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Everything posted by ShelliR

  1. Got her some underwear/socks/ shoes today. One of the parents of a girl that we housed, just handed her a hundred dollar bill. That was SO NICE. They will be looking to house students semi-permanently for the rest of the semester, but I'm like you.... where would I put them? My kids are already arguing about who looses their room, now that big sis is here to stay...
  2. Oh, that is a heart-wrenching account. Was this near US?( W. Tenn.)? I tell you, the students here have been stunned. They're calm, but stunned. My husband (who teaches there) told some of the students who were staying with us after the storm that they could tell everyone that "My education at Union just blew me a way." That dorky humor saved us yesterday let me tell ya.
  3. I post on here a little but just wanted to post that my daughter lives (lived) in the dorms of Union University in Jackson and it was completely destroyed, but she is fine!(Altlhough she says one pair of underware is NOT fine..) Praise the Lord! We are also from Jackson and our house is perfectly fine. I told my husband that it's time to move! Anyone else have a student at Union on here?
  4. I'm currently working on 3 books. "John Wesley's Scriptural Christianity" by Thomas Oden and for fiction, "Uncle Tom's Cabin". And then my husband and I are reading "Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture" for Luke. There was a really interesting article in Christianity Today this month on a return to the ancient church father's and the early church. This commentary series was mentioned in the article and contains teachings from ancient fathers such as Origin, Cyril of Alexandria, Ambrose, etc.... (I guess I'm on a thomas Oden kick as he is the General Editor of the Commentary series.)
  5. I can't help but think that this is a joke.... And NO ONE would want to be on the pro side of this debate..
  6. Kelli should we debate this one in Student Congress?:rolleyes:
  7. I started getting up early this past summer and exercising first thing in the morning and started developing migraines. It took me a while to figure out what was going on. I started taking my blood pressure and realized that I had really low blood pressure in the morning. So a couple of months ago I started up the exercise routine again only this time I make sure that it's done anytime after 1:00p.m.. My migraines have disappeared......well I hope so. Haven't had one yet with that change in the day.
  8. who are volunteering their time for these science fairs. I say that, as my husband will be VOLUNTEERING his precious time next week to help judge our local science fair.......(it may be the first and last time, we'll see....) I must say, that your daughter must have learned SO MUCH with that project. It sounded great! After all, that IS the point, right?
  9. I just got some fiesta ware last month. I was wondering how you all store it. I had just been stacking my plates on top of each other and I noticed that some of them are beginning to look scratched up. Anybody else have trouble with scratching? Right now I have the purple heather, bright green(can't think of what they call it) and peacock blue, I think. I want to add 1-2 more colors..... I just have the a basic set of 4, service for eight.I'd really like soup bowls.
  10. a game called Carcassonne. It is a German game sold through Rio Grande games. It uses land tiles to build cities, farms, cloisters, etc. in the middle ages. My son just got an add-on for the game with "Traders and Builders". It has kept our attention for a couple years now. Ages 8 and up, I think.
  11. We are getting bogged down in Biology right now. I was thinking about looking to see if The Teaching Company had a course to supplement. Does anybody know.
  12. Thanks. Last time I looked on the website, there was nothing about it. I'm so excited! One thing planned for next year now......
  13. Well aren't we a tight little group here! Greta too?! It's harder to hide with this new set-up.........:cool:
  14. Is Jessie writing a book 4? I just love, love, love First Language Lessons 3!. My youngest is in grade 3 this year and I know it's hopeful thinking that there would be a new one for us each year.... I've used Rod and Staff with my other kids and I don't really want to go back to that again for 4th grade... What do others plan to do if there isn't a book 4?
  15. West TN here! (but native to the Black Hills of South Dakota, and always homesick!)
  16. We pay $50 a month for a group piano lesson for an hour. It is through the community music center of a local college here. Violin/cello lessons average $34/hour in our part of Tennessee. This is for private lessons.
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