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Everything posted by MeganW

  1. Double-check before you buy to be sure it isn't free through your state. Here in SC, all homeschoolers get it gratis!
  2. - Bible verses: AWANA CDs - The Ten Commandments: Veritas Press Blue CD with the board book "Hand Commands" by Ann Dunagan - Books of the Bible: Classical Conversations CD with Bible Bookcase poster - Christian catechism: Songs for Saplings - Skip Counting: One Hundred Sheep (Christian) with hundreds chart - Geography (solar system, continents & oceans, states): Audio Memory's Geography Songs CD (I am NOT a huge fan of the states & capitals CD) - Presidents: Veritas Press Yellow - Timeline: I plan to use the Veritas Press CDs (but haven't started this yet) - Classical Conversations Memory Work CDs (haven't started CC yet) Each kid has their "Smarty-Pants Notebook" in the car, and I have printed a page for each item we have memorized. Then I frantically change CDs as I drive and we just review as we go. For the most part, that's the only work we do on memory stuff, but they have learned so much!
  3. I think what makes the FIAR books hits or not depends on how much they liked the activities, so I am not sure how helpful it will be to list our favs. BEFORE YOU BUY: go look for the audio versions. My kiddos love love love hearing these using personal CD players at nap/quiet time. They are quality books that my kids love hearing over and over and over and over again. I enjoyed reading them the first few times, but have started buying audio versions when available so I don't have to repeat so often. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0486467708 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0486468240 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0142416436 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0142413879 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0142413445 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0142409529 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0618737561 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0547252641 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0142408395 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0142408719 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0756641365 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0756641373 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1427207305 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0547064330 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1427207240 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1579121489 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0375824308 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1402203292 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0805061800 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0525477179 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1889910171 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1600720927 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1600720943 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1600720919 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1600720935 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1423133331 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1423134265 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1423133358 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1423134273 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1882513320 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1882513592 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000CBR410
  4. Check out Christine Miller's "All Through the Ages - History through Literature". Here's a review that explains exactly what it is: http://rainbowresource.com/product/sku/017073/1301791124-1549784
  5. I don't consider myself a radical about very many things, but carseats are one of the things that gets me going! :)
  6. I ride in the front passenger seat on long trips, and find myself alternately with feet up on the dash, crisscross, etc. to get comfortable. All the positions that a kid would be in RF!
  7. I always thought it was top of the ears. Check on carseat.org.
  8. I have heard that argument so many times as well. There is NO evidence, not even ONE recorded incident of broken legs from a rear-facing carseat in a wreck. Even if there was, the purpose of rear-facing is to protect the spinal cord. I'd take broken legs over a broken neck/spinal cord injury ANY day!
  9. But the force involved in that kind of accident is much less than if you had been hit in the front. You were probably propelled forward when hit from the back. If you had been hit in the front, you probably would have been traveling forward, so not only would the forward movement be stopped, but you would be pushed backward. How much more force is involved when the hit stops your movement or pushes you in the opposite direction, vs. just continuing the way you were going?
  10. My kids have short torsos and long legs, and we rear-faced until past their third birthdays (when they hit the shoulder-height limit of the seats). They just crisscross them. My kids complained for ages when we turned forward facing that they were SOOOO uncomfortable with their legs dangling! Think about it - which way is more comfy? Crisscross, or dangling?
  11. :iagree: If you are rear-ended, both cars are traveling the same direction. Headon collisions are usually cars traveling in opposite directions, so the force is much greater. Rear-facing is SO SO SO much safer! And 5 point harnesses are much much safer than boosters, so even after you are forward-facing, keep those kiddos harnessed as long as possible.
  12. I heard a GREAT speech about exactly this at the Great Homeschool Convention in Gville. Maybe you can find it online? He had an acronym RACE, that determined whether or not you were "a winner". Respect and Attitude were the first two, and the most relevant for this. He discussed respect for your team, your coach, the equipment, the field, the game, etc. TIM CASH (www.theoasischurch.org) Tim was born and raised in Newnan, GA and was able to fulfill his childhood dream of playing professional baseball. For the last 2 decades he has ministered full-time to professional athletes and their families and was the chaplain for the Atlanta Braves for 16 years. As of January 1, 2011, Tim is the new lead pastor of The Oasis Church in Loganville, GA (http://www.theoasischurch.org). Tim is passionate about challenging believers and non-believers alike to consider the truths of Christ and to apply them to their lives. Tim and his wife, Barb, have 5 children and make their home in Dacula, GA.
  13. Our old priest used to seriously get insanely angry about cell phones ringing during the service. Not that I didn't think he had a right to, but he was over the top! He would stop right in the middle of whatever he was saying and stare right at the person, often continuing to stare a few moments after the ringing stopped. Everyone knew exactly who the offender was, and the offender knew exactly how offensive he had been! If they didn't shut it off quickly, he would say "I'll wait while you step outside". Needless to say, after about 3 times, phones NEVER rang in church again! If I were trying to speak or play tennis or whatever while a baby was crying, I would probably pause and kindly say "I'm so sorry to have to ask, but that baby crying is really distracting to me. Would you mind stepping out until he quiets down? Thanks so much!" Big smile. Maybe that's why I am not making the big bucks - I'm too confrontational!
  14. No. You can get it out at playtime in the morning. B/c if they leave out one thing, it will soon be two things! "You are welcome to leave out any toys you want me to get rid of." :)
  15. We have a "Chore Captain" in our house. It rotates daily as to who the CC is. That person checks everyone else's bed, bedside table, etc. to be sure everything is done in the morning, and sends the other kids back to re-do if necessary. If it isn't done and the CC said it was, BOTH the CC and the offender get in trouble! Kiddos LOOOOVE having a clipboard that they can check off each person's chores as they inspect! (My standards are reasonable & age-appropriate - I'm not looking for military bed-making, just reasonably neat!) In the beginning, they really enjoyed lording it over each other and being obnoxiously picky when they were the CC. Now, they have figured out that all chores need to be done to my satisfaction, but if they are ridiculously over-the-top picky, payback will come in the next few days. Good training for being fair to coworkers in the future!
  16. I had the EXACT SAME reaction to the pink milk at our house!
  17. I am TOTALLY with you! I bought my kiddos Easter shoes, and the lady asked if we wanted to wear them home. I replied "no, we don't wear white shoes before Easter, so we'll put them back in the boxes to keep them nice until then". She replied "oh, you are REALLY old-fashioned!". This was an upscale children's shoe store in South Carolina. I was shocked - I would have thought most of her clientele would have felt the same way!
  18. If a kid isn't old enough to do something responsibly, then they aren't old enough for the priviledge. It is unfair to allow a priviledge you know they can't handle. And it is inevitable that you are going to be irritated when they fail. Don't set them up to fail! Left markers where a toddler could get them? That is proof that the child is unable to handle the responsibility of free access to markers. Bye bye markers! Either they go to people who need them more (Goodwill), or they go in a cabinet kids don't have access to. Can't eat without making a mess? Then you can't eat without Mom. If that means you have to go hungry until it is convenient for mom to come supervise, so be it. If that means locks, so be it. As for the playroom, our rule is that if it is left out when you are done playing, you must not want it anymore. Off to Goodwill!! Needless to say, nothing EVER gets left out in there anymore! My son was taught that to pee, we sit at home, and stand in public. Thankfully he hasn't realized that everyone doesn't do that! :) When they splashed water all over the bathroom, I started only letting them bathe with like a few inches of water, enough to bathe but not enough to make a mess or have any fun. They have, at this point, earned back the priviledge of a full tub, and they don't abuse it. If I were you, I would tighten WAAAAY down, and then give privileges back as the kids prove they can handle them. I wouldn't present this as a punishment, but more as just a realignment to get priviledges in line with ability to be responsible.
  19. Those doing Memoria Press kindergarten - I know MP doesn't have art cards or a music CD yet. Anybody found an art book that has most of the works in the program? Or a CD that has most of their music selections? THANKS!
  20. I was at the Gville convention, and ended up sitting in the back of one of Ken Ham's sessions. I didn't even know who he was - I was only in there b/c there wasn't anyone else I wanted to see at that hour and I was tired and wanted to sit for a while. I ended up walking out after about 15 minutes, and I am not the type to get up and walk out of someone's speech right in the middle. I don't know how he came across to everyone else, but I was just tired of listening to the man bash everyone that he had even minor disagreements with. (As one example, he was badmouthing anyone who sends their kids to school. We all know that schools serve a purpose and are necessary in our society, even if we personally have made the choice not to use them. There is no point in going on and on about how terrible people are who send their kids to them.) He just seemed so negative and hate-filled and bent on vilifying everyone who did not see the world 100% as he did. Not exactly the loving reflection of Christ that we are called to be! He wasn't laying out logical arguements to convince - he was trying to scare people into agreeing with him.
  21. I'm so glad someone else feels that way! I often feel like I am a slacker for not being more interested in spending years of my life trying to figure this out!!
  22. Definitely not. Your religion is what you think is the most important thing in your world. It's the thing you think about most. It *CAN* be God, but just as often it's your job, your money, your social status, picking the perfect curriculum for every subject, your kids, etc.
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