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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Kindle books on sale today. Book 3 in the Kingsbridge Trilogy The Fountains of Silence
  2. Not about Covid-19, but this made me laugh.
  3. This is the cutest thing ever! He's adorable!
  4. I read Home Work: A Memoir of my Hollywood Years - 4 Stars - I’ve always loved Julie Andrews and read her first memoir earlier this year. This one was equally delightful. She shares stories of her family and her career starting from the time that she was in “Mary Poppins” and ending in the 1980’s. “The Sound of Music” will always be one of my favorite movies of all time. The first time that I saw it was when I must have been about five or so when we were in Iran. It was dubbed, even Julie Andrews’s singing voice was dubbed. Later while growing up in Wales, they would show it on TV almost every Christmas or Easter. I enjoyed learning more about Julie’s family life, as well as all the struggles with step-parenting and her marriage. Gosh, her marital struggles and her husband’s mood swings were frustrating. Both of her memoirs are among the most open and genuine that I have come across. At times, the writing is a bit dry and repetitive in this one, but I enjoyed it regardless. Those were the times where it seemed that all she was doing was flying back and forth from LA to England to Switzerland, and those parts were tiring to read. I have heard that the audio versions of her memoirs are superb, since they’re narrated by Julie Andrews herself. I’m not an audio type, so that’s that. I would only recommend this book to Julie Andrews fans. I think that’s obvious anyway. Why bother reading a memoir on someone if the person doesn’t interest you? Here are some of my favorite quotes; Here she talks about Walt Disney: “Walt’s persona was that of a kindly uncle—twinkly-eyed, chivalrous, and genuinely proud of all he had created. His international empire encompassed film, television, and even a theme park, yet he was modest and gracious. Our new friend Tom Jones once said to me that you didn’t last very long at the company if you were mean-spirited or bad-tempered.” I remember her talking about the following many years ago on a talk show. This was in Switzerland: “Each day, I walked a full circle, up the hill from our chalet, across the fields behind it, down along the brook, and back to the chalet. It was a good stretch, and my legs grew stronger while I vocalized along the way. One day, I was practicing ‘The Sound of Music,’ which I would be performing in my act. I was rounding the last curve, singing flat out, when suddenly a group of Japanese tourists, cameras around their necks, crested the hill in front of me. They recognized me, and looked simply stunned. I dashed for home, mortified.” “These days, I’ve come to realize that home is a feeling as much as it is a place; it is as much about loving what I do as being where I am.” “The common denominator is human misery. The most important thing I have learned is the simplest of all: people are just people—no matter their politics, their skin color, or where they live. There is no difference in our humanity; only in our circumstances.” These are her father’s words to her after her mother’s passing: “’It is sad, Chick,’ he replied. ‘But that was your mum’s destiny, not yours. Yours is to live out whatever time is given to you to the fullest extent, to relish every day and make it count.’” “When we were touring, my mum would drill into me: ‘Don’t you dare complain about anything . . . not the cigarette smoke in the theater, not having a cold, or waiting long hours. It won’t do a thing for you, and nobody cares. Don’t pull rank, or boast. There’s always someone who can do what you do better than you. Get on with it, and you’ll be respected so much more.’” “Learn your craft. Do your homework. Opportunity will come along when you least expect it, as it did for me. You may not even recognize it at the time. Your job is to be as ready as possible when that good fortune comes your way.”
  5. I haven't gone out for a coffee or any thing to eat since early March. The only thing I pay too much for now are groceries.
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