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Everything posted by 5KidzRUs

  1. Hm. Maybe watches cony break down all that often that a 3 year warranty is worth an extra $100.
  2. Yard sales are not allowed here either but I know some towns have flea markets. So much effort - for maybe $200 worth or stuff. I was thinking of taking a photo of all of it and posting it for free on the version of craiglist here called bookoo - but even then, I have to deal with flakes not showing up or changing their minds after days of questions and promises :glare:
  3. Our town is a bit isolated - no stop signs or traffic lights and the neighbors are cows :001_smile: I am sure a city somewhere has a donating center, somewhere.
  4. I would want to put my tiny house on a large piece of land. No idea where it would be best to do that though.
  5. I think you could keep only as many as you can carry in one armload :001_huh:
  6. Here in our German neighborhood, all the houses have solar panels and it does get a lot of cold and snow here so the panels must be cold tolerant. I would love to hear more about solar panels too :001_smile:
  7. I agree. I wonder if she was calm before that lifestyle or calm because of it?
  8. I think ours is over 4500 sq. ft. It is too big with the kids leaving home. It is too big to adequately furnish. Real estate market is sunk and can't sell it. What an albatros. Tiny, simply living looks fascinating to me.
  9. The YouTube title of the video is "Thoreauvian simple living: unelectrified, timeless tiny home" I will try to fix the link - Sorry!
  10. Does this look appealing to you? http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=DE#/watch?v=lDbrUk2xYBo It is a video on simple living, tiny homes. I can imagine how life would be to own so few items and to have cooking be so simple - life be so pure ... Sigh ... Of course I would need a cluster of tiny homes so all my children and grand babies could visit often :lol:
  11. No Goodwill here in Germany that I know of and I think it is illegal to put stuff on the curb. Even tossing it is an issue.
  12. I think being relentless about things coming in is a good idea. I try not to bring any (non-consumable) object in that I don't plan on keeping for at least a decade :001_smile: or more. Funny about your husband, mine is the opposite - he doesn't like things coming in the house.
  13. For the last several years I have been trying to dejunk and organize. Lately I have been trying to focus on dejunking my personal items too. I have noticed that each time I dejunk I cull more items from my hoard. Have you all noticed that too when you are getting rid of items? I have a garage now full of bagged items I just want gone and it feels good to have all that stuff out of the house. In a few months I will dejunk again and I am sure even more stuff will go. The problem I am having now is I don't have the energy to craigslist, consignment shop or even give the stuff away. People can be so flakey and it is time consuming and exhausting even giving stuff away for free. KWIM?
  14. I googled this a while back and irregular cycles were an issue - along with a whole host of other problems.
  15. It happens randomly to me too! I have been ignoring it, hoping it will go away ...
  16. I want this watch for sale at our local store - I love this watch. When I returned home however I saw that it is about $100 cheaper if I buy it from a 'reputable' (lotsa good feedback) dealer on eBay. There is also an Amazon seller who sells it same price as eBay. The local store is an authorized seller and the online stores are not. This means I only get the factory 3 year warranty if I buy it at our local store. I would not get the 3 year warranty if I buy it (for less) from the online dealers - as they are not authorized dealers. The local store price matches but only with advertisements from local stores. We are in Germany so that price matching does me no good. Do you all think it is worth it to buy locally with warranty or if it is better to save the $100 difference and buy online?
  17. I bought the PDF versions a few years ago and went to access the file source and the link is dead. Anyone know if the access expires or ??
  18. I am about 1/3 the way through. My cousin is a NY ps school teacher and recommended it to me to read. ... yet another book on my self-improvement kick list :lol:
  19. Is it the norm nowadays? What about piercing the space between the nose and mouth - or slightly over toward the cheek? How would you respond to an adult child doing this? I don't like it, I don't think I will ever get used to it - am I turning into an old fuddy-duddy? :glare:
  20. Love it! Miles to go before I am that squared away :001_smile:
  21. I do like your family meetings plan. I think that would go a long way in organization. Thanks!
  22. Thanks! I would love to :001_smile: as long as you tell me often how organized I am lol! I feel like a flake and like I am still nowhere near 'there' yet ... Whereever there is ... Because although you may think you're "not there yet," you are an Organizational Goddess compared to me! This is part of my problem - I have four children at home (16-20 yo) and none of them consistently do chores without me asking. Once I ask the usually do it with good cheer - but it is easier to just do it myself :glare:
  23. I am trying to organize even more this new year. this is what I did last year: * gave and threw away A LOT of stuff * got rid of all items I could that would not last a looooong time and replaced them with very good quality items. (like cheap pans and clothes were replaced with good cast iron and nice quality clothes - cheap shoes replaced and junky furniture gone - and so on ...) * reduced wardrobe to minimal items * tossed and organized all papers * cleared out all hygiene items and now have minimal * learned to put makeup on and only have minimal, good makeup * organized meal menus * maintained love/hate relationship with Flylady :lol: * use calendar ap on iPad Hmm, sounds like I am organized, but I don't feel there yet. Some things I thought about is my van - it is full of crumbs, dog hair and stuff. I want to have it always clean and smell good. Any cooking, household or personal tips is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  24. This is what I was told by my ASL teacher ... Usually right handed signers sign dominate with right hand and left hand is the 'helper' hand. Lefties do opposite usually. I am right handed but severely (reversal) dyslexic so I learned left dominate. I didn't realize this until my 3rd year of majoring in deaf studies. My teacher was going to give me a D on my final because I was a righty and signing left dominate. I was so upset and sobbed to her that because of my reversal issues I didn't realize what I was doing. When she realized what was going on she and I had a talk and she ended up giving me a B. Whew.
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