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Violet Crown

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Everything posted by Violet Crown

  1. I just made the suggestion on the General Board that we "like" posts we see that look problematic. When I was going through BAW posts, I saw many that would or might violate copyright. How would other BAWers feel about us all "liking" anyone's BAW post that looks concerning? It would be a lot more efficient. (Of course we's often have to "unlike" them first.) Then we could have a quick notification of problems and not risk large-scale deletion.
  2. Maybe this is a stupid idea and someone can tell me why it is a stupid idea. But people would presumably like pointers to possibly problematic posts*, without the inefficiency of having them be first reported to Susan. What if we "like" posts that we notice might have problems? Then the poster can go immediately to her post and decide if she needs to edit something. People can avoid having entire posts deleted, and we get the efficiency of crowdsourcing problem detection. Plus lots of people get bonus "likes." *sorry, it's getting alliterative in here
  3. Can you tell what's getting entire posts deleted? Photos of books, or photos generally? :(
  4. From The Boswell Blog: Johnson: Were Socrates and Charles the Twelfth of Sweden both present in any company, and Socrates to say, "Follow me, and hear a lecture in philosophy;" and Charles, laying his hand on his sword, to say, "Follow me, and dethrone the Czar;" a man would be ashamed to follow Socrates. --------------------- Well? Whom would you follow?
  5. I refuse to delete my beefcake photos of Anton Chekhov. TMZ can have all the conniptions they want. Seriously though, I saw my photo of Jean Genet in an old post was gone. It would have been more than half a century old; is there some other reason to think it might have disappeared? I'm very much a techno-idiot about these things. Stacia, there has to be some way of getting your avatar back.
  6. My rule of thumb: when in doubt, ask your pediatrician. If the pediatrician thinks it isn't a problem, but your mommy instincts say it is, get an evaluation. It's worth it. Earlier is always better than later. You might post to the Special Needs board, too. Lots of people with experience there.
  7. Beefcake photos of Otto von Habsburg, Anton Chekhov, Ernest Hemingway? Does anyone know how old a photo has to be before it's public domain? I ask because my photo of Jean Genet has disappeared, I assume as part of the general cleansing? Or can uploaded photos disappear without someone having taken them down? Maybe better just to delete everything. :(
  8. I am going to assume that an engraving from a book published in the 19th century is fine. Even if he is a celebrity. In his time. ETA: Uh-oh: my slogan above my avatar is apparently trademarked. Is use of a trademarked slogan a problem? I'm thinking probably so.
  9. Perhaps look at it not as "no tangible proof" but rather as "no tangible proof to whom." I presume you would refuse to provide proof of your bona fide curriculum to an officious inquirer with no business asking for it, especially if there was reason to suspect their intentions in asking. Unlike the plaintiffs in the case, I would provide this tangible proof of my bona fide curriculum to a court on request. But no, not to the local school district. They have no right to know, and no business asking.
  10. The question would be whether the cooties were of the substance, or merely accidents, of the species of bread and wine. I believe St Thomas Aquinas, in his definitive and highly relevant treatise De cootibus packetii plasticii, held for the latter opinion.
  11. Oooo, I'm indeed jealous! Some day, one of y'all is going to come to South by Southwest.... ------------------ Today's Samuel Johnson twitterfeed: Johnson @Boswell I might as well have played on the violoncello as another; but I should have done nothing else. #cellosrule Johnson @Boswell When a man says he had pleasure with a woman, he does not mean conversation. Johnson @MrsThrale Seeing Scotland, Madam, is only seeing a worse England. #yesscotland
  12. Has everyone seen today's Google logo, in honor of Tolstoy? It makes me smile.
  13. Cstarlette, what did you think of Crane's poems? I haven't read my collection yet.
  14. There is a great deal in Boswell about Johnson's account of their Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland, and Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. Which I have not read, either of them. Every book adds more to the TBR pile.... Anyhow maybe they would go well with the Swire you mention.
  15. Latest from the Samuel Johnson twitterfeed: Johnson @Boswell When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life. www.cityoflondon.gov.uk 2/3 of the way through Life of Johnson! Is it possible it was ever banned somewhere, and so qualifies for Banned Book Week?
  16. Interesting discovery in my Life of Johnson reading. Johnson has a famous phrase, "When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully." I've always encountered this quip in a context in which it meant something like "Imminent disaster convinces one to focus on the problem at hand." Not infrequently I've seen it used in support of the death penalty, as if it meant "Imminent execution leads more certainly to repentance." But Johnson didn't mean it in either of these senses. He had participated in a failed effort to obtain a pardon for a Rev. Dodd, sentenced to hang for a one-time offense of forgery, and had written several statements for Dodd to use. Knowing their effectiveness depended on a general belief that they were Dodd's words, but unwilling to lie to a direct question from someone who thought Dodd lacked the talent to compose so well, he responded with the famous quote as an evasion.
  17. Pam, I assume you've seen the thread on the K-8 board where Stuart Little is again being beaten like a red-headed stepchild? Along with Wind in the Willows. Ah, Rattie, forgive them. Not that everyone isn't entitled to their own opinions, naturally....
  18. See, now I feel as if I've read the book, batted around clever insights in seminar, written the paper and turned it in, and then gone with guilty relief to read something less obviously literary. Do I need to actually read it now, I wonder? Wifely duty, I suppose.
  19. Every year at Banned Book Week I tell myself, "Violet, this is the year you read Ulysses." And then it isn't. :(
  20. Stephen F. likes your old avatar better.
  21. Please don't click on the smilies on spambot "Da85vid"'s post above.
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