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Everything posted by EJCMom

  1. I'm wondering how valuable or important these two books are. Are they essential for understanding and teaching Miquon, or would you say they are interesting reading but not really necessary?
  2. My answer was the Flylady. My main issue was keeping the housework under control. She has a system that breaks everything down into 15 minute routines. It's amazing. It seems like my house practically cleans itself. Of course, it helps that the kids are starting to get old enough to help. LOL!
  3. I flipped through it on Amazon and added it to my wish list. It does look really cool! I liked the poem about remembering the parts of speech. Thanks for recommending this!
  4. Does anyone have any recommendations for a handwriting program for a rising first grader? She has pretty good handwriting for her age, but I think she could still use some work on neatness. I had considered Handwriting Without Tears, but I would like some recommendations on other options. Thanks!:001_smile:
  5. I've read so many threads about parents who are using several math curricula, that I'm starting to wonder if I should plan on doing that too. I will have a kindergartner and a first grader next year and I was planning on using MEP. Should I be supplementing that with another program?
  6. I'm so happy to read this because I've decided to go with MEP too! I'm glad you found a program that works!
  7. If you like good barbeque, there's Reo's Ribs on Macadam. The Blueplate on SW Washington Street in downtown Portland has the best mac 'n' cheese ever! Seres in the Pearl has the most amazing organic Chinese food.
  8. Holy smokes! I wasn't even planning on using HOP, but just the readers that are included make this an awesome deal!! Thank you SO much!!:lol:
  9. That's a great idea. I'm still new to this forum, so I haven't ventured over to the classified area yet. I'll have to check it out. :001_smile:
  10. Those look great! Do you feel like they give enough reinforcement and practice? I really like the BOB books because they are confidence-building, but I don't feel like they provide enough practice at this stage. What is your feeling on that with regard to the Itty Bitty books? I definitely love the price!
  11. That would be awesome! How much were you thinking?
  12. :bigear: I'm wondering about this as well. These are the two programs I'm trying to decide between also.
  13. What practice readers do you all use with your kids as they are learning to read? I know WTM recommends the Modern Curriculum Press readers, but it seems like it gets so expensive to order the whole set. I have the Bob books, but I was wondering if there were other suggestions that aren't so expensive as the MCP ones?
  14. I have a cousin who was homeschooled and she used Easy Grammar Systems. She absolutely loved it and feels that it gave her a solid foundation in grammar.
  15. :bigear: I'm still trying to figure this all out, too.
  16. Awesome! Thank you so much for all of the feedback. I really appreciate it. :001_smile:
  17. Does anyone have any feedback on these two reading programs? Originally I thought I would go with Explode the Code because I've heard so many good things about it, but I'm also hearing good things about OPGTR. OPGTR would definitely be a less expensive way to teach the kids to read, but I'm curious how it compares with ETC. Feedback, anyone?
  18. You might look into scoping. I'm going to school to become a court reporter right now, and I'm considering doing some scoping on the side to make a little extra money while I finish. I've heard really good things about scopeschool.com for training.
  19. Does anyone have an opinion about which might be better? I can see advantages to both versions and was wondering if anyone had any feedback. Thanks so much!
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