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  • Location
    Corvallis, OR
  • Interests
    sewing, reading
  1. Has anyone read this series? Or anyone's daughter? Ann Martin is the writer of the babysitter's club I think. What age for reading the series? Do you think the topics she brings up are appropriate? My daughter, who's 7, listened to the first book on Cd from the library, and wants to get more, but I don't know much about the books. What's your opinion of them? good books or not?
  2. Has anyone read this series? Or anyone's daughter? Ann Martin is the writer of the babysitter's club I think. What age for reading the series? Do you think the topics she brings up are appropriate? My daughter, who's 7, listened to the first book on Cd from the library, and wants to get more, but I don't know much about the books. What's your opinion of them? good books or not?
  3. Have you seen the Lois Burdett series, Shakespeare for Kids? It is really fun. We checked a few out from the library, and it got my six year old into Shakespeare.
  4. This is awesome! I was just going to post a very similar question. Thanks gals. Any easy science suggestions?
  5. My son is 4 and 1/2, and he begged to do more school last year. So this year we got him ETC primer, Get set for school (HWOT), singapore math essentials, and a kumon cutting book. He also loves sitting in for SOTW and FIAR.
  6. I got some craft paper at Michaels or Fred Meyers. It's pretty wide though, like wrapping paper wide on a roll. Or we have bought rolls of paper from our local newspaper for 2 or 3$. We use it for coloring or for making fires in out wood stove.
  7. We just have a 1st grader and two preschoolers right now, so obviously our collection is just starting:001_smile:. We have WWE 1 and 2. It's worked for us so far.
  8. We are reading Indian in the Cupboard right now and it is a big hit!
  9. This is encouraging to me too, because we are starting cursive for DD this year in First grade also because she wants to write pretty. It sounds like she ready!
  10. It's not silly because I have wondered the same thing. Listening in on this one :bigear:
  11. We are done with OPGTR and WWE 1. Explode the code was just a supplement fun material, that's just review and easy. Sometimes seemed to take the edge off the day if thrown in. After looking at them, I know she could skip 3 altogether, and just go to 4 of even 5. Any suggestions?
  12. I was planning to do spelling workout WWE 2 A Reason for Handwriting T FLL 1 And what if I had ETC 3(or 4) just for extra work/ weekly change ups. Is this too much? Drop ETC? Or drop WWE 2?
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