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Everything posted by Critterfixer

  1. Morning. Revising. I get to come up for air now and again, then back into the swamp.
  2. Morning. Less scattered today. Weather is changing, and we are expecting rain. Today's goals: House: chores, sweeping the house Gardens: water the containers Cooking: chili and cornbread Writing: revising, so much revising.
  3. Morning. Woke up scattered, but trying to collect some pieces to make the day work. Today's goals: House: chores Garden: watering containers Cooking: pizza night School: none, scheduled day off Writing: a lot of revising.
  4. Morning. I'm thinking about rewriting that tune from Fiddler on the Roof so it says "Revisions!" instead of "tradition!" Yes, I got a revision handed back to me for another two weeks to hopefully be done with it at least for another month? I can hope? On the one hand, I asked for a lot of editing. On the other hand, I don't like it. LOL.
  5. Actually, I probably have less to do--but more places I'm expected to go, and I'll have to make gluten free for myself and my child and no one will be worried about contamination except me, so that's always fun. Also, boy's birthday is day after Thanksgiving, so it will be multiple days of stuff. But I'll manage. Sorry to hear about your migraine situation! That makes it so tough to get through anything when you don't know if you'll be incapacitated by a headache! Today's goals: House: chores, some cleaning, probably bedroom because it's deep in here. Cooking: breakfast for dinner, biscuits and gravy School: usual Gardens: none, but taking plants out for watering on Tuesday morning. Writing: This is where it gets intense. I've got two weeks to finish my NaNoWriMo work, and I've got a revision handed back to me to work on and hopefully finish by Dec 1st. But the good thing is that if I can finally clear it off my plate, I can devote all of December to one revision and one drafting project.
  6. I'm feeling a very great need to grab my phone and head off into the mountains for pictures of colored trees and dark water. I think I've talked one child into going. He's taking his fishing stuff, naturally. I cleared 51,000 in my NaNoWriMo revisions goal (100,000). I only had one drafting thing and it wouldn't have gotten beyond 50,000, so I decided to revise two projects and be a rebel. Looks like I will make my goal of revising both books by the end of the month.
  7. Morning. I just realized that I need to have Thanksgiving plotted out by next weekend. Joy. Today's goals: House: chores, groceries Gardens: none, but on Tuesday all the plants need out for watering. Cooking: taco meat School: schedules Writing: continue revisions. I crossed 51,000 last night in revisions for NaNoWriMo. I'd like to pass 75,000 by Saturday if possible.
  8. Morning. It's a nice day for hot tea--cold and rainy out. Small kitten wants to sharpen her claws on my body, though, and that's not working out well for either of us.
  9. Morning. It's raining--a cold, pattering rain that feels like it should be sleet, only couldn't make up its mind. Today's goals: House: chores, clean sheets and sweep house Cooking: steaks, probably some potatoes, corn, broccoli. Gardens: none School: usual Writing: more revisions. I would like to hit at least 45K by the weekend in revised words.
  10. Morning. Yesterday was work. Today--well, hopefully work, just of a different kind. Today's goals: House: chores Gardens: transplanting and watering everything before it gets really cold again. Cooking: chicken strips School: usual Writing: revisions continued, get some drafting done.
  11. One of these days I need to go over and meet Susan. After all, next door neighbors and all. Yesterday was a day. I lost a writing friend unexpectedly, and that shook me up most of the afternoon. Better this morning.
  12. Morning. House: chores Gardens: I still need to do the bloodroots Cooking: pizza night School: usual Writing: journal, revisions, drafting, meeting
  13. Morning. Start planning for Juliet to go to a dermatologist for skin testing is my vote.
  14. Afternoon! Today was mostly the usual stuff. Doing a lot of revising today.
  15. Morning. It's an actual morning, too, which is nice, and not a dark, cold night that is pretending to be a morning. Today's goals: House: chores, cleaning one room Garden: transplant bloodroots to larger pots, water plants if if gets warm and sunny enough. Cooking: grilling hamburgers Writing: revise two chapters in one project, one in another, draft a chapter in another. Art: meeting with art teacher today, start two projects (a flower and a landscape)
  16. The foster kittens left for their new home this morning. Our kitten has been wandering around the house looking for her friends. So we're all sad and depressed, and according to DH, who is transporting the kittens, they are kind of grumpy about traveling, too. I'm sure we will all adjust (and the older cat will probably celebrate) but it's still lonely.
  17. Morning. Slow to get moving today. It's cold. Today's goals: House: chores, grocery list Gardens: check containers Cooking: leftovers or breakfast, haven't decided yet School: usual Writing: continue revisions, drafting. That's probably all for the day.
  18. Morning! Woke up with intense wrist pain in my left, so I'm all braced up today and for the next few days. Possibly I've been either sleeping wrong on it or typing too much. Today's goals: House: chores Cooking: leftovers School: usual, I think the boys have some reading for me to hear today. Writing: continue revisions, drafting. Maybe not quite so much typing.
  19. That's because he knows you are ITT, the only party that makes sense.
  20. Morning. Been busy doing stuff this morning, but I need to get to work soon. Today's goals: House: chores Gardens: check indoor plants and water as needed Cooking: ham, sweet potatoes, and cranberry sauce School: day off (we are on a four day week and I plan to stay with that--plus both kids are doing NaNoWriMo with me and need the extra writing and thinking day) Writing: Revising in two stories, drafting in one. This morning I'm reading through the drafted work to be ready to dive in with new material. It's been a few months since I was able to dedicate any time to it. Extra: enjoy the cold, rainy day from inside the warm house.
  21. Always good to not die from Mucinex. Follow the rules and all. Up, doing writing things. NaNo time and all.
  22. Cold and threatening rain--a good day to get stuff done! Today's goals: House: chores, a little cleaning Cooking: pizza night, might bake banana bread (didn't get to it yesterday) School: usual Gardens: none Writing: Revising in two projects, drafting in one. Got a few things to send out today, too.
  23. Morning. It's gray, cloudy, and threatening rain, and cold. Perfect November weather. I cleared a writing project out yesterday, leaving me three to work on for November. Got to get started. Caffeine.
  24. Morning! Back at the writing desk this month, but am trying not to be too rough on myself. Today's goals: House: chores Gardens: continue moving plants in for frost, prepare bloodroots for transplanting. Cooking: beef stew, cornbread muffins, banana nut bread School: usual, but have gone to daily history and science to finish up these last two things before graduation. Gah. Have to get ready for that. Writing: NaNoWriMo starts today. I have two revision projects (possibly two others that will land back in my lap later this month), and I need to finish one first draft (probably about 30,000 words remaining). Today's goals are to get through a read of a finished project and fix a few details, get that off to my editor, and then start in on NaNo projects. In addition, I need to draft a query letter for one of the revision projects as I had someone ask about it. Extra: few phone calls
  25. Morning. Happy NaNoWriMo. I'm revising. But revising more than one thing! And that's no different than last month. Oh, and I'll finish a first draft of another story! Wait, I did that before, too. Oh, well. Write all the things.
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