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Posts posted by wehave8

  1. I am listening in as well. We started with 2 levels this year, but I hated it. They did coincide some (beginner and intermediate). I would read the Scripture, read the first 2-3 beginner questions, catch up on the intermediate ones and then do one at a time from there. It took forever. I was stressed out going back and forth. My dd complained bc she no longer had the coloring page of th beginner pages. I dropped it, ordered another set of beginner pages and we are back to loving BSGFAA! Next year I will combine them both in the intermediate pages. For me, I like Bible to be a family affair and two guides were too stressful for me...


    ETA: for my youngest, I copy the old pages in the guide for her and she colors those as we read.



    ByGrace3...Thank you for responding with your experience. I thought maybe no one would understand what I was talking about! WhenI call the company they always tell me I am trying to make it harder than it is. I always loved BSGFAA before there were ever any Student Pages. I like them, but not using different levels, and I thought that was the whole idea of the program.


    Another question....Now that I've always used the Beginner Time Line, I went to do a new pack of Student Pages and see they don't line up together. I called them and they said they completely re-did the Beginner Time Line, but t hey will not tell me the differences so I can decide if it is worth re-purchasing. :( (My BTL only goes to 28. The new one has more cards.)



  2. This is the first time I am using 2 different levels of the Student Pages for BSGFAA, and I am disappointed in them or just confused with how people use them. We use to all be on the same page when we were in the Primary Pages. Now we have 1 in Primary and 2 in Intermediate. I have to go over the pages separately with each group. It is totally taking away from the "family-friendly" Bible study we once had. Needless to say the added time it now takes! The only thing the same is the section of Scripture we are in. There are some other similarities, but not close enough to combine the teaching. It is open and go, but not "joint-open and go" if know what I mean.


    If you use 2 different levels, how do you do it?





    eta: new ? in title.

  3. ...do a reading program?

    I am looking at BJU Reading and I can see there are some things in the workbook that I may not think of to teach if we were just reading books. But are there enough concepts taught in the workbook to make the time to do them??


    What do you see that we'd be missing by NOT doing a reading "program"?

    (looking at 4th grdade & up)



  4. Bible Study Guide For All Ages has always been our favorite! I just ordered our next set of Student Pages last night. I asked the boys again if they still like it and they all beg to continue! They are interactive... we never skip a thing. We always DO the Get Active parts. I take pictures of what we do and add them to our notebook of Student Pages. They make great memories!



  5. My 9-year-old daughter loves to write. She always has. Her writing can be very poetic at times, and she is great at telling a story with a beginning, middle, and end. She likes Writing Strands, but I was also thinking of adding in some IEW. I really like the method, which I have witnessed in our co-op. However, I keep hearing people talk about how IEW works great for reluctant writers, so I'm wondering if it would be a bad fit for her. Also, I wonder if using both of them concurrently would be overkill.


    Any insights???



    This might help you see what each one covers.



  6. I just spent 4 hours poring over these 3rd grade English books!! I can see some slight differences, but I still can't decide which one I want to use.

    1. It looks like CTGE has more writing assignments, and I like that they apply concepts taught to paragraphs instead of just individual sentences.

    2. I like that R&S has more diagramming.

    3. I see that CTGE has tons of writing in it even though it is a worktext.

    4. I see that I would not be adding any outside writing programs with CTGE....so, if I go with CTGE, I will not be using IEW that I planned.

    5. I am afraid of leaving R&S, but on the other hand, it is more schoolish and it irritates me at times.



    Just can't decide!

    Has anyone used R&S or CTGE all the way through?



  7. I used the two American volumes last year with my first grader. I found that I had to go through and edit parts of the book before I read it out loud. I am not particularly fussy about "PC" but there were definitely parts that gave me pause and I changed. However, I thought the narrative style and the pace were well done for lower elementary.


    Would you mind giving an example?




  8. We do a lot of memorizing. Well, to me it is a lot. :) Each month I make out our schedule and we spend time first thing each day with it. It is called our "Opening". We do the pledges, Bible verses for each letter of the alphabet ( I pick my own because I like to use entire verses, not just parts of verses), a poem to go along with our history or season of the year, a smaller poem, usually to do with good habits, etc., a song of the month, and also a larger portion of scripture to learn chapters of the Bible. We are going to add more history documents soon. We've done presidents, continents, oceans, etc., and are working on countries now.


    I feel memorizing is important. It's amazing how much a child can memorize. It is so much harder when they get older, so I say do it now! before they fill their minds with junk! :) I can still quote a lot of what I memorized when I was in school and I am 50 yrs. old now!



  9. I have Unit One of the TM and I am quite perplexed as to how to implement it all. I prefer to not use the student sheets because it would get cost prohibitive very quickly. Is it possible to use it with children of varying ages in a relatively easy, efficient manner?


    I would love to use the student sheets, but I'm trying to make it non-consumable for our family.


    How do you make it work for your family without the worksheets?


    Thanks for your help!


    When we used it years ago, there were no worksheets. In the back of the TM there are samples for stick figure drawings of each lesson. The students are suppose to draw their own pictures to show what the lesson taught. Ours did not like to draw, so we just looked at the samples. We did 1 lesson a week. The first day we'd read the section from the Bible. Then do one of the Drills. Tues. we'd do some review questions and maybe map or timeline figures. Wed. we'd read the story from the Egermeier's Bible Story Book and do some more review questions. I don't have the Manual in front of me now, so I know I am missing something, but you can look at the lessons and just divide it up for the week. On Thurs. we'd do the Drills some more (books of the Bible, Apostles, 12 sons of Jacob, etc.). And on Friday we'd play a game from the suggestions in the front of the Manual, or do Sword Drills. We also spent time learning the songs suggested for each lesson. I have typed out the words to the songs on their CD and put them in folders so we can sing a few each week. We love the songs!

    Anyway, it is a very good program to be used by a whole family, even without the student pages. All 8 of our children love it and always protest if I talk about switching.





  10. I'm drawing a blank...what's EE?


    This is what we are doing (from a post a few days ago):

    I was using FIAR with GTG but found I was not doing anything in the FIAR so I sold them. I kept all the books I bought, though.

    I started with a general study of the continents and oceans using a poem & song I could email you (I don't know how to attach it.) and copywork pages. We made a paper mache globe, painted the continents on it, plan on filling it with goodies, and then break it at the end of the school year. I also made vests for our 3 dss. and bought country patches here to sew on them as we go around the globe. I made passports that we stamp for each country we visit, as well as add a flag sticker and a picture of a postage stamp from each country.

    As far as a schedule...well, I finally decide to break the rest of the year into continents and we will choose a book from one (or a few) of the countries, learn some vocabulary words, label a map, color a flag, learn some interesting facts, do some activities from GTG, and end the continent studied with a meal from Eat Your Way Around the World.

    We do get a lot of books and some videos from the library from the literature section from GTG. I bought Christian Heroes books, Geography From A to Z, and We Sing Around the World.

    It has all been a lot of work, but our notebooks are looking good, and for early elem., I think we're covering plenty. I wish I had a daily schedule all planned out!!! If you find one, let me know! :)



  11. Does anyone have any links or suggestions to lesson plan pages to use with GtG? I am using with three children and am trying to figure out the best way to do lesson plans.


    I'll be watching this.

    I was using FIAR with GTG but found I was not doing anything in the FIAR so I sold them. I kept all the books I bought, though.

    I started with a general study of the continents and oceans using a poem & song I could email you (I don't know how to attach it.) and copywork pages. We made a paper mache globe, painted the continents on it, plan on filling it with goodies, and then break it at the end of the school year. I also made vests for our 3 dss. and bought country patches here to sew on them as we go around the globe. I made passports that we stamp for each country we visit, as well as add a flag sticker and a picture of a postage stamp from each country.

    As far as a schedule...well, I finally decide to break the rest of the year into continents and we will choose a book from one (or a few) of the countries, learn some vocabulary words, label a map, color a flag, learn some interesting facts, do some activities from GTG, and end the continent studied with a meal from Eat Your Way Around the World.

    We do get a lot of books and some videos from the library from the literature section from GTG. I bought Christian Heroes books, Geography From A to Z, and We Sing Around the World.

    It has all been a lot of work, but our notebooks are looking good, and for early elem., I think we're covering plenty. I wish I had a daily schedule all planned out!!! If you find one, let me know! :)



  12. I just ordered a used set of Volume 2 from the Classifieds. I was looking at this before I saw these posts, just yesterday! I'm revamping some things in our current curriculum plan. After I look at them I will let you know, because I have elementary aged kids. I assume the jr. workbook is for grades 1-4.


    Will be waiting for your review! :)




  13. What grade levels have you done AAH1 with?

    Could it be taken down easily to 4th grade with 3rd and 1st tagging along?

    I don't see a grade level for the Jr. pack, but has anyone used it? What age?




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