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Everything posted by TammyB

  1. My in-laws sent me home from Sunday dinner with leftover roast beef, but I forgot to stick it in the fridge. Is it okay? Thanks, Tammy
  2. who has not had formal phonics? I have My Father's World first grade, and I was planning on going through the phonics lessons with said first grader just to make sure there aren't any gaps. I've been thinking, however, about just getting started with All About Spelling level 1 with him instead. Is there any reason not to do this? My Father's World has the child complete phonics in first grade and then begin formal spelling in second, BUT if a child is reading well, couldn't phonics just be taught via spelling? This seems easier to me. My plate is extremely full this year, and I am looking to make things as easy yet as effective as possible. By the way....this particular child is super interested in learning to spell. :) Thanks, Tammy
  3. The AAS website says to buy an extra spelling box, dividers, and student packet for a second student. Is all of that really necessary? This is getting really expensive really fast. Thanks, Tammy
  4. There is definitely no comma after ONE prepositional phrase at the beginning of a sentence. A comma is used after two or three prepositional phrases that begin a sentence (that come all in a row...one right after the other). I hope that made sense. I am way too tired to be typing. :)
  5. Saving time is definitely what I am looking to do. :)
  6. You probably should start a new thread for this. I think it will get lost here. I would LOVE to hear from people who have used FLL and ILL. :)
  7. I just took a quick look at Growing with Grammar. It looks fine, but I still like the idea of FLL 4 better. I'm not really wanting an independent grammar program as I do want to teach it. (I'm a former classroom English teacher.)
  8. I'll check out Growing with Grammar. Thanks! Is the average length of lessons in FLL about twenty minutes?
  9. I'm getting ready to begin our "Year of the Baby" school year, and I am looking to simplify/streamline as much as possible. :) I have a nine year old, language-gifted daughter, and an eleven year old typical, allergic-to-pencils son. I'm considering using FLL 4 with both of them. Up to this point I have used Emma Serl's Language Lessons with them. My daughter has completed Primary Language Lessons, and my son has completed the first third of Intermediate Language Lessons. (He is one year behind where he should ideally be in this book as last year was the "Year of Mommy is Violently, Horribly, Awfully Sick from Pregnancy.") I do believe these books are extremely beneficial and really make a child think, but I am hesitant about my ability to keep up with two children in Intermediate Language Lessons. Hence my consideration of FLL for both. FLL appears extremely straightforward, to-the-point, easy-to-get-done. Since neither child has had formal grammar and this is the year I have been planning for my oldest son to begin it, could I not just use FLL 4 and teach them together? It is right on target for my younger, fourth grade daughter, and while my sixth grade son could begin ALL, I think he would do better with it if he had a year of formal grammar under his belt first. I think it is possible that I could still pick and choose some of the rich Intermediate Language Lessons to do with them as well. (I just love that book!) Thoughts? Am I missing some reason this is a poor plan? Thanks so much! Tammy
  10. Are you doing both the artist and musician studies simultaneously? I'm curious how often these fit into your schedule. :) Thanks, Tammy
  11. TONIC WATER....Seriously. The quinine in it settles restlessness. I was absolutely miserable with restless legs in my last pregnancy and tonic water saved my life. Drink a lot of it and expect it to take a day or two before it kicks in. My ob gave his okay to it, btw. Oh...soaking in HOT water made a difference for me sometimes, as well. Hope this helps!
  12. Yay for you! It takes a lot of courage, commitment, and tenacity to homeschool, so I commend you on your choice. Best wishes for continued success. :)
  13. Analytical Grammar is not listed as one of the vendors at my state's homeschool convention. I wonder if any other vendors sell their products, or if they are the sole distributors.
  14. Thanks for the bump. :) I'm ready to order it, but I want to make sure I get it at the best price.
  15. I'm wondering if I need to purchase Junior Analytical Grammar directly from the author's website or if it is available else where. (Rainbow Resource doesn't appear to carry it.) Thanks! Tammy
  16. JAG looks more interesting to me as the teacher than FLL, so that is definitely a consideration. :) I also don't know how much it includes along the lines of poetry, narration, dictation, etc. as I don't need any of that. I strictly want grammar. I'm leaning towards JAG in 6th rather than AG as I would like ds's first go round of formal grammar to be lighter than what I perceive AG to be. I want him to end up understanding all the fine details, but presentation of new material needs to be slow and steady for him. Unless it is his perfectionism kicks in and it is not pretty. I really appreciate your sharing your positive experience with JAG. Tammy
  17. I'm looking to do a grammar overview year with my eleven year old ds for sixth grade beginning in the fall. He has completed Primary Language Lessons and will be about 1/3 of the way (or a little further) through Intermediate Language Lessons at that time. (The sixth grade section of ILL includes an introduction to formal grammar, but I think I want to use a separate grammar program and continue to use ILL for poem and prose study, etc.) I like what I see of JAG online, but the internet samples of FLL 3 that I've seen haven't given me a good feel for how the two compare. If it makes any difference, grammar is my strength (college degree and years of teaching it at the middle and high school level). I am expecting baby #4 (I'm 38 weeks.), so ease of use is critical to me. I'm hoping someone who is familiar with both can offer me some insight. :) Thanks, Tammy
  18. I just downloaded Fractions 1 and 2, but I've only had a chance to glance over it. I'd give serious consideration to switching to MM if I could figure out where to start. I need to take some time and really pour over the website.
  19. It is US Ed. Trust me. I'd love to block out the memory of today. :)
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