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Everything posted by battlemaiden

  1. Thanks. I honestly consider Mother's Day a day to celebrate MY mother, MY MIL, and of course for my children to lavish attention upon me. ;) It has never really seemed like a day to honor ALL mothers, IYKWIM? But, perhaps I've just been selfish all this time. I'll go with the simple "Thanks for being such a great mother. I admire all you do." How's that? Happy Mothers Day everyone! Jo
  2. How should I approach a gift for a friend. She has been a widow for nearly six years. She has two kids, one is in college, the other jr. high. I never knew her dh. She also has a successful career (if that makes a difference- she isn't bored at home all day is my point). Can I tactfully give a gift? I bought some nice bath salts this morning thinking of her. But since her kids are old enough am I butting in? I guess what I'm asking is how to tell someone that I see how hard she has worked to raise these great kids on her own for the past few years without opening any wounds? We aren't close enough to have discussed the topic of her dh's death, although she knows that I know. Thanks.
  3. Are you responsible for the re-hooking? If not, don't. My dh has a system. He doesn't care if I unhook and rehook, but unhooking and expecting him to know how I did it...nope, he doesn't like that. You're sweet for wanting to help. Jo
  4. [[i'm obviously stressed because I'm reorganizing my pantry. ;) It is a very small pantry and I often lose track of what is in the back. I also need some fresh ideas for meals....hence the pantry party- as my kids are calling it!]] I bought a bunch of ramen noodles when we were living in the lodge with the limited kitchen. I never used them. I once had a friend bring an oriental noodle salad for a dinner party and I loved it. Apparently Cooks.com as a thousand variations---what is your favorite, easy version of a ramen salad? Thanks. Jo
  5. Thanks everyone. :001_smile: Lets hope, and pray, that bad news doesn't travel in pairs- we are awaiting a decision from the housing office. Jo
  6. This opens up a question- Since Hans is Swiss, and Switzerland is great, why did you choose to reside and set up "shop" in America? Just curious. Jo
  7. I'm giggling at my own lack of self-control. One more (shower inspired) thought: I hope the next billionaire capitalist is the one who creates the machine that will sit in the garage and produce all the fuel we need out of garbage- I hope there is a person left in America that profit motivated! :D I'm off....really. jo
  8. Child labor, pollution, toxic hazards....all valid public interest regulations. Cost of oil? Production of corn? Mandated crappy looking light bulbs full of mercury? Not so much. My day has gone from bad to worse, so I'm checking out of this thread for the time being. ;) It's for my own good (and the indirect health of the baby). I don't want you to think I'm not responding sufficiently. Of course I'm right and I need to convince you of that ;), I just don't have it in me right now. Jo
  9. Seventh due in late August/early September. A boy. Jo
  10. :confused: The buyer didn't like the HOA rules. Phooey. I knew it was too easy. Even the inspection went well. Phooey. Phooey. Phooey. That's all. Jo
  11. My today list (Different than the ongoing "to-do" list) Put away clothes organize desk-sort paperwork Make OB appt Make cabin reservation Enter phone #s into cell Vacuum termite poop off of master bed (ewww, sorry but it's on there) Sweep and vacuum Make sign up sheet for upcoming fund-raiser Make and print idea list for upcoming deployment. I have an ongoing to-do list, but I make a daily list in the morning when I have my coffee before the kids get up. Jo
  12. This gives me the heeby jeebies. Giving the government the power to regulate assumes that the government is above corruption and influence as well. What makes you think politicians have more of a conscience than the business leaders? They are both susceptible to corruption, but one is driven more actively by outside market interests. This fear of private business and free market exercise terrifies me. We will lose all our big businesses to other countries who are loosening their restrictions and tax rates. We will be ruined if we continue down this path of corporate hatred. Businesses of all shapes and sizes built this country into a thriving, prosperous nation---now we are throwing it all away in favor of government control. Jo
  13. Mom and toddler both took a nap- the television was heavily utilized on the 3 and 5 yr olds:tongue_smilie:. I think we've turned the corner for now. Thanks everyone. Jo
  14. I'm like you. My head starts to hurt if my ears are working but my brain isn't. I have never met a person who didn't have an opinion, so I like to draw people out. It is an active process of listening and leading in conversation. My topics of choice: Books, changes in society over time, regional issues- local news, etc. If that doesn't work I slink away. Life is short and my time is too valuable. FWIW, I am thrown into many social situations with people very different than myself and I'm required to keep a stiff upper lip and get along with everyone (give me a high five military gals). But having said that, I can get along with just about anyone, different or alike. Everyone has a story to tell and someone really has to go out of their way to be disliked by me.
  15. good idea under most circumstances. Unfortunately all five of my older children are currently sharing a room (and beds). I don't think this would solve their lack of kindness towards each other at the moment. ;) They will all have naps or quiet time this afternoon. Jo
  16. But when things get really hectic in life, I force myself into a fiction (usually mystery) just to get my mind distracted. To answer your question, I don't think it is bad, but I think I could benefit from broadening my horizons with more good fictional writing. Jo
  17. We've had a week. This morning the kids are dragging, and bickering, and whiney, and...and...and...you get the picture. We can't NOT do school, because the weeks events have already disrupted and cut into our school time. I was looking forward to having a whole day at home without needing to go anywhere, but now I'm beginning to dread being with my ornery children. :glare: Any ideas? Jo
  18. Personally, I'm okay with disjointed. On all subjects that dc can do on their own they simply do the assignment, check it off, put it away, and I check it later- often resulting in further disjointed behavior by my interrupting them from their current topic to come and correct what I just graded. They are used to it. :D As for the notebooking. I can't say I'm an expert. But in the early days, I would ask your son to answer a very specific question from the reading. Start small and build with writing. I'm in a hurry, so I can't answer more, sorry. Welcome to homeschooling and the WTM board! Jo
  19. Well, this has me questioning tooth fairy etiquette. Don't your tooth fairies take the tooth with them when they "visit"? Jo
  20. You remembered! See, you are nice! Yep. Contract paperwork. And some Navy cr**...... I mean required Navy paperwork--lots of it. :glare: Then there is all the termite smashing.... you see? our evenings are very busy ;)
  21. I have forgotten my dd's tooth fairy visit three nights in a row. I have made up very creative excuses about moving, needing to address the note to the correct regional tooth fairy, etc. I don't make a big deal about the tooth fairy, and I'm not sure she really believes anyone other than me puts the money under the pillow, but I think her feelings are hurt. Bad mom! In our defense, our week has been insane, my dh has been working 16 hour days and during his waking time at home we have had important paperwork to address. Still.... Jo
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