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Everything posted by Negin

  1. I would seriously be willing to give my left arm if I could get 9 hours of sleep per night. I don't think I've slept that much since I was a baby. Seriously. And I'm not trying to be snarky here. I don't have much caffeine either, definitely not after lunchtime. One problem I do have with the advice to get lots of sleep, is how on earth can we realistically also fit in the recommended daily dose of exercise? Something has to give. Even when I was a single and in grad school, I had to get a bit less sleep in order to exercise every day. The experts tell us to get all that sleep, to exercise (now many say 90 minutes per day), to cook our own meals, etc. My question is: how exactly?
  2. Thank you for this. I thought I was the only one. For me, even cutting out gluten and exercise don't help. I've tried it all.
  3. That's wonderful! I do a variation of this and seem to have gained 33 pounds (or more). Seriously. I don't eat excessively. I snack on fruits and veggies. I eat quite healthy most of the time. It's very frustrating.
  4. Do you mind if I ask your age, or even decade? I think that different approaches work more or less effectively depending on one's age. I had a far easier time losing weight in my 20s and 30s, than now in my late 40s. I've tried the No-S approach, and have never noticed any major change. I wish I could lose as much weight as you! ETA: nm - you mentioned that you're in your 40s. I envy you. The No-S approach has not worked for me. I've tried it a few times.
  5. Nothing for the past few days. In the small amount of spare time that I have, I've been busy making our travel arrangements for the summer. It's a lot to do. I wish I had more time. Hopefully it'll all be sorted out by next week. :) Loving them so far.
  6. Happy Belated Birthday Mom-Ninja! :D Only had time to do 1 Mile of Leslie. Wanted to do more, but I'll be very busy for the next few days. I want to reply to everyone, but am already running a bit late.
  7. Will be going for a swim a bit later on this morning.
  8. I know this sounds really pretentious/shallow/whatever, but I want to say that I wish I weighed what you weigh! I have zero discipline and am an atrocious emotional eater. I wish I could wave a wand and seldom feel hunger/emotional hunger. I know that we all have our challenges and problems, but I wanted to vent.
  9. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  10. No time to read everyone's posts, but will get to that later. :) Just had the most wonderful swim. It started to rain (lovely Caribbean rain) and it stopped. It was so nice to be out there.
  11. Couldn't do the cardio in the end. Only did rebounding. I felt nauseous and icky. Feeling better now and hope to do something later today. Will try to post.
  12. Rebounding and will soon do Hamelin D'Abell's Cardio Tone workout (youtube).
  13. Chris, it helped that I'm familiar with Britain, but you don't have to be. It wouldn't help if Britain or the people are of no interest whatsoever :lol:. As with all his books (at least the few I've read so far), there are lots of personal/autobiographical touches also.
  14. Chris, adding the Sophia Loren book to read. I'm not a major fan, but I would like to read it. Glad you loved the Bryson book. My friend, a die-hard Bryson fan gave me this list to read in order. At Home - not his greatest, but very interesting A Walk In The Woods Notes from a small Island Notes from a Big Country Neither Here Nor There A Short History of Nearly Everything I have yet to read them all. Unfortunately, he won't be writing any more travelogues. His travelogues are my favorites.
  15. I got petite ones from Target. I don't remember if they were called "petite'. Maybe they were called "short". I got them in the part where they sell workout clothes at Target. Love them. They weren't that expensive. I had to order some from amazon and they're great also. I'm 5' 2" and all of them fit me just fine length-wise.
  16. :iagree: . So much more comfortable than jeans, and often more flattering also.
  17. Robin, thank you for starting this thread every week. :hurray: Editing to add: Pride & Prejudice is one of favorite books ever. I keep telling myself to read more Austen and Dickens (my two favorites when it comes to classics). I can't seem to concentrate on them these days. I read: Notes from a Small Island - 5 Stars - Reading this made me yearn to return to Britain and to even live there again. Bill Bryson has a true gift for humor and description. There were so many parts that had me laughing hilariously, and some that got me all nostalgic, such as visiting the small town where I attended beauty school so many years ago – a town that’s so infrequently visited, that when he got off the train, everyone had their heads to the window, looking at him in utter surprise, as in why, on God’s green earth, would anyone get off here? I’m sorry the book ended, I wanted him to keep going on. I’m even sorrier to learn that he won’t be writing any more travelogues, but I still have several yet to read and many of these, I’ll be more than happy to re-read. Stormchaser: The Edge Chronicles - 3 Stars - This one was better than the first, I thought. I look forward to soon reading the third. These books are not my usual reading genre, but my daughter’s been asking me to read these for years. I figure that I better do so before she leaves home for college! I would give it 3.5 stars, but I can’t, so 3 stars it will be. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad.
  18. About to soon do Joyce Vedral's Complete Definition workout.
  19. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  20. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  21. Nothing today. Woke up early, but I was so tired that I went back to sleep. Had to make it to the grocery store early before everything runs out (very common in this part of the world). I have an aromatherapy massage in half an hour :D. Wish I could treat all of you ladies also.
  22. There are lots and lots of videos on You Tube, but I'm skeptical. I know many who claim that exercises work and an equal number who say that they don't. I think it's part of weight gain and/or aging. Here are some exercises: • Lie on bed/sofa with head hanging over the edge. Lift chin towards your chest. Hold the contraction for 10 counts and then slowly lower your head to the starting position. Repeat 10 times then relax. • Open mouth as wide as you can and stick tongue out as far as you can, trying to touch chin with tongue. Hold for 10 counts and repeat 10 times. • Place your open hand at the base of your throat, stretched across your collarbone. Holding your hand down, extend your neck up, leading with your chin and stretch with your bottom jaw, only, towards the ceiling. Do NOT swallow, but rather reach with your bottom lip towards the ceiling “looking†like a gulping fish. Make 10 “gulpsâ€, switch hands and repeat. • Stand with back and neck straight. Raise chin toward ceiling and purse lips in an exaggerated kissing position and hold for a count of 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times. • Stand with neck erect. Tighten the tendons in your jaw by pulling lips up over teeth and turning the corners of mouth downward, almost as if you were frowning. Hold for 10 seconds, then relax. Repeat the exercise 10 times. • Tongue to Nose Although I'm skeptical, I would give them a try for several months.
  23. Nothing. Woke up far too late and have a crazy, busy day ahead of me.
  24. I love this advice. I really don't appreciate what seems to be a new trend of faking difficulties to be easy. Drives me nuts. Joyofsix is right. You should feel free to come here and vent.
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