss for the appropriate adjective to create an image of youthfulness. Oh well, guess I can be content with middle-aged, pro-cupcake, and pro-kilt. 

    Fleek? Fetch? What do I know, though. I’m old and had to Google it. Except I used DuckDuckGo instead of Google. But that doesn’t sound the same. There are links around here somewhere that tell you what to do if you can’t get in your old account.

    ETA: Maybe this thread will help? 


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