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jacqui in mo

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Everything posted by jacqui in mo

  1. I think you're right! However the few times I've bought extra (Not a dozen!) of something, I've ended up not liking them well enough to keep using. LOL Guess you just can't please me. Or the opposite, I find something I like and wear it a few times to be sure & then the store doesn't have anymore. Usually the store only has a couple in my size of whatever, especially if it is a hard to find item for me.:D
  2. I cannot find jeans that fit, and I hate trying on pair after pair just to see how ugly they make my pear shape look:glare:. They all seem to want to fit too snuggly in the thigh and all have a tremendous gap in the back waistband area (seriously, what is with that?) unless of course you have an elastic waistband. But if you have an elastic waistband then you usually don't have useful pockets.Arrggh, I do not want to go to a gillion stores trying to find one pair that fits me. Mostly this is a vent, but maybe, possibly someone could point out a store that they seem to find a good fit in jeans. I am around a size 8 depending on the brand. Oh, and also maybe educate me on the terms they use: Midrise, bootcut, relaxed fit, etc. I sorta understand bootcut, but the other terms don't mean much & even seem to vary in meaning. Bleh, I just want to quickly find a functional pair of jeans. It's not like I'm shopping for a wedding dress or something. I don't want to see a bizillion styles & brands. And I don't want to pay a wedding dress price for them either. Okay, maybe the rant is over. :tongue_smilie:
  3. Medications certainly can cause tinnitus. Aspirin can cause it as well as your antibiotics. Also if you have fluid in your middle ear that can contribute. Seems like you have several factors that add up to the tinnitus, but hopefully that means it's just temporary. It's very annoying even temporarily. I'm glad you're going to the ENT but don't expect a quick fix. Jacqui
  4. This sounds good. It does take time but in many cases I'd say it takes longer than the learning to read. In reading it is a forward progression in learning a new skill. In articulation therapy you are not only learning a new skill, but having to unlearn an incorrect speech habit that's been there for almost 4 years. I would suggest trying to make up silly sentences or "tongue twisters" that use a lot of his target sound. (ie Tim touched his tickly toe) and see if he can say them. You can also have him memorize short poems & have him emphasize words with his speech sound. I do this with my son & the S sound. The poem was "Animal Crackers" & for fun I gave him an animal cracker each time there was an S sound that he said correctly. (There were lots, so he had to share cookies with his siblings.;o) My ds is almost 7 btw. We video taped him when he had it memorized correctly & let him watch it. Seeing himself making the sound correctly can also raise awareness. (although my ds was laughing at himself so hard I don't think he got much out of noticing his speech) Short periods like this at home are absolutely perfect. Would you be able to squeeze in one other short session per day? You could make each session 10 minutes instead of 15. Short sessions more than one time a day are great for learning almost any new material. Wow, that specialty is new to me although I know of MFT! Are you sure the person doesn't have a ST degree? Even if they don't they may still have access to the pictures that may be helpful. This is correct information. It sounds like T & D are the most appropriate sounds to be working on right now. It's great he can say TH and SH already! I'd be glad to help you with any more questions. Keep up the good work. Jacqui
  5. What sounds are you worried about with your 4yo? I'm a ST and have heard good things about the books Teach me to talk right http://www.amazon.com/Right-Teach-Child-Sound-Lessons/dp/0963542605/ref=pd_sim_b_1 which gives tips on specific sounds of R, L, and S. Those sounds though are a little bit "old" for your 4yo to be working on (except maybe the S since your child is having tongue thrust issues.) Have you asked your ST for some resources to work with at home? They could probably get you some copies of drawings of mouth & tongue positions. You just don't want to overwhelm your child though trying to work on too much all at the same time. HTH Jacqui
  6. I don't want them to go to waste, but not sure they'll do for BBQ sandwiches or stir fry. Thanks
  7. Thanks for that article. Very interesting! I would have to look for one on Ebay, cause I'm not willing to pay $50 or more for one. eeK!
  8. I did get a red one at Target today. I wasn't specifically getting it for astronomy (light science) but I had thought in the back of my mind that it would work for that too. Why does it need to be green?
  9. Excederin has aspirin in it too which you aren't supposed to give to kids under 18.
  10. Not sure, but the premise is that there are many, many triggers for HA including hormones.You want to keep the triggers that you can control low so that when there are triggers you can't control (hormones, weather changes, screaming kids :o) etc) you (hopefully) won't reach your migraine threshold level of triggers. In other words, hormones alone may not cause you to get the migraine, but hormones combined with other triggers may send you over the edge at that time of the month. See if your library has the book before you consider buying it. HTH Jacqui
  11. What kind of store? What department in the store? (What aisle number & shelf while we're at it:D) thanks!
  12. Yes, I get goofy with my migraines. I don't concentrate well (really, who could?), have more word finding difficulties, forget more things, etc. Have you read the book "Heal Your Headaches"? http://www.amazon.com/Heal-Your-Headache-Program-Taking/dp/0761125663/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1234991268&sr=8-1 When I cut out the trigger foods mentioned in this book, my migraines have been much better. I'm not 100% but, quite a bit better. HTH Jacqui
  13. Your tear duct is blocked, probably by something in your sinus from the cold. You might try using one of the sinus rinses such as a Neti Pot or what I use is Neil Med sinus rinse. You can get it at Walmart. I would think that would be helpful for your cold too. I had a blocked tear duct a few years ago and I don't recall that it started with a cold but it did end up being some sort of weird tissue from my sinus blocking the duct. An Ophthalmologist had looked at it & tried to poke open the eye duct (eek!) but when that did not work he scheduled me to have more extensive cutting open of the duct. Thankfully, before that surgery took place, something dislodged in my sinus when I blew my nose a few days later that made my duct open normally again. Perhaps the poking around the Dr. did loosened it, but the Dr. hadn't even considered that the obstruction was in the sinus. It isn't a major medical problem to have tears running down your face, but it sure is annoying & embarrassing at times. Hope it resolves itself soon. Jacqui
  14. Aww, so cute. I thought I was looking at siblings of our cat Augusta. If you blended the colors of your 2 cats together with just a bit more white you would have her. My cat almost never sits on my lap except when I'm on the computer. It's not for the warmth since it's not the laptop, but I do appreciate getting a cuddle with her.
  15. Do get this checked out by a doctor. Although I don't know what it is,you shouldn't be feeling something like that. Jacqui, the speech therapist.
  16. The Passport to Purity is supposed to be based on a weekend type trip with your dd/ds to make it a fun, close uninterrupted time with the parent. (although it can be done at home if such a trip isn't possible). I did this with my dd tw years ago where I combined it with a trip to Grandma's house (a 4 hour car trip). We listened to the cds in the car & one at Grandma's house. It was fun & my dd liked it.
  17. Oh, this reminds me, you could also have her suck on something cold. like a Popsicle to numb the taste buds. Perhaps that combined with some of the other suggestions might help. Jacqui
  18. I'm beginning to think not, in my case. I can get cleaned up and seem temporarily organized but then it gradually (or quickly) falls apart. Even when I try to keep certain small areas organized, for instance, a drawer, or a shelf it cannot stay that way, especially if I have to share it with any other person in this house. I was just reading a book on ADD (Delivered from Distraction) that talked about organization for people so afflicted. The chapter basically concluded that you have to settle for "good enough" in the cleaness/organization area, and instead put your energy into being just organized enough to work on your dreams/goals, things you love. I'm not sure I'm ready to give up on a somewhat clean house yet, but I so easily get off track, especially during PMS week that I do feel discouraged when I try. Jacqui
  19. Family Life Today has a good cd set "Passport to Purity" that you go through with your child to talk about the growing up stuff and purity. http://store.familylife.com/detail.asp?id=8447&p=185378
  20. Aww, that's so hard for you and your mom. It sounds like you've tried everything I know about. Does your mom have all her faculties and understand why she's taking so many meds? Or is she just resistive b/c she doesn't like the taste? Either way, it's hard to get past if she wants to resist. Have you talked with a pharmacist? Sometimes they can add flavorings to medicinces (Not that I've ever tasted a good flavored med). They may also have some other ideas for you. Jacqui
  21. Wow, you can have separate wish lists? I think that might be a little too organized for me. Wish list does sound like a good idea though, instead of "saving for later". Does Amazon alert you to updates in the prices of items in the wish list?
  22. I guess I can officially feel a little less silly for keeping so many items in my Amazon cart and for not wanting it to disappear. It does help my thinking on future presents and such.
  23. Wow, hundreds! I was not going to admit that I have 45 items. ( I actually couldn't remember how many items until, as the other poster advised, I logged in.
  24. By George, You're right. I've never had to sign in before when just browsing and looking at my cart. Only when actually going to complete making a purchase. Thanks for the heads up. If I have to sign in each time, maybe I'll remember my password!
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