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Everything posted by sditz1

  1. Duh I see it lol I obviously did it before, but it was so long ago. Thanks
  2. How do you go about getting that to be permanetly in your posts?
  3. I would say this something I struggle with. Not sure what size lined paper to use. I believe this is why her handwriting is not as neat as it could be. Is there a way to print samples of different size lined paper before I go and purchase a whole pack? Thanks Susan
  4. I totally agree. Glad to see someone who has been there done that.
  5. I finally posted something. http://myblogbysusan.blogspot.com/ We are on summer session, but I posted what we are going to be using. I finally got all the paperwork for our school system done today. Now the good times will begin of going through everything organizing and planning for September.
  6. I have a realtionship with my in laws. I have been in their lives for the last 25 years. I think of my exes dad as my own dad. I am also on a talking basis with his step mom. They are both more than welcomed to come and see or pick up their grandchild if they would like too. My ex is in my daughters life, but when she is with me they come to me to ask. I am very thankful for anyone that chooses to be in my life. And as long as theybring happiness to my life they are welcomed to stay. I would never interfer with family functions since my ex is their son and he comes first. But I will see them when we can I love them very much. I am also close to two of my exes cousins. One is my best friend. Like I said before I am thankful for anyone that would like to be in my life. My inlaws are both getting older and both have cancer. Life is too short not to be in their life. Susan
  7. Thanks everyone for some feedback. My favorite is when people question the socializing and don't see a bit concern about the academic. I would never put my daughter in school just for socialization, she gets plenty from outside of school activities. I workout every morning which just seems to put me in such a good mood when I am done. Divorce played so much on my emotions, but I have found that working out, getting back on track with a regular routine was the best thing I could do. So now I have the family life, homeschooling and some me time when my daughter goes to her dads. All I have to do is add in the working which will consit of babysitting and hopefully picking up two days outside of home. I am trying my best to work when she is gone, so I don't have to pay for a babysitter since my family consits of myself and my 3 kids. Two are grown up and so busy working. So if anyone has had any luck with work at home options I would love to hear them. I am determined to do it all. Susan
  8. I have the most respect for homeschooling moms. And I love how we all support each other in our choice to homeschool. I have a few close people in my life that support my choice to homeschool, but many who don't. And they feel the need to voice their opinions. Now that I am divorce and single of course I hear it even more. But as long as my daughter is happy, thriving and financially we are good, that is all that matters. So for those of you who are homeschooling, working, raising your children and have some kind of social life, how are you doing it all? Are you working at home or outside the home? Susan
  9. http://myblogbysusan.blogspot.com/
  10. That is what I want a book that will get used alot.
  11. which one would it be? I am having a hard time deciding on this. Thanks
  12. Thanks! I was able to get How To Teach Children Art for 2.90 more.
  13. :iagree: I love the progress that I have seen in my child using both of these programs.
  14. This will be new to us, having a 3 year old here while I homeschool my 6 year old. I would love to hear how you make it work and any advice you would like to give me. Thanks Susan
  15. I love reading this. I bought TWJ recently, so I am in the process of reading it. The first BW lifestyle we will be implementing will be tea time. I took my dd shopping today to pick out some items for our tea time. She ended up with a pretty flower and butterfly tablecloth, a butterfly plate and mug. She is very excited about this. After that we will be doing movie time, nature, art and scrapbooking. I also purchased some Arrow downloads for the books she will be reading in first grade. And I have the Arrow fairy tales that we may do over the summer. Thanks
  16. Celebrate this! Make your own ice cream sunday party and pizza hut is a great way to celebrate. I have also decorated the house the night before, so when my daughter woke up she seen it. And we made cupcakes in ice cream cones together, yummy. Enjoy, you all deserve it.
  17. I will keep Harmony Fine Arts in mind if I decide to go with a curriculum. It does look good. As of right now I am just going to do a little bit of this and a little bit of that from different resources. Going to check out Draw squad. Thanks
  18. I have what your first grader needs to know, I just haven't had a chance to look at it much. I will look through it to see.
  19. I like to have a handful of books on hand, so I can mix things up here and there over the grammer years. I also have some online resources.
  20. I like these. Is the Usborne Art Treasury a full size book? I am only asking because I heard some complaints of some of the Usborne art books being small.
  21. I like this one http://www.amazon.com/How-Teach-Art-Children-Grades/dp/1557998116 and was thinking about this one http://www.amazon.com/Making-Amazing-Art-Activities-Williamson/dp/082496795X/ref=pd_bxgy_b_img_c. Any others I should look at?
  22. I think I will just use some great books for us to read together from various of US history lists online, the scholastic hands on history ebooks I purchased at $1 sales, online resources for activities, dictations and narrations from our reading,
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