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Everything posted by bradandmeplus2

  1. Well...I'm not sure if or how this applies, but I am a Christian as well, but I am leaning towards buying a more secular curr. and adding my own Christian pieces. I guess I would like to create a culture of Christ rather than need a curr. to teach it. However, I just looked at MFW and it looks super! So, my suggestion would be to take a minute to write down why you are homeschooling your kids and then decide what curr. fulfills those goals. Just an oppinion!
  2. I am left handed and can totally understand the frustration. (I also struggle with peelers.) I got a pampered chef can opener and love it. Works great for me and non-lefty DH.
  3. Ahh...I can feel the sigh of relief. Feels so good just to have made a choice and go for it. Way to go!
  4. My kids are only small still, but somehow it sounds very similar to my world. I read once that the best way to handle these types of situations is to react first with empathy, "Oh no, I'm sorry you made that choice." And then serve consequences. It is shown to confuse their argument section of their brain and then when the consequence is served, they don't have any steam left. All I can say is that it works great on 5 years olds, might be worth a try on 14 year olds. I'll let ya know in about 10 years!
  5. Thanks for the input! I'll pass it along!
  6. I am helping a friend choose some curr. for K and she would like to use MFW K but also Cursive First. Having not ever used MFW I don't know how that would work out, any thoughts? :confused: (I have used CF.)
  7. Hello! We are homeschoolers in Casper, Wy. I think there are a lot of us, but it seems to be a Wyoming way to keep to yourself, nice to know you are all out there! :grouphug: P.S. So excited, we got a teacher's supply store in the last year and they will order in just about anything for ya. We're in the big time now!
  8. I suppose it would depend on the length of the response they are looking for, but I would leave it short and sweet by saying I have an intimate, love relationship with the most high God that guides my every decision. Short, sweet and to the point. However, if they want a long response I would state some of my personal beliefs and the way they have shaped my life. I think the cause and effect would be good to report. Just my thoughts in a quick glance!
  9. Just wanted to say thanks for the abbrev. list! I'm new to the homeschool scene and have felt a bit shy about joining any type of forum as I didn't know the "lingo". Thanks for making it a bit easier! One more question for you, what do the titles under each of your names mean? For example, queen bee hive mind, ect... I feel the over-achiever in me rising up! :p
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