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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Snooze: Snoozing is my least favorite option. After the 30 days are up, it's almost as if FB decides that we need to catch up on every single post that that person has made in the last 30 days, which really defeats the whole purpose. Every time I've snoozed someone, my entire feed gets inundated with all their posts. Unfollow: Unfollowing has worked for me. In the past few months, I've unfollowed more friends than ever before. Their posts seldom change. Maybe their posts will change long after the election, but I doubt it. For the sake of courtesy, now and then, if they like my posts, I go back and like a few of their non-political posts. Newsfeed (Seeing First): I also have some friends whom I have chosen to show up first on my feed. You may know that feature already. Those are friends with whom I really don't want to miss any posts. My Approach to Facebook: When I see posts from friends that I disagree with or take objection to, and trust me, I see plenty of them, I prefer to take a non-confrontational approach. I usually scroll on by. That’s just me. I prefer to avoid arguments. Again, I try to adopt a non-confrontational aspect when I comment or interpret comments on my posts. I dislike arguments and carping on social media so here is my classification: If I love or respect a post I will always try and say so. If I dislike a post, I tend to say nothing, or no "like". I scroll on by. If the person is really unfriendly, offensive, or acting in any way against me - in social media or in general - or act beyond the pale - then I would unfriend them. I've also unfriended quite a few. I seldom do that anymore, not like I used to. I try to think about that before doing anything too hasty. I try to limit my political-type posts. I would gladly never share them, but I think that the reason I do so from time to time is because I often get irritated by others who overdo it. If no one ever posted political posts, I wouldn't either, but that should not be an excuse. No one's going to change their mind anyway. Everyone's going to still believe what they do and think what they do. Obviously I don't mind political posts when I agree with them! In fact, I enjoy them! But again, since I stop following those who irritate me, this is far less of a factor now. My husband often reminds me that I can make FB work any way that I want to. These days, other than all the continuous ads, since I've learned to make it work for me, I am loving it. Anyone can make FB work for them in the way that they choose.
  2. I love these. I wish that they had them in my size. Bookmarking to check back regularly.
  3. These two Kindle books are on sale.
  4. Kindle book on sale today. Not exactly uplifting to say the least.
  5. Thought to share this final thought here. If a friend felt concerned and and if she were to ask me, after learning what I've been learning, I would suggest: a. either watching this video with a Gynecologic Menopause Specialist or b. looking for a Gynecologic Menopause Specialist in your area (she has info on that). If it's not in the video, I can share that here. or c. booking a one-hour session with Menopause Taylor. The medical professional doesn't inform us much about menopause, because menopause is barely touched upon in medical school.
  6. Kindle book on sale today. These days, I'm absolutely addicted to "The Crown" and I love Churchill.
  7. Just updating in case anyone is interested. the phone consultation was fabulous. I would say that it is by far the best $200 that I have spent in the longest while. I learned so much. She's sweet, approachable, helpful ... you name it. I'm so thankful to my dh who encouraged me to do all this. I'm also thankful for all the helpful feedback.
  8. This looks good. Last year, I read and loved Nicholas and Alexandra. This seems like it would go well with it. Adding it to my list.
  9. Happy October, Robin, and thank you, as always, for this fabulous thread! I read Glow from Within - 4 Stars - This book was a birthday gift from my daughter. We both love skin care and talking about all the girly stuff. I was an esthetician back in my late teens. In an ideal world, that’s probably the career that I would have stuck with. I first heard of Joanna Vargas when she was a guest on Caroline Hirons’s YouTube channel. There are a few channels that I follow, although it takes me forever to catch up and find the time to watch them. Joanna Vargas is an esthetician who really knows her stuff. Although I don’t agree with her on every single point, which is pretty much impossible even in the best of worlds, I am looking forward to trying out some of the products that she mentions. Some are quite pricey, but others seem to be a bit more reasonable. I really appreciate all the other suggestions and tips – eating healthy, limiting sugar, sleep, and so on. Again, in an ideal world, I would have regular facials at one of her amazing salons. Here is my favorite tip: “My number one nutritional beauty tip is absolutely my favorite skin fix: drink a green juice every day and try to eat green vegetables with every meal.”
  10. If anyone is interested, I will update you after my phone consultation with her next week. I've already received a fabulously helpful personalized 81-page document to read before the appointment. I'm learning so much and am already starting to make some changes. I can't wait to make more. Without going into details, some of the stuff pertaining to me has been mind-blowing.
  11. My temporary symptoms have been manageable - things like hot flashes, etc. I'm concerned about the long-term impact of loss of estrogen (heart disease, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's). And yes, a healthy lifestyle is first and foremost, but I have come to believe that some form of estrogen in the first five to ten years after menopause can also be of great benefit. I'm not sure what form would be best for me yet, if at all, I used to think that estrogen is bad. I've since come to learn otherwise. I just read this book which was eye-opening.
  12. Thought to update everyone here. I have been slowly watching her videos in order and have been learning so much. I wish that I had known about her sooner. It's still not too late, but it would have been ideal to know all this a few years ago. I have commented on a few of her YouTube videos with questions and she is courteous and sweet enough to always reply. She has been growing on me! Lesson learned for yours truly: be more open-minded! Oh, for anyone who's interested, she also has a podcast, which I just started listening to on Spotify. My husband encouraged me to book a one-hour consultation with her. That's coming up soon and I'm looking so forward to it. In order to book that, she prefers that you send in any blood work, any medical info that you have to her. She loves details. This is helpful to me especially since we live on a small island and none of the doctors here cater to menopause. The basic, extremely basic care that ob-gyns do, is focused primarily on pregnancy. After that, you’re on your own. I shouldn’t be surprised. The overall health care here is appalling. Anyway, I will update after the consult if anyone is interested. I just thought to share that there's a promo on her book and slide chart - 25% discount. The promo ends on October 12th. the code: FALL2020.
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