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Everything posted by Negin

  1. Thank you all so much. :grouphug: :grouphug: Happy (Belated) Anniversary! :D I've loved his paintings for a while now. My Kindle Skin is one of his paintings and I've had a pinterest board on his stuff for a while. My dh knew that the Kindle Skin, as lovely as it is, often annoys me, since I can't see it properly due to the Kindle Case. He also heard me saying that I wish I had an Afremov calendar. So then he thought up the idea, called them in Mexico (where they now live), had it shipped to Miami, and then here to Grenada. I had no idea. Stacia, there are some paintings of his of Bruges and Brussels. :)
  2. Nothing much - several yoga sequences. Not nosey at all. :) Today is the last day of fasting. Thank you for your kind words. :grouphug: Me too.
  3. I'm a Baha'i and we fast every year from March 2-20 - of course, there are exceptions - being sick, traveling, elderly, young, etc. Rainn Wilson has a short article on it. Lots of stretching - just a few days before life will hopefully get back to some sense of normalcy. Cooking breakfast at 4/5 AM can be exhausting :lol:. Mind you, not everyone does what I do. I just happen to want to cook in the morning. Yes, I guess I'm a bit odd that way.
  4. Hope that all goes well. I love how you and your dh did not say anything. I couldn't agree more.
  5. Mine has done that from time to time also. Like you, I posted about it and it turns out it happens to a few others also. Guess we're special or something. :lol:
  6. Yes, dd who showed me this feature, noticed that also. :grouphug:
  7. Lots of stretching and yoga poses this morning. These days, I feel so sluggish :glare: . The fast is not helping. I'm looking forward to turning over a new leaf next week.
  8. Something my dd just showed me the other day, and many of you probably already know. If you're on Good Reads and would like to see interesting graphics of books that you have in common with your friends: 1. Go to the left-hand side under "Edit Profile" and click "Friends". 2. Then you'll see a list of all your friends and you can click "compare books" for each friend on the left-hand side. I thought it was pretty cool. :) I love Good Reads. I just wish that I could find more friends, but also more with similar tastes.
  9. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: So sorry. Happy belated birthday. I would feel the same way - not sure about wanting to go :closedeyes: .
  10. I read more than usual last week, mainly because I haven't had energy to do much else. This is our time of fasting and other than getting the very basics done, I just don't have that much energy. So I sleep a lot and read a lot - and eat a lot when I can, which leads to incredible bloating :lol:. As part of the Bingo Reading Challenge, I read: I Want It Now - 3 Stars - "a book by a female author" - A fun and enjoyable read. Makes me want to see the Willy Wonka movie yet again. Before I Go to Sleep - 4 Stars - "a book with a mystery" - I finished this in less than 24 hours and could barely put it down or stop thinking about it. This is one of those books that keeps you thinking. I then tried to read Longbourn - I really wanted to like this, since Pride & Prejudice is one of my favorite books of all time. This book is written from the servants’ perspective. Not a good idea at all. When I told my husband about it (P&P is one of his favorite books ever), his reaction was pretty much this. I gave up at 10% - my rule for any book that I don’t like. Going on and on about the Bennett girls and their soiled underwear from menstruation is just not my thing at all :closedeyes:. She Drives Me Crazy - 3 Stars - This is the second book I’ve read by her and she just makes me laugh. A fun and easy read. Different Seasons - 3 Stars - "a book of short stories" - This is the first time I've read anything by Stephen King and I purposely chose this since I knew it would not be horror. It's a collection of 4 novellas, rather than short stories, which I originally thought they'd be. I have to say that for at least two of them, the movie is movie is better than the story (Shawshank Redemption, for example). Most of the stories were still very good and one was incredibly boring. Astray - 2 Stars - "a book with a one-word title" - I loved Room by the same author. This was completely different – a collection of short stories. Some were interesting and others were a bit dull for me. MY RATING SYSTEM 5 Stars Fantastic, couldn't put it down 4 Stars Really Good 3 Stars Enjoyable 2 Stars Just Okay – nothing to write home about 1 Star Rubbish – waste of my money and time. Few books make it to this level, since I usually give up on them if they’re that bad. My Good Reads Page
  11. I have found (so far, since I haven't read them all) that the Isabel Dalhousie ones are much better. The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency began to seriously get on my nerves. Very nice list. Lisbeth Salander and Hermione are amongst my favorites. :iagree: . :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I spent quite a bit of time yesterday on my post and then it got all deleted :cursing: , so I'm going to do it again, but slowly and in bits and pieces and hope that it doesn't disappear once again.
  12. Me too. Both are my favorite flowers. I love daffodils and wish we had them here. I enjoyed the first few, but no more, I'm done with that series. I'm really enjoying the Isabel Dalhousie ones, however.
  13. New thread. Please post your workouts here. Everyone welcome. :)
  14. Nothing today. Fasting and woke up too late.
  15. Rebounding So sorry to hear about your loss. :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:
  16. Thank you all again. Yes, I called them and that's what they told me. Celebrity doesn't allow for that. Yes, they said that also. Hopefully there'll be ice cream stations :).
  17. Nothing today. During our fasting period, I find it difficult to workout unless if I wake up very, very early. Hope you feel better soon. Yes, insomnia really and truly sucks. Keep meaning to tell you, great job on the mud run! :) Love her workouts. Many find her annoying, but I like her. I'm reading her book at the moment, but it's just okay, nothing incredible. I prefer her DVDs. Great job. :) Hope your knees, etc. feel okay. I remember running in wind like that (back in my running days). Not easy at all!
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