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Everything posted by mamatanya

  1. [quote I covet any prayers, good wishes and warm thoughts you have to spare for us. :grouphug:Just remember that we don't always understand the why's or the timings of things, but that in the long run, you will not only be stronger, but you will be able to help someone else going through the same thing. I wish you much luck. My prayers are going out to you and your family for God's will be to done, patience and understanding on your parts, and peace.
  2. :grouphug: I am so very sorry for your loss. I pray that you and your loved ones are comforted by God's peace and the knowledge that she is in a better place.
  3. I found a site a while back that had beautiful construction paper and other art supplies at a decent price. Since then, my computer's memory has had to be wiped clean so I lost all of my old favorites. I'd love to know where you buy construction paper, art paper, paints, etc at a decent price. I am "almost" done buying what I need for the year, but these art supplies would be a very nice additional to my home.
  4. thank you, I have been racking my brain (well for 2 seconds today) on where to go to buy science kits, clay, craft stuff, etc. You just reminded me!!
  5. one cup hot in the morning, maybe two and most of it is iced for the rest of the day.
  6. Your room looks wonderful. You did a very nice job decorating it and personalizing it for your children!!
  7. Oh, and the black shelves are 5 ft x 5 ft. Their shelves measure about 13 inches square. They are able to hold alot and they are actually quite solid.
  8. Thank you all so much!! I do love my room. The black shelves were bought from Ikea. They have dropped in price and are now only $99 each. They have to be assembled at home, but I was able to easily assemble both of mine in about an hour and a half. They are very heavy though, so if you do not have a person to help you lift the boxes, I would suggest using a dolly if you have one or can borrow one. The shelves come with a very large bracket (about a foot long) to mount it to the wall to prevent tipping. I am ashamed to say that I have not done that yet. =( Also, the shelves can be turned sideways and used as a room divider. The wall mount allows that option too. I would like to buy an additional shelf for the schoolroom and one to use as a room divider for my sons room.
  9. [quote Sorry it's so long but I would like to hear opinions on this ... since I struggle with keeping them home or ps . My children have not started homeschooling yet. They have only been public schooled so far, so I would like to give you my opinion as a mother who is desperate to get out of public school. My ps has been very good to my children and myself. The teachers that my children have been blessed with were all wonderful teacher's. They wanted to teach and they were passionate about it. They wanted more for my gifted ds, but were not allowed to give it to him. They tried, but there was only so much that they could do. This year, his teacher (who taught the advanced students in his class) cried to me and asked me if she had taught him anything. She really has taught him things, but most he already knew. She designated a corner in the back of the classroom for him to walk around in circles after he completed his daily work, extra work, and more extra work. He was able to read numerous novels throughout his last year, he was on the school's "morning news" and there he learned so much. He was an anchor, a camera man, the guy that flashes the words on the computer monitor (forgot what it's called), etc. He made tons of friends and everyone loved him. But, there was this one teacher.........who every morning talked about my son after he anchored the morning news. He made comments about his long hair, his short hair, his appearance, his reporting. I contacted the principal, the one who has always taken care of any problem that I have had, and told her about this teacher who was talking about my son. She claimed that there must be a mistake and she sent that teacher an email. He sent her one back and she forwarded it to me. It said something along the lines of, "you are right, kids sure do get things twisted around. I was trying to compliment him." After that he stopped talking about my son, but there was only a few weeks of school left anyway. I never knew that saying my son looked like a girl when his hair was longer was a compliment, nor did I know that when he cut it into a short spike that being called a porcupine was a compliment. That is just ONE example of what you have to deal with in public school. Another problem that we had more than once, but I will just give you one example was when my dd was boarding the school bus. The bus driver stopped the boys from boarding and said "Ladies first". So my daughter entered before the boy who had planned to go ahead of her. He shoved her. Another boy said, "hey man, why did you shove her?" The little boy replied that he should have punched her in her *f-ing*(He said the real word) face. A few weeks later, he did attack a little girl on the bus). There are many things in this world that I realize that we cannot avoid, but they are still wrong. Just because this world is sinful does not mean that our children are required to follow or to think that those sins are normal. They are not. I have tried to keep my the minds of my children as innocent as I can for as long as I can but with them being in the ps, they learned things that I did not want them to learn anyway. I will start homeschooling my children this year. From now on, I will lead them in what is right and I will teach them the morals and values that are not taught in the school system. I will not allow my son to enter into the middle school and be exposed to sex, drugs,and violence at the age of 11 just because it is everywhere in the world. I wish you much luck in your decision.
  10. My homeschool room is finally done!! Well, kind of, I do have a bit more shelf organizing to do, but I have figured out furniture placement. I know that it is not a matching room, but each time I walk into it, my heart is filled with such a sense of peace and pride.
  11. Thank you for your reply. I am going to try to get signed up for a local group so that I can meet other hs'ers. I have looked into some of the schools in the area, but I just don't have the money to spend on them. I am trying to get some help from my sister's parents, but her dad is not happy about her coming here and my mom is usually asleep and incoherent. =( For anyone else reading this, I live in Cobb County GA, the Acworth, Kennesaw woodstock area. If you know of a private school that would cover me as an umbrella school that is local, please let me know. :bigear:
  12. I will try to find one in my areas. I have been searching for a local homeschool group to join since reading your last post. I really appreciate your suggestions.
  13. Thank you Rhonda. That is just such a hard thing to wrap my mind around. I mean, I know that I have more freedoms, but I just want to do this by the book with her since she is not my own child. I don't want my stepdad shaking his fingers at me. But, you are right and I appreciate the reminder. :)
  14. Thank you Martha. I have not joined a local homeschool group yet. I am so new to this and we have not "officially" started school yet. I have spent the past several months picking out our curriculum, getting the house moved around, etc. My sister was just kind of a bonus thrown in at the last moment, so I have not got her life planned out yet, lol. If I were to sign up for the school in Macon, would I have to go often? I live just north of Atlanta and would not mind having to do the drive on occasion if necessary. Also, the school that would have to use in FL as a cover, will cost @ $1200 for the year plus curriculum, I'd prefer to spend less if possible. Thank you.
  15. Thanks for all of your suggestions. I did call the FL virtual school and they are unsure of what to do with my sister since she will be back and forth. They put me through to the global academy which costs money to let them determine where we should be. They have not called back yet. I found an umbrella school in FL that I am thinking about using. I would prefer to find one in the state of Georgia so that she might qualify for the GA scholarship. If anyone knows of one, please let me know.
  16. I have considered her doing the Fl virtual school but I do not know if they will let her live here and still use their funding. Also, we would have to officially withdraw her from the public school system, enroll her as a homeschooler and wait 4-6 weeks for them to say yes or no. We are at such an end to our timeline that I do not know if we can afford to just sit around waiting for them to say yea or nay. But, I will call them and talk to them directly. Thank you for your suggestions.
  17. My 16 year old sister is fixing to move in with me. Long story, but to make it short, my mother is dying and my step father is getting up there in age. I have wanted my sister to move in with me for years. She has not really been parented because my mother has been fighting cancer and other illnesses since she was 3 years old. My step dad has kind of been hands off with her. Now she is 16 and in a bad place. She wants a baby. She knows that she is not ready for a baby but she wants someone to love her. So, I asked her again to come live with me. I was surprised but she finally said yes. This will be my first year of homeschooling my own children. I have their schooling all worked out for now. She is another story. I had planned to sign her up for the k12 program because I refuse to allow her (or any of my children) to go to the local high school. The k12 program only goes up to grade 8. Okay, well what about private school? She was private schooled her whole life up until she started high school. Her dad says that he does not have the money for this. If she were my child, I would just teach her myself and not worry about credits, but she is not my child and she is moving here with a one year plan in mind. She may or may not stay after the first year. Ok, with that said, I have to find something in the state of GA that she can do from home but still earn credits (that are transferable to a FL public school if she goes back home) and that large colleges will accept. My mother has paid for her college fund for years and she is the only one of us (my moms children) that is going to have the opportunity to go to college. She is very bright, but she did let her grades drop very low this year. I cannot imagine what she is going through at home watching my mom die everyday, but I know that it is hurting her!! I am thinking Keystone. Has anyone used this? Know anyone that used this? Successfully enrolled into a college with their diploma? Is there anyone else in the state of GA that knows of a diploma program? Please help. I only have a few weeks to figure this out. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  18. Thank you Chris in VA. I like your suggestions. I never thought about pointing out where family is and learning the states surrounding then. That sounds much simpler than just picking a random state. I appreciate your ideas.
  19. I am going to bump this because it did not get many views. Anyone have any input for me?:bigear:
  20. I do not have a router yet but was planning to buy one so that we can use the same internet on the laptop. Would that work work for the printer as well?
  21. A little off topic, but I have a wireless printer. I have no clue how to use it as a wireless. Do I have to buy something that hooks to my computer or something?
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