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Bula Mama

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Everything posted by Bula Mama

  1. I haven't read the whole thread but I love all of the Queen Homeschool items that I've purchased! 3 of my dc are using the Language Lessons series. These books are MUCH better than the older copywork books that she put out. The presentation is much better and the copywork is more interesting, too. I wish there was just a bit more copywork in the younger grades and dictation in the higher ones. Easy to incorporate, though. I think she's done a really good job doing something that would be a happy medium for many dc, tho. I've used 'Boys and Girls in American History,' 'The American-History Storybook,' and 'Short Stories from American History.' My ds who was 9 at the time loved them. I'm currently waiting for the Geography book to arrive and I plan to purchase "Learning How to Learn" soon! So I'm a fan, but I'm kind of a Latin-Centered with a Charlotte Mason flair person! Oh yes, we also have 'The Material World' which absolutely fascinates my 5yo!
  2. Thanks! It looks like you have quite a bit on there! I'll have to sit down and have a good read tonight. Thanks a bunch!
  3. Wow, these sites look GREAT!!!! Thanks soooo much ladies!!! I'm feeling much more confident about this already. :001_smile:
  4. Thanks so much for holding my hand ladies!!! Glad to hear that the Biology is so user friendly! Science is the one area that freaks me out a bit. :001_smile: I was looking at other sources but think we'll just stick with Apologia. Very nice to have your positive input. Thanks again!
  5. Is this something that you can email? I'd love to have it! I tried PM'ing you but couldn't.
  6. Ok, the slides sound really good. You mentioned an online option for the dissections? It this through the Apologia site??? It's not that I don't want to do them, I've just seen on a couple of sites that New Zealand customs won't allow them in. Thanks!
  7. Thanks, Deb! :) I've copied what you wrote into a Word Doc. to refer back to later! I'm leaning back this way again instead of the Abeka thing and really like the audio CD part. Could be very useful like you said!
  8. I just use the book and think it's great! My dc prefer saying it with me instead of the CD. The selection of poems is quite good. With work I could have probably come up with something like it but IEW has done the research already and has put together a really nice selection. I haven't studied it enough to give you an intelligent answer as to why it works (although I'm sure that there are good explanations in Classical Ed. or Charlotte Mason books!) but I believe that reading poetry regularly really does unlock something in a dc's head as far as literacy and the appreciation of language and literature. And memorizing poetry takes it a step further. For example, I had one dc who stuttered until he started memorizing and saying poems out loud with FLL! I wish I had utilized poetry memorization more with my older dc when they were little. Oh well, live and learn! HTH,
  9. I'm not as experienced as the ladies above but I did take classical piano for years and years and always wished that I could play more by ear. But I'm also so glad that I can play Beethoven! I then had a friend who played tons 'by ear' professionally. I actually took a few lessons from her but didn't have time to pursue it further at the time with lots of little ones at home. But I did learn that it WAS something that could be taught with an understanding of chord progressions, etc. There are those very few who natually play amazingly well by ear with no instruction but spending time with this lady taught me that most people do better with music theory to draw from. Since then I've talked to numerous people who appear to play 'by ear' but actually know what they're doing because they understand the music. I have no doubt that given time and practice that I could develop this area as well. So I'm saying this to say that if your dd is interested I think lessons would be a good for her. She's at a great age to get started on reading music, too, and I bet would pick it up quite quickly. Neat to hear of the obvious joy that she's getting out of music!
  10. This was very good to read! I've been wondering how much they're actually getting from Physical which they're doing now. Glad to hear that you've had success with the program even without much involvement from you. Thanks so much! Made me feel a lot better! I've never been stressed about the progress of my dc in school but this High School thing is a little more scary!!!
  11. I've seen the kits for disection and Customs in New Zealand won't allow them through. :-( I'm actually thinking just of something that would help to actually teach the course to make up for my lack of experience in Science without spending lots of time that I don't have being involved in the process myself. Guess I'm just aware that courses like this really matter now as they head toward college in a few years and want to make SURE that they're done right!
  12. Is there anything that helps in teaching Apologia Biology besides The Potter School? I had planned for my dd's to start Bio. in Jan. so that's not an option. There is a co-op that teaches it here but we're moving to New Zealand in Jan.! I'm wondering how the D.I.V.E. cd would work with this but, of course, no one's used it yet since it just came out. Are there other options out there that I don't know about? Thanks for any info.!
  13. Has anyone seen any of the print books by Garcia??? The ones divided into 2 age groups look like they COULD be really good!
  14. I've heard very good things from friends who have used Abeka Science with DVD's for the teaching. They're a bit pricey ($399 per level to 'rent' the DVD's) but I'm going to use them next year for Biology. Just seems like interaction from you would be at a minimun using these! That's one of my goals in trying them actually!
  15. My dd is doing well using MUS Algebra I which teaches the lesson by video but then the student masters the material before moving one. I don't want to confuse you more (!) but my other dd loves Teaching Textbooks which are kind of like a video on the computer where you are talked through the lessons without seeing a teachers face. These are by far my 2 favorite programs for upper level math.
  16. Hi! Sorry to barge in, but I asked on the HS forum and didn't get any answer. Have any of you seen the High School level reading???? I've been following some threads about CLE and am very curious. Thanks!
  17. Good point! I think on those grounds I'll cancel my Amazon order and go through PHP. Plus, we've already started school and I need the materials asap!
  18. Ok, thanks! Guess I'll just have to be patient! :chillpill:
  19. I just purchased Lively Latin but my Internet did something funny after I paid Paypal and I don't know how to actually get the book. Do I wait for an email that will give me a link to download it? Or have I missed something vital and will have to call the company tomorrow? I do have my Paypal receipt in my inbox so I know that the payment went through. I'm just looking forward to seeing the book so am slightly impatient, can you tell? :D
  20. I don't use these specifically for spelling, but I don't start any other spelling program until my dc are finished with these. HTH!
  21. These are different than the one I was thinking of but will do quite nicely!!! I've just ordered. Thanks so much!
  22. You would already have your book by now!!!! Like someone else said, I took advantage of the great pre-order price at Amazon....but still as of yet have not seen the books!!! I'm going to give it to the end of this week and if they haven't shipped yet I'll cancel and order from PHP.
  23. I saw a Middle Ages coloring book SOMEWHERE but can't remember which site sells this! Does anyone know?
  24. Sorry if I spoke out of turn here. My brother is reformed and I've had a very specific conversation with him and his wife where I found that they don't believe that they can know for SURE that they are chosen until Heaven. They THINK that they are but they don't express assurance of salvation like other denominations do. I guess this is not universal among reformed churches then. I don't think I stressed works as the doorway. Of course, it's by grace but the stress for them is more on His Divine choosing rather than by free-will choice as a more Arminian theology would stress. Like I said, it's not my particular theological bent but I do have great respect for those who are reformed that I know and think that different perspectives in the Church have a lot that can be learned from each other.
  25. I'll take a stab at this since no one else has yet for you! I've never used TOG so I can't answer those questions specifically but what it probably means is a heavily Calvinistic perspective. Just like other theological perspectives there can be a bit of flux from person to person but 'reformed' generally means a strong emphasis on predestination (as opposed to God giving us a choice in free-will and grace and the belief that you can't be SURE that you're chosen by God until Heaven), studying the Catacism (spelling????), and they believe in infant baptism to name a few things. I'm not reformed but I do appreciate how some of the theology balances out some possible weaknesses in my own. For example, I think it's good to remember thet God is Soverign and that we need to serve Him in reverance and holy fear (a focus of a reformed church) alongside of accepting His grace. I wouldn't have a problem using TOG materials but I would have to be prepared to discuss any differences in beliefs that my family may have.
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