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Posts posted by wehave8

  1. Just still thinking about these.  I have both.  My boys still love BSGFAA, but I have them in the R&S right now.  The R&S take a lot longer then I was hoping they would.  They want to just read more, but they don't have the extra time because the workbooks are taking them forever to complete.  It's just that the BSGFAA was taking so much time for ME to teach!!  Maybe they will get faster as their reading skills advance????    ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh!



  2. I really feel like I want to try something different with Bible.  We've mostly used Bible Study Guide For All Ages in the past, but it is very time consuming on my part.  I want something my boys (6, 8, & 10) can start to do some on their own.  We still have our family memory time and family devotions.


    Anyone use or have opinions on any of these? (CLE, R&S, or ACE)



  3. From a previous post:



    "I started with a general study of the continents and oceans using a poem & song I could email you (I don't know how to attach it.) and copywork pages. We made a paper mache globe, painted the continents on it, plan on filling it with goodies, and then break it at the end of the school year. I also made vests for our 3 dss. and bought country patches here to sew on them as we go around the globe. I made passports that we stamp for each country we visit, as well as add a flag sticker and a picture of a postage stamp from each country.
    As far as a schedule...well, I finally decide to break the rest of the year into continents and we will choose a book from one (or a few) of the countries, learn some vocabulary words, label a map, color a flag, learn some interesting facts, do some activities from GTG, and end the continent studied with a meal from Eat Your Way Around the World.
    We do get a lot of books and some videos from the library from the literature section from GTG. I bought Christian Heroes books, Geography From A to Z, and We Sing Around the World.
    It has all been a lot of work, but our notebooks are looking good, and for early elem., I think we're covering plenty. I wish I had a daily schedule all planned out!!! If you find one, let me know!  :)" 


    I was using FIAR with GTG, but I found the only thing I was using from the FIAR volumes was their book lists so I dropped it and just used GTG for our main spine.  

    I never got the patches sewn on the vests, but we had a good time learning.  If anyone is interested in the vests and patches, I'd like to sell them.  I can send pictures.



  4. I would just do them both and let one reinforce the other. I can tell you now that CC and BP will not match up and you will go crazy trying to match them up.



    Thanks for the advise! That sounds like a plan. :)



    I think the new BP schedules the CC cards as well as the VP cards



    That would be great! I'll check it out. :)

  5. Pam, will you be doing CC at home or with a community? The communities will be on Cycle 2 this year, and as long as it doesn't bother you not to be on the same cycle, it should be fine. As a matter of fact, the newer editions of BP add the VP cards, of course they're not done the way they are in CC, but they are there.

    We'll be doing CC at home, so I decided to start with Cycle 1 and BP Ancients.

    I got the new CC History Timeline cards. So just do both CC & BP schedules and see how they match up?



  6. Check out halfahundredacrewood's blog, she does it in a community, but many of her ideas can be used at home, also check out myhomeschoolstyle, it's also a blog, but the author uses CC at home. I plan to set up a binder or folders and print out maps, any worksheets, etc... that we have for the week and put them in the binder/folders, that way I only have to pull out each weeks work and do it. I also plan to print out each weeks memory work on one sheet of paper and put it in the binder/folder, so that my ds can look work on his memory work while i'm working with his brother. I may or may not do a weekly memory tape.

    myhomeschoolstyle was the one I was looking for!

    Thanks for the other ideas, also!



  7. Two things that worked tremendously well for us last year were:


    1) Using a student planner to record what my daughter actually accomplished as opposed to planning it out in advance and frequently feeling 'behind' for not doing enough. We recorded what she did in a regular order, rather than in the order she worked. It was helpful, because I could easily glance back at a previous day and see exactly where she was on something. I tend to do too much, rather than too little, but still having to constantly erase my "plan" and write in reality was frustrating for me before. Using curriculum that is preplanned (just do the next thing) is required for this style of teaching.


    2) Grading/discussing/fixing everything, everyday before we were done for the day was a huge relief. She got immediate feedback which furthered her learning and I was liberated from ever feeling behind because I hadn't gotten to the ever-growing stack of work on my desk that needed grading & corrections. I found that she was much more meticulous when she knew she would have to watch me review it and make any necessary changes before she was finished with her day. I reserved 10-15 minutes at the end of the day for this purpose and it was time VERY WELL SPENT!


    Two areas in which I need improvement:


    1) I need to purge my bookshelves of things I'm not using and likely won't use again. Even if I just box them up and toss them in the basement, I will feel much less cluttered and disorganized. With one more child to educate, some things may get revived, but some I've just outgrown/decided I don't like/no longer fit my teaching style, etc. Those should be donated/sold.


    2) I can't begin teaching until all the beds are made, the laundry is picked up (and a load started), kitchen counters are wiped and dishwasher emptied/re-loaded, and bathrooms wiped/tidied. I'm just a little OCD that way. I know, I know, I know that my kids could do more of this stuff, but the reality is that it is much more important to me than to them and, frankly, I prefer it done my way. I need help - I get that! The good news is that it only takes me about 20-30 minutes and I feel so clean, organized, and ready to face the world when it is done. The bad news is that I also like to lounge in my PJs & bathrobe drinking a second cup of coffee and reading WTM forums in the morning. I need to reconcile these two competing demands, because doing both gets our morning started too late to accomplish everything.


    I could have written this!!!! Since you already did...I may print it out and post it on my frige as a reminder. :)



  8. I'm finding that my uprising 3rd & 4th are weak in their writing & grammar. I have looked at samples of FFL level 1 & 2 & really like the format. Has anyone tried an older student with FFL 1 & 2?





    I have uprising 3rd & 4th in the same boat. I bought FLL 1 & 2 to go over with them this summer. I will be eagerly watching this thread!!



  9. I am disappointed in the CC Ancient World Timeline Cards. :(

    When I see the list just posted, and compare that to what CC does, I am rethinking what I want to do. The CC cards never mention Cain & Abel, The Ten Commandments, and many other Biblical people. It just seems there is a lot missing if you don't remember what's on the back of the cards. Even then, there's a lot not mentioned that is in the VP list. :confused1:



  10. I've made a list of the books that piqued DD's interest while doing WWE. We've read some of them already, and will read more during the summer. Both of us enjoyed Mary Poppins. I didn't think it was that bad, and DD didn't seem bothered by it. The copy our library has is from the 50s/60s, so I had to do a bit of editing during the section where they used the compass to travel.

    I'll be starting WWE this summer. Is there a book list somewhere or do I have to read through the whole thing to find the titles?



  11. Im starting in a CC community next year, but I just finished tutor training so I think I know the answers to your questions. Any veterans ,lease feel free to correct me.


    If you want to do FLL with CC I'd recommend using the CC definitions if you're using their CDs, so your kids can sing along easily, if you 're not using the CDs, I don't think it would matter.


    The foundations guide does indeed talk about how to do the geography teaching. It is probably two pages. None of it is rocket science, but they definitely bring a refreshing simplicity to it.


    Lastly, all the history sentence cards for the particular cycle are in the flash cards.

    Thanks bunches! :)



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