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Everything posted by BatmansWife

  1. How about McRuffy? It's fun, colorful, and very cute. :001_smile: http://mcruffy.com/Kindergarten-Phonics.htm
  2. My dd did the HWT PreK book, but when we started McRuffy K we just switched to the McRuffy handwriting book. We like it. The words and sentences to copy and write each day go along with that lesson. I found it just easier for me to not have to rewrite/retype them in a differnt style. We are using the McRuffy Traditional.
  3. We are using McRuffy K Phonics, Color Math and Science and love it. As the others have already said, there is nothing religious in it at all.
  4. I'm going to be trying Level 1 Ancients for 1st grade. Here are a few reviews: http://homeschoolreviews.com/reviews/curriculum/reviews.aspx?id=602
  5. I don't know that this is "a little more Christian, a little more workbooky" (probably not), but since you already have SOTW, maybe you'd like to use it along with History Odyssey. We are going to try Level One Ancients for 1st grade. You can "try before you buy" (the right side of the link below) and if you do buy you can find it at Rainbow Resource. http://pandiapress.com/history_odyssey.htm
  6. I have several of the books called File Folder Games by Carson Dellosa. I had big ideas of making a lot of them. But, most didn't happen. I finally am to the point that my oldest dd and I color them, cut them out and use them just like that. No pasting to folders, no laminating....nothin' (just store them in baggies). But, I do have a few that I definitely recommend, because all you need to do is cut them out. They are already very colorful and they are so super cute. Again, to save time you can just store them in a manila envelopes or something instead of the typical pasting on file folders/laminating. Here's some links: Colorful File Folder Games http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=colorful+file+folder+games&ih=9_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_0_1.62_651&fsc=8 Basic G.A.M.E.S. http://www.amazon.com/Basic-Language-Arts-G-M-E-S/dp/1594414777/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1280448844&sr=8-7 The Basic G.A.M.E.S. tend to be a little harder to find. There are different grade levels and books called Basic Math G.A.M.E.S., Basic Phonics G.A.M.E.S., and Basic Language Arts G.A.M.E.S. You might have to do some searching around to see if you can find sample pages.
  7. I'm not really sure what you mean about a lot of differences between Vol 1 and Vol 2. Do you, perhaps, mean between Series 1 and Series 2? Then there's also Baby Signing Time, which is different than either Series 1 or Series 2. The very first 3 Signing Times have the "older" looking Rachel (although, technically she's younger because, they were the first ones they made :001_smile:), with her long hair, different outfits, and no colored tape on her fingers. Perhaps you saw an older ST and then a newer one, I don't know. At their website, they only have the newer versions of 1 - 3 with the newer looking Rachel (shorter hair, orange sweater, colored tape on fingers). I realize this is starting to get confusing if you don't understand what I'm talking about. Maybe you can just explain more what you mean by a lot of differences. Which ones did you see? We have 33 of the 34 DVD's. :blush: But, like I've said before, we've been collecting for 6 years. When we first started, ST was just new and only had 3 DVD's (with the "older" Rachel). Now they have 34, plus flash cards, books, etc. I think my favorites are 4, 5 an 6 from Series 1. Only because I remember we watched those over and over and over again. I can sing every song. :001_smile: fhjmom, that's really cool that you got to meet Rachel!
  8. It looks ok. I guess I'm a little partial to Signing Time and can't help but compare the two. We've been using Signing Time since dd was 9 months old (she's almost 7 now). By now you'd think she'd be very fluent in signing, but she isn't. She watched it a lot more when she was younger. This is a good reminder that I need to make sure I schedule her Signing Time DVD's into her school schedule so she keeps up with it. But, we really do LOVE Signing Time. http://www.signingtime.com/ Your library might have Signing Time, or can get it for you to borrow on interlibrary loan, so you can try it out. :001_smile:
  9. There's an outdoor pool in our little town. The swimming classes are free......*if* you live in town and go to school. I said we live in town and my dd homeschools. Nope....no free lessons for us (school=public school). It will cost $58. That kind of ticked me off, so I don't want to go to their pool. :tongue_smilie: We are looking at taking lessons 20 minutes away for $40 for nonresident, which is 10 days of lessons. I know there's more of a drive (but I just hate the thought of forkin' over my $ to the pool in town.....plus, this gives us an excuse to go shopping after lessons if we want...there's only a dollar store here). :001_smile:
  10. My top picks: Pianimals We've had this for years and years. Flo, one of the creators of it, is just great (she often throws in extras for us. Not sayin' she will for everyone). http://pianimals.com/ KinderBach Pricey, but nice. I have the whole set....but we don't use it much (I really better take it out more). It seems almost more work for me to pop the DVD in and print off the pages, I don't know why (I'd much prefer if they had an actual music book instead of having to print pages). http://kinderbach.com/
  11. I did listen to lesson 2. When they talk about Dora it's included with other Spanish names. They really only talk about Dora for a couple of seconds. They did roll the r a little, but I don't think it was excessive. Not as much rolling of the r as they do in other words, like rojo. Maybe my thinking is way off base, but I can't help but wonder if there are just differences in how some Spanish words are spoken. There certainly are differences in English. To me, Southerners have an accent. Of course, Southerners would think that I, a Northerner, have an accent. Even people in specific states have a certain way of saying things. People make fun of how Minnesotans talk (which I don't think they really talk like that). How about people out East who say words like, "cah" for "car"? Anyway, that's just my thinking on it.
  12. Thanks for the heads up about the Math. Just when I think I have it all figured out, I have to rethink everything again. I might have to take another look at my CLE lightunits before I list them. Sigh.......can anything ever be easy to figure out?! :banghead:
  13. I was undecided about CLE and had ordered the 1st grade lightunits for next year. I'll be listing them for sale this week. To me, there's just way too much in a lesson; going from one thing to the next, to the next. I had also gotten a level for my son and he doesn't like it. I thought he'd like the variety on the pages, but I discovered that he's a kid who needs mastery and not spiral, because he doesn't like the jumping from one thing to another. I sure hope you'll like CLE. I'll have to look at your signature to see what level McRuffy Math you were using. I'm looking for 1st grade. So far we are enjoying McRuffy K, and I'd like to stick with it. But, I haven't really gotten to use it long enough to know how effective it is. ETA: we used MUS years ago. Maybe one reason your dd scored low is because it's mastery (focuses on one concept at a time)?? As for the review in McRuffy, I'm thinking of supplementing a little for review with Math Mammoth. Who knows.....seems like my plans change every week.
  14. Actually, our printer is fine. I don't like going through ink like crazy. We've had a lot of computer crashes in the last year (probably need a new computer, but that's not gonna happen)...so I didn't want to rely on dowloads to get my math pages; I'd rather spend a little more and just have them printed already. I'm pretty sure I'd go with the Light Blue if I decide to do this.
  15. My 7 year old watched quite a few of the lessons today (it just arrived yesterday). She didn't want to stop watching them. I just asked her what she thinks of the DVD's and she said, "Awesome." :001_smile: I, personally, find a few things annoying (such as the woman's voice who sings). But, it doesn't seem to bother my dd. So, I'm trying to take a :chillpill:. :lol:
  16. Here's a few ideas: Nursery Art (Singapore) Kindergarten Art (Singapore) http://www.christianbook.com/Christian/Books/easy_find?nav_search=1&event=ESRCN&Dn=5401&action=Search&Ntt=singapore+art&N=5401+1030807&Ne=1000000&Nu=product%2Eendeca%5Frollup&Ntk=keywords Baby Lamb's http://rainbowresource.com/product/Baby+Lambs+Art+Book/020924/1280264388-4556 Scribble Art (I have an older version called Scribble Cookies) http://rainbowresource.com/product/Scribble+Art/039056/1280264388-4556 Mudworks http://rainbowresource.com/product/Mudworks/005883/1280264388-4556
  17. The other day I had asked some questions about Math Mammoth, and I've read other discussions about it too. It does sound interesting. I *might* be interested in using this to supplement (at least to start out that way). I was thinking that when we come upon a new topic in the math program we are using, I could find pages in MM to go along with it and maybe they'll have a different way to explain it. I'm not sure yet if this is something to really do or not. Anyway, I was at the website trying to figure out what to get for 1st grade. Sounds like the Blue Series is more for supplement and the Light Blue Series is a full curriculum. I don't think I want to go with the downloads (we often have computer problems and I don't think I want to have to rely on printing worksheets). So, I'm looking at print versions. I thought that the Blue Series would be the way to go, since it's for supplement (I think???)....but here's what you'd need: $10.15 Addition 1 $10.50 Subtraction 1 $ 9.70 Place Value 1 $10.00 Clock $ 9.50 Money $10.90Measuring $ 9.05 Early Geometry The total would be $69.80 But, if you go with the Light Blue 1st grade complete curriculum you'd need: $11.90 Part A Worktext $11.80 Part B Worktext $13.75 Answer Key $10.25 Tests & Cummulative Reviews (not sure if these are really needed) This way would cost $47.70 (or $37.45 if you don't get the tests/reviews). Even if you want to just use MM as a supplement, and maybe pick and choose what worksheets to use, it seems to make more sense to just go with the Light Blue complete curriculum. Maybe I don't fully understand the difference between Blue and Light Blue? There's so much at the website, and I don't have time to sit here and read it all. For anyone using the complete curriculum, do you feel the tests/reviews are necessary?
  18. Which do you prefer? Do you use one? Both? We are using workboxes. Why does each child need 12 boxes? Is it meant to throw in extra fun things such as games in between their daily work? My children might have a breakdown if they had to get through 12 things! You do as many workboxes as you want. We started out with 12, but it's too many for my kindergartener. I'm going to cut back to 9, and even less if we need to. Basically, fill up the workboxes with the work you'll need to do that day, and then have a couple of workboxes for fun. So, let's say if you have 5 workboxes for work then just add a few for fun and only have maybe 7 total that day (no need to fill 7 boxes with fun stuff and 5 for school work just to have 12 that day). Each day could have a different number of workboxes. So sick of hearing the dreaded, "Am I done yet??????" or "How much more do I have to do?" Well, this is exactly one of the benefits of the workboxes. They can see just what they need to do each day. When they take the workboxes off the shelf, they can see at a glance what's left. As they work, the boxes/work keep dwindling. My only other thought would be to give each child a checklist of things to do each day or have them create their own lesson plan. We did the checklist for years. I don't think it's as effective as the workboxes, because the workboxes are all set to go. With the checklists, you still need to go find everything. The workboxes have it all in there and they're ready to go. At least in theory.....:001_smile:
  19. For experiments and hands on.....Science Excursion. :001_smile:
  20. I got my set on eBay with a make an offer. I'm told it's shipped, but I haven't gotten it yet. Hopefully we will soon. We did get the Whistlefritz and Mi Guitarri in the mail yesterday. Dd is really enjoying those. Can't wait for this bigger set to arrive! :001_smile:
  21. I had no idea it was an Asian math. Hmmmm....interesting. Thank you everyone.
  22. Oh jeepers!!! I just posted this on the For Sale board!!! Forgot what board I was on.....duh!!!!! :blushing: I've seen Math Mammoth mentioned so many times and occasionally I look at the website. But....I guess I don't really get it. Is this a supplement or a full curriculum? What's so special about it? Do you love it, like it, hate it....and why?? :confused: Just curious, I guess......
  23. I have a WWE workbook and I really like it. I don't feel I need the text at all. You *can* teach WWE without the workbook, but I wouldn't call them redundant. If you want to find your own copywork, then you can just use the text (from what I understand). I like the workbook because it's all right there....saves a ton of time. :001_smile:
  24. Yes....you are right....gentle and fun would be a great way to describe it. I think you'll both really enjoy a couple days a week doing the science. Wow.....have you got will power girl! :lol: Goodness.....get those chores done and open them boxes!!!! :001_smile:
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